package File::KDBX::Dumper::V3; # ABSTRACT: Dump KDBX3 files use warnings; use strict; use Crypt::Digest qw(digest_data); use Encode qw(encode); use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:header :compression); use File::KDBX::Error; use File::KDBX::IO::Crypt; use File::KDBX::IO::HashBlock; use File::KDBX::Util qw(:class :empty :int :load erase_scoped); use IO::Handle; use namespace::clean; extends 'File::KDBX::Dumper'; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION sub _write_headers { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; my $kdbx = $self->kdbx; my $headers = $kdbx->headers; my $buf = ''; # FIXME kinda janky - maybe add a "prepare" hook to massage the KDBX into the correct shape before we get # this far local $headers->{+HEADER_TRANSFORM_SEED} = $kdbx->transform_seed; local $headers->{+HEADER_TRANSFORM_ROUNDS} = $kdbx->transform_rounds; if (nonempty (my $comment = $headers->{+HEADER_COMMENT})) { $buf .= $self->_write_header($fh, HEADER_COMMENT, $comment); } for my $type ( HEADER_CIPHER_ID, HEADER_COMPRESSION_FLAGS, HEADER_MASTER_SEED, HEADER_TRANSFORM_SEED, HEADER_TRANSFORM_ROUNDS, HEADER_ENCRYPTION_IV, HEADER_INNER_RANDOM_STREAM_KEY, HEADER_STREAM_START_BYTES, HEADER_INNER_RANDOM_STREAM_ID, ) { defined $headers->{$type} or throw "Missing value for required header: $type", type => $type; $buf .= $self->_write_header($fh, $type, $headers->{$type}); } $buf .= $self->_write_header($fh, HEADER_END); return $buf; } sub _write_header { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; my $type = shift; my $val = shift // ''; $type = to_header_constant($type); if ($type == HEADER_END) { $val = "\r\n\r\n"; } elsif ($type == HEADER_COMMENT) { $val = encode('UTF-8', $val); } elsif ($type == HEADER_CIPHER_ID) { my $size = length($val); $size == 16 or throw 'Invalid cipher UUID length', got => $size, expected => $size; } elsif ($type == HEADER_COMPRESSION_FLAGS) { $val = pack('L<', $val); } elsif ($type == HEADER_MASTER_SEED) { my $size = length($val); $size == 32 or throw 'Invalid master seed length', got => $size, expected => $size; } elsif ($type == HEADER_TRANSFORM_SEED) { # nothing } elsif ($type == HEADER_TRANSFORM_ROUNDS) { $val = pack_Ql($val); } elsif ($type == HEADER_ENCRYPTION_IV) { # nothing } elsif ($type == HEADER_INNER_RANDOM_STREAM_KEY) { # nothing } elsif ($type == HEADER_STREAM_START_BYTES) { # nothing } elsif ($type == HEADER_INNER_RANDOM_STREAM_ID) { $val = pack('L<', $val); } elsif ($type == HEADER_KDF_PARAMETERS || $type == HEADER_PUBLIC_CUSTOM_DATA) { throw "Unexpected KDBX4 header: $type", type => $type; } elsif ($type == HEADER_COMMENT) { throw "Unexpected KDB header: $type", type => $type; } else { alert "Unknown header: $type", type => $type; } my $size = length($val); my $buf = pack('C S<', 0+$type, $size); $fh->print($buf, $val) or throw 'Failed to write header'; return "$buf$val"; } sub _write_body { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; my $key = shift; my $header_data = shift; my $kdbx = $self->kdbx; # assert all required headers present for my $field ( HEADER_CIPHER_ID, HEADER_ENCRYPTION_IV, HEADER_MASTER_SEED, HEADER_INNER_RANDOM_STREAM_KEY, HEADER_STREAM_START_BYTES, ) { defined $kdbx->headers->{$field} or throw "Missing $field"; } my $master_seed = $kdbx->headers->{+HEADER_MASTER_SEED}; my @cleanup; $key = $kdbx->composite_key($key); my $response = $key->challenge($master_seed); push @cleanup, erase_scoped $response; my $transformed_key = $kdbx->kdf->transform($key); push @cleanup, erase_scoped $transformed_key; my $final_key = digest_data('SHA256', $master_seed, $response, $transformed_key); push @cleanup, erase_scoped $final_key; my $cipher = $kdbx->cipher(key => $final_key); $fh = File::KDBX::IO::Crypt->new($fh, cipher => $cipher); $fh->print($kdbx->headers->{+HEADER_STREAM_START_BYTES}) or throw 'Failed to write start bytes'; $kdbx->key($key); $fh = File::KDBX::IO::HashBlock->new($fh); my $compress = $kdbx->headers->{+HEADER_COMPRESSION_FLAGS}; if ($compress == COMPRESSION_GZIP) { load_optional('IO::Compress::Gzip'); $fh = IO::Compress::Gzip->new($fh, -Level => IO::Compress::Gzip::Z_BEST_COMPRESSION(), -TextFlag => 1, ) or throw "Failed to initialize compression library: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError", error => $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError; } elsif ($compress != COMPRESSION_NONE) { throw "Unsupported compression ($compress)\n", compression_flags => $compress; } my $header_hash = digest_data('SHA256', $header_data); $self->_write_inner_body($fh, $header_hash); } 1;