# -*- Mode: Perl; -*- =head1 NAME 7_template_01_includes.t - Test the file include functionality of CGI::Ex::Template - including some edge cases =cut use vars qw($module $is_tt); BEGIN { $module = 'CGI::Ex::Template'; # $module = 'Template'; $is_tt = $module eq 'Template'; }; use strict; use Test::More tests => (! $is_tt) ? 93 : 83; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use constant test_taint => 0 && eval { require Taint::Runtime }; use_ok($module); Taint::Runtime::taint_start() if test_taint; ### find a place to allow for testing my $test_dir = $0 .'.test_dir'; END { rmdir $test_dir } mkdir $test_dir, 0755; ok(-d $test_dir, "Got a test dir up and running"); sub process_ok { # process the value and say if it was ok my $str = shift; my $test = shift; my $vars = shift || {}; my $conf = local $vars->{'tt_config'} = $vars->{'tt_config'} || []; my $obj = shift || $module->new(@$conf, ABSOLUTE => 1, INCLUDE_PATH => $test_dir); # new object each time my $out = ''; my $line = (caller)[2]; delete $vars->{'tt_config'}; Taint::Runtime::taint(\$str) if test_taint; $obj->process(\$str, $vars, \$out); my $ok = ref($test) ? $out =~ $test : $out eq $test; if ($ok) { ok(1, "Line $line \"$str\" => \"$out\""); return $obj; } else { ok(0, "Line $line \"$str\""); warn "# Was:\n$out\n# Should've been:\n$test\n"; print $obj->error if $obj->can('error'); print Dumper $obj->parse_tree(\$str) if $obj->can('parse_tree'); exit; } } ### create some files to include my $foo_template = "$test_dir/foo.tt"; END { unlink $foo_template }; open(my $fh, ">$foo_template") || die "Couldn't open $foo_template: $!"; print $fh "([% template.foo %][% INCLUDE bar.tt %])"; close $fh; ### my $bar_template = "$test_dir/bar.tt"; END { unlink $bar_template }; open($fh, ">$bar_template") || die "Couldn't open $bar_template: $!"; print $fh "[% blue %]BAR"; close $fh; my $baz_template = "$test_dir/baz.tt"; END { unlink $baz_template }; open($fh, ">$baz_template") || die "Couldn't open $baz_template: $!"; print $fh "[% SET baz = 42 %][% baz %][% bing %]"; close $fh; ### my $wrap_template = "$test_dir/wrap.tt"; END { unlink $wrap_template }; open($fh, ">$wrap_template") || die "Couldn't open $wrap_template: $!"; print $fh "Hi[% baz; template.foo; baz = 'wrap' %][% content %]there"; close $fh; ### my $meta_template = "$test_dir/meta.tt"; END { unlink $meta_template }; open($fh, ">$meta_template") || die "Couldn't open $meta_template: $!"; print $fh "[% META bar='meta.tt' %]Metafoo([% component.foo %]) Metabar([% component.bar %])"; close $fh; ### my $catch_template = "$test_dir/catch.tt"; END { unlink $catch_template }; open($fh, ">$catch_template") || die "Couldn't open $catch_template: $!"; print $fh "Error ([% error.type %]) - ([% error.info %])"; close $fh; ### my $catch2_template = "$test_dir/catch2.tt"; END { unlink $catch2_template }; open($fh, ">$catch2_template") || die "Couldn't open $catch2_template: $!"; print $fh "Error2 ([% error.type %]) - ([% error.info %])"; close $fh; ### my $die_template = "$test_dir/die.tt"; END { unlink $die_template }; open($fh, ">$die_template") || die "Couldn't open $die_template: $!"; print $fh "[% THROW bing 'blang' %])"; close $fh; ### my $config_template = "$test_dir/config.tt"; END { unlink $config_template }; open($fh, ">$config_template") || die "Couldn't open $config_template: $!"; print $fh "[% CONFIG DUMP => {html => 1} %][% DUMP foo %]"; close $fh; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### INSERT ###########################################################\n"; process_ok("([% INSERT bar.tt %])" => '([% blue %]BAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% INSERT \$file %])" => '([% blue %]BAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% INSERT \${file} %])" => '([% blue %]BAR)') if ! $is_tt; process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% INSERT \"\$file\" %])" => '([% blue %]BAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar' %][% INSERT \"\$file.tt\" %])" => '([% blue %]BAR)') if ! $is_tt; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### INCLUDE ##########################################################\n"; process_ok("([% INCLUDE bar.tt %])" => '(BAR)'); process_ok("[% PROCESS foo.tt %]" => '(BAR)'); process_ok("[% PROCESS meta.tt %]" => 'Metafoo() Metabar(meta.tt)'); process_ok("[% META foo = 'string'; PROCESS meta.tt %]" => 'Metafoo() Metabar(meta.tt)'); process_ok("[% PROCESS meta.tt %][% template.bar %]" => 'Metafoo() Metabar(meta.tt)'); process_ok("[% META foo = 'meta'; PROCESS foo.tt %]" => '(metaBAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% INCLUDE \$file %])" => '(BAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% INCLUDE \${file} %])" => '(BAR)') if ! $is_tt; process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% INCLUDE \"\$file\" %])" => '(BAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar' %][% INCLUDE \"\$file.tt\" %])" => '(BAR)') if ! $is_tt; process_ok("([% INCLUDE