#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw($PLACEHOLDER); use Benchmark qw(cmpthese); use CGI::Ex::Conf; use POSIX qw(tmpnam); $PLACEHOLDER = chr(186).'~'.chr(186); my $n = -2; my $cob = CGI::Ex::Conf->new; my %files = (); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### # [pauls@localhost lib]$ perl ../t/samples/bench_conf_readers.pl # Rate yaml yaml2 sto pl xml g_conf ini sto2 #yaml 250/s -- -1% -14% -14% -61% -77% -95% -95% #yaml2 254/s 1% -- -13% -13% -60% -77% -95% -95% #sto 292/s 17% 15% -- -0% -54% -73% -94% -95% #pl 292/s 17% 15% 0% -- -54% -73% -94% -95% #xml 636/s 155% 151% 118% 118% -- -42% -88% -88% #g_conf 1088/s 335% 329% 273% 272% 71% -- -79% -80% #ini 5144/s 1958% 1929% 1662% 1660% 708% 373% -- -3% #sto2 5321/s 2029% 1999% 1723% 1721% 736% 389% 3% -- my $str = { foo => {key1 => "bar", key2 => "ralph"}, pass => {key1 => "word", key2 => "ralph"}, garbage => {key1 => "can", key2 => "ralph"}, mighty => {key1 => "ducks", key2 => "ralph"}, quack => {key1 => "moo", key2 => "ralph"}, one1 => {key1 => "val1", key2 => "ralph"}, one2 => {key1 => "val2", key2 => "ralph"}, one3 => {key1 => "val3", key2 => "ralph"}, one4 => {key1 => "val4", key2 => "ralph"}, one5 => {key1 => "val5", key2 => "ralph"}, one6 => {key1 => "val6", key2 => "ralph"}, one7 => {key1 => "val7", key2 => "ralph"}, one8 => {key1 => "val8", key2 => "ralph"}, }; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### # Rate yaml yaml2 pl sto xml g_conf sto2 #yaml 736/s -- -3% -20% -21% -62% -72% -89% #yaml2 755/s 3% -- -18% -19% -61% -71% -89% #pl 923/s 25% 22% -- -1% -53% -65% -86% #sto 928/s 26% 23% 1% -- -53% -65% -86% #xml 1961/s 166% 160% 113% 111% -- -26% -71% #g_conf 2635/s 258% 249% 185% 184% 34% -- -61% #sto2 6824/s 827% 803% 639% 635% 248% 159% -- #$str = { # foo => "bar", # pass => "word", # garbage => "can", # mighty => "ducks", # quack => "moo", # one1 => "val1", # one2 => "val2", # one3 => "val3", # one4 => "val4", # one5 => "val5", # one6 => "val6", # one7 => "val7", # one8 => "val8", #}; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### my $conf = eval $str; my %TESTS = (); ### do perl my $dir = tmpnam; mkdir $dir, 0755; my $tmpnam = "$dir/bench"; my $file = $tmpnam. '.pl'; $TESTS{pl} = sub { $cob->write_ref($file, $str); }; $files{pl} = $file; ### do a generic conf_write my $file2 = $tmpnam. '.g_conf'; local $CGI::Ex::Conf::EXT_WRITERS{g_conf} = \&generic_conf_write; $TESTS{g_conf} = sub { $cob->write_ref($file2, $str); }; $files{g_conf} = $file2; ### load in the rest of the tests that we support if (eval {require Storable}) { my $_file = $tmpnam. '.sto'; $TESTS{sto} = sub { $cob->write_ref($file, $str); }; $files{sto} = $_file; } if (eval {require Storable}) { my $_file = $tmpnam. '.sto2'; $TESTS{sto2} = sub { &Storable::store($str, $_file); }; $files{sto2} = $_file; } if (eval {require YAML}) { my $_file = $tmpnam. '.yaml'; $TESTS{yaml} = sub { $cob->write_ref($_file, $str); }; $files{yaml} = $_file; } if (eval {require YAML}) { my $_file = $tmpnam. '.yaml2'; $TESTS{yaml2} = sub { &YAML::DumpFile($_file, $str); }; $files{yaml2} = $_file; } if (eval {require Config::IniHash}) { my $_file = $tmpnam. '.ini'; $TESTS{ini} = sub { local $^W = 0; $cob->write_ref($_file, $str); }; $files{ini} = $_file; } if (eval {require XML::Simple}) { my $_file = $tmpnam. '.xml'; $TESTS{xml} = sub { $cob->write_ref($_file, $str); }; $files{xml} = $_file; } ### tell file locations foreach my $key (sort keys %files) { print "$key => $files{$key}\n"; } foreach my $key (keys %TESTS) { eval { &{ $TESTS{$key} } }; if ($@) { warn "Test for $key failed - skipping"; delete $TESTS{$key}; } } cmpthese($n, \%TESTS); ### comment out this line to inspect files unlink $_ foreach values %files; rmdir $dir; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub generic_conf_read { my $_file = shift || die "No filename supplied"; my $sep_by_newlines = ($_[0] && lc($_[0]) eq 'sep_by_newlines') ? 1 : 0; ### fh will now lose scope and close itself if necessary my $FH = do { local *FH; *FH }; open ($FH, $_file) || return {}; my $x = 0; my $conf = {}; my $key = ''; my $val; my $line; my ($is_array,$is_hash,$is_multiline); my $order; $order = [] if wantarray; while( defined($line = <$FH>) ){ last if ! defined $line; last if $x++ > 10000; next if index($line,'#') == 0; if ($line =~ /^\s/ && ($is_multiline || $line ne "\n")){ next if ! length($key); $conf->{$key} .= $line; $is_multiline = 1; }else{ ### duplicate trim section if( length($key) ){ $conf->{$key} =~ s/\s+$//; if( $is_array || $is_hash ){ $conf->{$key} =~ s/^\s+//; my $urldec = (index($conf->{$key},'%')>-1 || index($conf->{$key},'+')>-1); my @pieces; if ($sep_by_newlines) { @pieces = split(/\s*\n\s*/,$conf->{$key}); @pieces = map {split(/\s+/,$_,2)} @pieces if $is_hash; } else { @pieces = split(/\s+/,$conf->{$key}); } if( $urldec ){ foreach my $_val (@pieces){ $_val =~ y/+/ / if ! $sep_by_newlines; $_val =~ s/%([a-f0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/egi; } } if( $is_array ){ foreach (@pieces){ $_="" if index($_,$PLACEHOLDER)>-1 } $conf->{$key} = \@pieces; }elsif( $is_hash ){ foreach (@pieces){ $_="" if index($_,$PLACEHOLDER)>-1 } shift(@pieces) if scalar(@pieces) % 2; $conf->{$key} = {@pieces}; } }elsif( ! $is_multiline ){ $conf->{$key} =~ y/+/ / if ! $sep_by_newlines; $conf->{$key} =~ s/%([a-f0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/egi; } } ($key,$val) = split(/\s+/,$line,2); $is_array = 0; $is_hash = 0; $is_multiline = 0; if (! length($key)) { next; } elsif (index($key,'array:') == 0) { $is_array = $key =~ s/^array://i; } elsif (index($key,'hash:') == 0) { $is_hash = $key =~ s/^hash://i; } $key =~ y/+/ / if ! $sep_by_newlines; $key =~ s/%([a-f0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/egi; $conf->{$key} = $val; push @$order, $key if $order; } } ### duplicate trim section if( length($key) && defined($conf->{$key}) ){ $conf->{$key} =~ s/\s+$//; if( $is_array || $is_hash ){ $conf->{$key} =~ s/^\s+//; my $urldec = (index($conf->{$key},'%')>-1 || index($conf->{$key},'+')>-1); my @pieces; if ($sep_by_newlines) { @pieces = split(/\s*\n\s*/,$conf->{$key}); @pieces = map {split(/\s+/,$_,2)} @pieces if $is_hash; } else { @pieces = split(/\s+/,$conf->{$key}); } if( $urldec ){ foreach my $_val (@pieces){ $_val =~ y/+/ / if ! $sep_by_newlines; $_val =~ s/%([a-f0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/egi; } } if( $is_array ){ foreach (@pieces){ $_="" if index($_,$PLACEHOLDER)>-1 } $conf->{$key} = \@pieces; }elsif( $is_hash ){ foreach (@pieces){ $_="" if index($_,$PLACEHOLDER)>-1 } shift(@pieces) if scalar(@pieces) % 2; $conf->{$key} = {@pieces}; } }elsif( ! $is_multiline ){ $conf->{$key} =~ y/+/ / if ! $sep_by_newlines; $conf->{$key} =~ s/%([a-f0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/egi; } } close($FH); return $order ? ($conf,$order) : $conf; } sub generic_conf_write{ my $_file = shift || die "No filename supplied"; if (! @_) { return; } my $new_conf = shift || die "Missing update hashref"; return if ! keys %$new_conf; ### do we allow writing out hashes in a nice way my $sep_by_newlines = ($_[0] && lc($_[0]) eq 'sep_by_newlines') ? 1 : 0; ### touch the file if necessary if( ! -e $_file ){ open(TOUCH,">$_file") || die "Conf file \"$_file\" could not be opened for writing: $!"; close(TOUCH); } ### read old values my $conf = &generic_conf_read($_file) || {}; my $key; my $val; ### remove duplicates and undefs while (($key,$val) = each %$new_conf){ $conf->{$key} = $new_conf->{$key}; } ### prepare output my $output = ''; my $qr = qr/([^\ \!\"\$\&-\*\,-\~])/; foreach $key (sort keys %$conf){ next if ! defined $conf->{$key}; $val = delete $conf->{$key}; $key =~ s/([^\ \!\"\$\&-\*\,-9\;-\~\/])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; $key =~ tr/\ /+/; my $ref = ref($val); if( $ref ){ if( $ref eq 'HASH' ){ $output .= "hash:$key\n"; foreach my $_key (sort keys %$val){ my $_val = $val->{$_key}; next if ! defined $_val; $_val =~ s/$qr/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/ego; $_key =~ s/$qr/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/ego; if ($sep_by_newlines) { $_val =~ s/^(\s)/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/ego; $_val =~ s/(\s)$/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/ego; $_key =~ s/\ /%20/g; } else { $_val =~ tr/\ /+/; $_key =~ tr/\ /+/; } $_val = $PLACEHOLDER if ! length($_val); $output .= "\t$_key\t$_val\n"; } }elsif( $ref eq 'ARRAY' ){ $output .= "array:$key\n"; foreach (@$val){ my $_val = $_; $_val =~ s/$qr/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/ego; if ($sep_by_newlines) { $_val =~ s/^(\s)/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/ego; $_val =~ s/(\s)$/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/ego; } else { $_val =~ tr/\ /+/; } $_val = $PLACEHOLDER if ! length($_val); $output .= "\t$_val\n"; } }else{ $output .= "$key\tbless('$val','$ref')\n"; # stringify the ref } }else{ if( $val =~ /\n/ ){ # multiline values that are indented properly don't need encoding if( $val =~ /^\s/ || $val =~ /\s$/ || $val =~ /\n\n/ || $val =~ /\n([^\ \t])/ ){ if ($sep_by_newlines) { $val =~ s/([^\!\"\$\&-\~])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; } else { $val =~ s/([^\ \!\"\$\&-\*\,-\~])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; $val =~ y/ /+/; } } }else{ $val =~ s/([^\ \t\!\"\$\&-\*\,-\~])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; $val =~ s/^(\s)/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; $val =~ s/(\s)$/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; } $output .= "$key\t$val\n"; } } open (CONF,"+<$_file") || die "Could not open the file for writing ($_file) -- [$!]"; print CONF $output; truncate CONF, length($output); close CONF; return 1; } 1;