# -*- Mode: Perl; -*- =head1 NAME 4_app_00_base.t - Check for the basic functionality of CGI::Ex::App. =head1 NOTE These tests are extremely stripped down to test the basic path flow. Normally unit tests are useful for garnering information about a module. For CGI::Ex::App it is suggested to stick to live use cases or the CGI::Ex::App perldoc. =cut use Test::More tests => 9; use strict; { package Foo; use base qw(CGI::Ex::App); use vars qw($test_stdout); sub ready_validate { 1 } sub print_out { my $self = shift; my $step = shift; $test_stdout = shift; } sub swap_template { my ($self, $step, $file, $swap) = @_; my $out = ref($file) ? $$file : "No filenames allowed during test mode"; $self->cgix->swap_template(\$out, $swap); return $out; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub main_info_complete { 0 } sub main_file_print { return \ "Main Content" } sub step2_hash_validation { return {wow => {required => 1, required_error => 'wow is required'}} } sub step2_path_info_map { [[qr{^/step2/(\w+)$}, 'wow']] } sub step2_file_print { return \ "Some step2 content ([% foo %], [% one %]) [% wow_error %]" } sub step2_hash_swap { return {foo => 'bar', one => 'two'} } sub step2_hash_fill { return {wow => 'wee'} } sub step2_finalize { shift->append_path('step3') } sub step3_info_complete { 0 } sub step3_file_print { return \ "All good" } } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### #$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'GET'; #$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = ''; Foo->new({ form => {}, })->navigate; ok($Foo::test_stdout eq "Main Content", "Got the right output"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### #$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'GET'; #$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = 'step=step2'; Foo->new({ form => {step => 'step2'}, })->navigate; ok($Foo::test_stdout eq "Some step2 content (bar, two) wow is required", "Got the right output"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### #$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'GET'; #$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = 'step=step2&wow=something'; Foo->new({ form=> {step => 'step2', wow => 'something'}, })->navigate; ok($Foo::test_stdout eq "All good", "Got the right output"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### #$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'GET'; #$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = ''; local $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} = '/step2'; Foo->new({ form=> {}, })->navigate; ok($Foo::test_stdout eq "Some step2 content (bar, two) wow is required", "Got the right output"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### #$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'GET'; #$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = 'wow=something'; local $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} = '/step2'; my $f = Foo->new({ form=> {wow => 'something'}, })->navigate; ok($Foo::test_stdout eq "All good", "Got the right output"); ok($f->form->{'step'} eq 'step2', "Got the right variable set in form"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### #$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'GET'; #$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = ''; local $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} = '/step2/something'; $f = Foo->new({ form => {}, })->navigate; ok($Foo::test_stdout eq "All good", "Got the right output"); ok($f->form->{'step'} eq 'step2', "Got the right variable set in form"); ok($f->form->{'wow'} eq 'something', "Got the right variable set in form"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------###