baz.tt %])" => '(42)'); process_ok("([% INCLUDE baz.tt %])[% baz %]" => '(42)'); process_ok("[% SET baz = 21 %]([% INCLUDE baz.tt %])[% baz %]" => '(42)21'); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### PROCESS ##########################################################\n"; process_ok("([% PROCESS bar.tt %])" => '(BAR)'); process_ok("[% PROCESS foo.tt %]" => '(BAR)'); process_ok("[% PROCESS meta.tt %]" => 'Metafoo() Metabar(meta.tt)'); process_ok("[% META foo = 'string'; PROCESS meta.tt %]" => 'Metafoo() Metabar(meta.tt)'); process_ok("[% PROCESS meta.tt %][% template.bar %]" => 'Metafoo() Metabar(meta.tt)'); process_ok("[% META foo = 'meta'; PROCESS foo.tt %]" => '(metaBAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% PROCESS \$file %])" => '(BAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% PROCESS \${file} %])" => '(BAR)') if ! $is_tt; process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar.tt' %][% PROCESS \"\$file\" %])" => '(BAR)'); process_ok("([% SET file = 'bar' %][% PROCESS \"\$file.tt\" %])" => '(BAR)') if ! $is_tt; process_ok("([% PROCESS baz.tt %])" => '(42)'); process_ok("([% PROCESS baz.tt %])[% baz %]" => '(42)42'); process_ok("[% SET baz = 21 %]([% PROCESS baz.tt %])[% baz %]" => '(42)42'); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### WRAPPER ##########################################################\n"; process_ok("([% WRAPPER wrap.tt %])" => ''); process_ok("([% WRAPPER wrap.tt %] one [% END %])" => '(Hi one there)'); process_ok("([% WRAPPER wrap.tt %] ([% baz %]) [% END %])" => '(Hi () there)'); process_ok("([% WRAPPER wrap.tt %] one [% END %])" => '(HiBAZ one there)', {baz => 'BAZ'}); process_ok("([% WRAPPER wrap.tt %] ([% baz; baz='-local' %]) [% END %][% baz %])" => '(Hi-local () there-local)'); process_ok("([% WRAPPER wrap.tt %][% META foo='BLAM' %] [% END %])" => '(HiBLAM there)'); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### CONFIG PRE_PROCESS ###############################################\n"; process_ok("Foo" => "BARFoo", {tt_config => [PRE_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok("Foo" => "BARFoo", {tt_config => [PRE_PROCESS => ['bar.tt']]}); process_ok("Foo" => "(BAR)BARFoo", {tt_config => [PRE_PROCESS => ['foo.tt', 'bar.tt']]}); process_ok("Foo" => "BlueBARFoo", {tt_config => [PRE_PROCESS => 'bar.tt'], blue => 'Blue'}); process_ok("Foo[% blue='Blue' %]" => "BARFoo", {tt_config => [PRE_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok("Foo[% META foo='meta' %]" => "(metaBAR)Foo", {tt_config => [PRE_PROCESS => 'foo.tt']}); process_ok("([% WRAPPER wrap.tt %] one [% END %])" => 'BAR(Hi one there)', {tt_config => [PRE_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### CONFIG POST_PROCESS ##############################################\n"; process_ok("Foo" => "FooBAR", {tt_config => [POST_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok("Foo" => "FooBAR", {tt_config => [POST_PROCESS => ['bar.tt']]}); process_ok("Foo" => "Foo(BAR)BAR", {tt_config => [POST_PROCESS => ['foo.tt', 'bar.tt']]}); process_ok("Foo" => "FooBlueBAR", {tt_config => [POST_PROCESS => 'bar.tt'], blue => 'Blue'}); process_ok("Foo[% blue='Blue' %]" => "FooBlueBAR", {tt_config => [POST_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok("Foo[% META foo='meta' %]" => "Foo(metaBAR)", {tt_config => [POST_PROCESS => 'foo.tt']}); process_ok("([% WRAPPER wrap.tt %] one [% END %])" => '(Hi one there)BAR', {tt_config => [POST_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### CONFIG PROCESS ###################################################\n"; process_ok("Foo" => "BAR", {tt_config => [PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok("Foo" => "BAR", {tt_config => [PROCESS => ['bar.tt']]}); process_ok("Foo" => "(BAR)BAR", {tt_config => [PROCESS => ['foo.tt', 'bar.tt']]}); process_ok("Foo" => "BlueBAR", {tt_config => [PROCESS => 'bar.tt'], blue => 'Blue'}); process_ok("Foo[% META foo='meta' %]" => "(metaBAR)", {tt_config => [PROCESS => 'foo.tt']}); process_ok("Foo[% META foo='meta' %]" => "BAR(metaBAR)", {tt_config => [PRE_PROCESS => 'bar.tt', PROCESS => 'foo.tt']}); process_ok("Foo[% META foo='meta' %]" => "(metaBAR)BAR", {tt_config => [POST_PROCESS => 'bar.tt', PROCESS => 'foo.tt']}); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### CONFIG WRAPPER ###################################################\n"; process_ok(" one " => 'Hi one there', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt']}); process_ok(" one " => 'Hi one there', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => ['wrap.tt']]}); process_ok(" one " => 'HiwrapHi one therethere', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => ['wrap.tt', 'wrap.tt']]}); process_ok(" ([% baz %]) " => 'Hi () there', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt']}); process_ok(" one " => 'HiBAZ one there', {baz => 'BAZ', tt_config => [WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt']});; process_ok(" ([% baz; baz='-local' %]) " => 