package File::KDBX::Cipher; # ABSTRACT: A block cipher mode or cipher stream use warnings; use strict; use Devel::GlobalDestruction; use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:cipher :random_stream); use File::KDBX::Error; use File::KDBX::Util qw(:class erase format_uuid); use Module::Load; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use namespace::clean; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION my %CIPHERS; =attr uuid $uuid = $cipher->uuid; Get the UUID if the cipher was constructed with one. =attr stream_id $stream_id = $cipher->stream_id; Get the stream ID if the cipher was constructed with one. =attr key $key = $cipher->key; Get the raw encryption key. =attr iv $iv = $cipher->iv; Get the initialization vector. =attr iv_size $size = $cipher->iv_size; Get the expected size of the initialization vector, in bytes. =attr key_size $size = $cipher->key_size; Get the size the mode or stream expects the key to be, in bytes. =attr block_size $size = $cipher->block_size; Get the block size, in bytes. =attr algorithm Get the symmetric cipher algorithm. =cut has 'uuid', is => 'ro'; has 'stream_id', is => 'ro'; has 'key', is => 'ro'; has 'iv', is => 'ro'; sub iv_size { 0 } sub key_size { -1 } sub block_size { 0 } sub algorithm { $_[0]->{algorithm} or throw 'Block cipher algorithm is not set' } =method new =method new_from_uuid =method new_from_stream_id $cipher = File::KDBX::Cipher->new(uuid => $uuid, key => $key, iv => $iv); # OR $cipher = File::KDBX::Cipher->new_from_uuid($uuid, key => $key, iv => $iv); $cipher = File::KDBX::Cipher->new(stream_id => $id, key => $key); # OR $cipher = File::KDBX::Cipher->new_from_stream_id($id, key => $key); Construct a new L. This is a factory method which returns a subclass. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; return $class->new_from_uuid(delete $args{uuid}, %args) if defined $args{uuid}; return $class->new_from_stream_id(delete $args{stream_id}, %args) if defined $args{stream_id}; throw 'Must pass uuid or stream_id'; } sub new_from_uuid { my $class = shift; my $uuid = shift; my %args = @_; $args{key} or throw 'Missing encryption key'; $args{iv} or throw 'Missing encryption IV'; my $formatted_uuid = format_uuid($uuid); my $cipher = $CIPHERS{$uuid} or throw "Unsupported cipher ($formatted_uuid)", uuid => $uuid; ($class, my %registration_args) = @$cipher; my @args = (%args, %registration_args, uuid => $uuid); load $class; my $self = bless {@args}, $class; return $self->init(@args); } sub new_from_stream_id { my $class = shift; my $id = shift; my %args = @_; $args{key} or throw 'Missing encryption key'; my $cipher = $CIPHERS{$id} or throw "Unsupported stream cipher ($id)", id => $id; ($class, my %registration_args) = @$cipher; my @args = (%args, %registration_args, stream_id => $id); load $class; my $self = bless {@args}, $class; return $self->init(@args); } =method init $self->init; Called by L to set attributes. You normally shouldn't call this. Returns itself to allow method chaining. =cut sub init { $_[0] } sub DESTROY { !in_global_destruction and erase \$_[0]->{key} } =method encrypt $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext, ...); Encrypt some data. =cut sub encrypt { die 'Not implemented' } =method decrypt $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext, ...); Decrypt some data. =cut sub decrypt { die 'Not implemented' } =method finish $ciphertext .= $cipher->finish; # if encrypting $plaintext .= $cipher->finish; # if decrypting Finish the stream. =cut sub finish { '' } =method encrypt_finish $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt_finish($plaintext, ...); Encrypt and finish a stream in one call. =cut sub encrypt_finish { my $self = shift; my $out = $self->encrypt(@_); $out .