package Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::CCM; # ABSTRACT: A plugin bundle for pod woven by CCM =head1 SYNOPSIS # In your weaver.ini file: [@Author::CCM] # In your dist.ini file: [PodWeaver] config_plugin = @Author::CCM =head1 DESCRIPTION You probably don't want to use this. =head1 SEE ALSO =for :list * L * L =head1 CREDITS This module was heavily inspired by Karen Etheridge's config. =cut use warnings; use strict; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION use Pod::Weaver::Config::Assembler; use namespace::autoclean; =method configure Returns the configuration in a form similar to what one might use with L. =cut sub configure { return ( ['-EnsurePod5'], ['-H1Nester'], ['-SingleEncoding'], ['-Transformer' => List => {transformer => 'List'}], ['-Transformer' => Verbatim => {transformer => 'Verbatim'}], ['Region' => 'header'], 'Name', # ['Badges' => {badge => [qw(perl travis coverage)], formats => 'html, markdown'}], 'Version', ['Region' => 'prelude'], ['Generic' => 'SYNOPSIS'], ['Generic' => 'DESCRIPTION'], ['Generic' => 'OVERVIEW'], ['Collect' => 'ATTRIBUTES' => {command => 'attr'}], ['Collect' => 'METHODS' => {command => 'method'}], ['Collect' => 'FUNCTIONS' => {command => 'func'}], 'Leftovers', ['Region' => 'postlude'], 'Bugs', 'Authors', 'Contributors', 'Legal', ['Region' => 'footer'], ); } =method mvp_bundle_config Required in order to be a plugin bundle. =cut sub mvp_bundle_config { my $self = shift || __PACKAGE__; return map { $self->_expand_config($_) } $self->configure; } sub _exp { Pod::Weaver::Config::Assembler->expand_package($_[0]) } sub _expand_config { my $self = shift; my $spec = shift; my ($name, $package, $payload); if (!ref $spec) { ($name, $package, $payload) = ($spec, $spec, {}); } elsif (@$spec == 1) { ($name, $package, $payload) = (@$spec[0,0], {}); } elsif (@$spec == 2) { ($name, $package, $payload) = ref $spec->[1] ? @$spec[0,0,1] : (@$spec[1,0], {}); } else { ($package, $name, $payload) = @$spec; } $name =~ s/^[@=-]//; $package = _exp($package); if ($package eq _exp('Region')) { $name = $spec->[1]; $payload = {region_name => $spec->[1], %$payload}; } $name = '@Author::CCM/' . $name if $package ne _exp('Generic') && $package ne _exp('Collect'); return [$name => $package => $payload]; } 1;