'Hi-local () there', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt']}); process_ok("[% META foo='BLAM' %] " => 'HiBLAM there', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt']}); process_ok(" one " => 'BARHi one there', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt', PRE_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok(" one " => 'HiBARthere', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt', PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok(" one " => 'Hi one thereBAR', {tt_config => [WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt', POST_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### CONFIG ERRORS ####################################################\n"; process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error (foo) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt']}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error (foo) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERRORS => 'catch.tt']}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error (foo) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERROR => {default => 'catch.tt'}]}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error (foo) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERRORS => {default => 'catch.tt'}]}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error2 (foo) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERRORS => {foo => 'catch2.tt', default => 'catch.tt'}]}); process_ok("[% THROW foo.baz 'bar' %]" => 'Error2 (foo.baz) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERRORS => {foo => 'catch2.tt', default => 'catch.tt'}]}); process_ok("[% THROW foo.baz 'bar' %]" => 'Error2 (foo.baz) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERRORS => {'foo.baz' => 'catch2.tt', default => 'catch.tt'}]}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error (foo) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERRORS => {'foo.baz' => 'catch2.tt', default => 'catch.tt'}]}); process_ok("[% THROW foo.baz 'bar' %]" => 'Error2 (foo.baz) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERRORS => {foo => 'catch2.tt', default => 'catch.tt'}]}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'BARError (foo) - (bar)', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt', PRE_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error (bing) - (blang)', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt', PROCESS => 'die.tt']}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error (bing) - (blang)', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt', PROCESS => ['bar.tt', 'die.tt']]}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'Error (foo) - (bar)BAR', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt', POST_PROCESS => 'bar.tt']}); process_ok("[% THROW foo 'bar' %]" => 'HiError (foo) - (bar)there', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt', WRAPPER => 'wrap.tt']}); process_ok("(outer)[% PROCESS 'die.tt' %]" => 'Error (bing) - (blang)', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt']}); process_ok("(outer)[% TRY %][% PROCESS 'die.tt' %][% CATCH %] [% END %]" => '(outer) ', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt']}); process_ok(" one " => '', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt', PRE_PROCESS => 'die.tt']}); process_ok(" one " => '', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt', POST_PROCESS => 'die.tt']}); process_ok(" one " => '', {tt_config => [ERROR => 'catch.tt', WRAPPER => 'die.tt']}); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### CONFIG and DUMP ##################################################\n"; process_ok("[% CONFIG DUMP => {html => 0}; DUMP foo; PROCESS config.tt; DUMP foo %]" => qq{DUMP: File "input text" line 1 foo = 'FOO'; DUMP: File "config.tt" line 1
foo = 'FOO';
DUMP: File "input text" line 1 foo = 'FOO'; }, {foo => 'FOO'}) if ! $is_tt; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### NOT FOUND CACHE ##################################################\n"; process_ok("[% BLOCK foo; TRY; PROCESS blurty.tt; CATCH %]([% error.type %])([% error.info %])\n[% END; END; PROCESS foo; PROCESS foo %]" => "(file)(blurty.tt: not found)\n(file)(blurty.tt: not found (cached))\n", {tt_config => [NEGATIVE_STAT_TTL => 2]}) if ! $is_tt; process_ok("[% BLOCK foo; TRY; PROCESS blurty.tt; CATCH %]([% error.type %])([% error.info %])\n[% END; END; PROCESS foo; PROCESS foo %]" => "(file)(blurty.tt: not found)\n(file)(blurty.tt: not found)\n", {tt_config => [NEGATIVE_STAT_TTL => -1]}) if ! $is_tt; process_ok("[% BLOCK foo; TRY; PROCESS blurty.tt; CATCH %]([% error.type %])([% error.info %])\n[% END; END; PROCESS foo; PROCESS foo %]" => "(file)(blurty.tt: not found)\n(file)(blurty.tt: not found)\n", {tt_config => [STAT_TTL => -1]}) if ! $is_tt; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### print "### DONE #############################################################\n";