= $self->finish; return $out; } =method decrypt_finish $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt_finish($ciphertext, ...); Decrypt and finish a stream in one call. =cut sub decrypt_finish { my $self = shift; my $out = $self->decrypt(@_); $out .= $self->finish; return $out; } =method register File::KDBX::Cipher->register($uuid => $package, %args); Register a cipher. Registered ciphers can be used to encrypt and decrypt KDBX databases. A cipher's UUID B be unique and B. A cipher UUID is written into each KDBX file and the associated cipher must be registered with the same UUID in order to decrypt the KDBX file. C<$package> should be a Perl package relative to C or prefixed with a C<+> if it is a fully-qualified package. C<%args> are passed as-is to the cipher's L method. =cut sub register { my $class = shift; my $id = shift; my $package = shift; my @args = @_; my $formatted_id = looks_like_number($id) ? $id : format_uuid($id); $package = "${class}::${package}" if $package !~ s/^\+// && $package !~ /^\Q${class}::\E/; my %blacklist = map { (looks_like_number($_) ? $_ : File::KDBX::Util::uuid($_)) => 1 } split(/,/, $ENV{FILE_KDBX_CIPHER_BLACKLIST} // ''); if ($blacklist{$id} || $blacklist{$package}) { alert "Ignoring blacklisted cipher ($formatted_id)", id => $id, package => $package; return; } if (defined $CIPHERS{$id}) { alert "Overriding already-registered cipher ($formatted_id) with package $package", id => $id, package => $package; } $CIPHERS{$id} = [$package, @args]; } =method unregister File::KDBX::Cipher->unregister($uuid); Unregister a cipher. Unregistered ciphers can no longer be used to encrypt and decrypt KDBX databases, until reregistered (see L). =cut sub unregister { delete $CIPHERS{$_} for @_; } BEGIN { __PACKAGE__->register(CIPHER_UUID_AES128, 'CBC', algorithm => 'AES', key_size => 16); __PACKAGE__->register(CIPHER_UUID_AES256, 'CBC', algorithm => 'AES', key_size => 32); __PACKAGE__->register(CIPHER_UUID_SERPENT, 'CBC', algorithm => 'Serpent', key_size => 32); __PACKAGE__->register(CIPHER_UUID_TWOFISH, 'CBC', algorithm => 'Twofish', key_size => 32); __PACKAGE__->register(CIPHER_UUID_CHACHA20, 'Stream', algorithm => 'ChaCha'); __PACKAGE__->register(CIPHER_UUID_SALSA20, 'Stream', algorithm => 'Salsa20'); __PACKAGE__->register(STREAM_ID_CHACHA20, 'Stream', algorithm => 'ChaCha'); __PACKAGE__->register(STREAM_ID_SALSA20, 'Stream', algorithm => 'Salsa20'); } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::KDBX::Cipher; my $cipher = File::KDBX::Cipher->new(uuid => $uuid, key => $key, iv => $iv); my $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt('plaintext'); $ciphertext .= $cipher->encrypt('more plaintext'); $ciphertext .= $cipher->finish; my $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt('ciphertext'); $plaintext .= $cipher->decrypt('more ciphertext'); $plaintext .= $cipher->finish; =head1 DESCRIPTION A cipher is used to encrypt and decrypt KDBX files. The L distribution comes with several pre-registered ciphers ready to go: =for :list * C<61AB05A1-9464-41C3-8D74-3A563DF8DD35> - AES128 (legacy) * C<31C1F2E6-BF71-4350-BE58-05216AFC5AFF> - AES256 * C - ChaCha20 * C<716E1C8A-EE17-4BDC-93AE-A977B882833A> - Salsa20 * C<098563FF-DDF7-4F98-8619-8079F6DB897A> - Serpent * C - Twofish B If you want your KDBX file to be readable by other KeePass implementations, you must use a UUID and algorithm that they support. From the list above, AES256 and ChaCha20 are well-supported. You should avoid AES128 for new databases. You can also L your own cipher. Here is a skeleton: package File::KDBX::Cipher::MyCipher; use parent 'File::KDBX::Cipher'; File::KDBX::Cipher->register( # $uuid, $package, %args "\x12\x34\x56\x78\x9a\xbc\xde\xfg\x12\x34\x56\x78\x9a\xbc\xde\xfg" => __PACKAGE__, ); sub init { ... } # optional sub encrypt { ... } sub decrypt { ... } sub finish { ... } sub key_size { ... } sub iv_size { ... } sub block_size { ... } =cut