# -*- Mode: Perl; -*- =head1 NAME 0_ex_00_base.t - Testing of the base CGI::Ex module. =cut use strict; use Test::More tests => 63; use_ok('CGI::Ex'); my $cgix = CGI::Ex->new; ok($cgix, "Got object"); ### test out form and cookies from the CGI object SKIP: { skip("CGI.pm not found", 9) if ! eval { require CGI }; local $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'GET'; local $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = 'foo=bar&foo=baz&us=them'; local $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} = 'bar=baz; bing=blam'; my $form = $cgix->form; ok($form, "Got form"); ok(ref($form) eq 'HASH', "Good form"); ok($form->{'foo'}, "Found foo"); ok(ref($form->{'foo'}) eq 'ARRAY', "Foo is array"); ok(@{ $form->{'foo'} } == 2, "Correct number"); ok($form->{'us'}, "Found us"); ok($form->{'us'} eq 'them', "Us is correct"); my $cookies = $cgix->cookies; ok($cookies, "Got cookies"); ok($cookies->{'bar'} eq 'baz', "Found correct bar"); }; ### set a new form my $form = {foo => 'bar', mult => [qw(a b c)]}; $cgix->form($form); $cgix->cookies($form); $form = $cgix->form; ok($form->{'foo'} eq 'bar', "Could set form"); my $cookies = $cgix->cookies; ok($cookies->{'foo'} eq 'bar', "Could set form"); ### try out make_form my $str = $cgix->make_form($form); ok($str =~ /foo=bar/, "Make form works"); ok($str =~ /mult=a&mult=b&mult=c/, "Make form works 2"); $str = $cgix->make_form($form, ['foo']); ok($str eq 'foo=bar', "Make form works with keys"); ### can't test these without being in apache (well we could test STDOUT - but that is for another day - TODO) foreach my $meth (qw( apache_request content_typed expires is_mod_perl_1 is_mod_perl_2 last_modified location_bounce mod_perl_version print_content_type print_js send_status send_header set_apache_request set_cookie )) { ok($cgix->can($meth), "Has method $meth"); } ### try out time_calc my $sec; ok(($sec = CGI::Ex::time_calc('1m')) == time + 60, "Time_calc ($sec)"); ok(($sec = CGI::Ex::time_calc('-1m')) == time - 60, "Time_calc ($sec)"); ok(($sec = CGI::Ex::time_calc('1 m')) == time + 60, "Time_calc ($sec)"); ok(($sec = CGI::Ex::time_calc('1 min')) == time + 60, "Time_calc ($sec)"); ok(($sec = CGI::Ex::time_calc('1')) == 1, "Time_calc ($sec)"); ok(($sec = CGI::Ex::time_calc('now')) == time, "Time_calc ($sec)"); ok(($sec = CGI::Ex::time_calc(__FILE__)), "Time_calc ($sec)"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### my $html = ""; $form = {foo => 'bar'}; my $out; ok(($out = $cgix->fill(scalarref => \$html, form => $form)) =~ /value=([\"\'])bar\1/, "Filled $out"); ok(($out = $cgix->fill(arrayref => [$html], form => $form)) =~ /value=([\"\'])bar\1/, "Filled $out"); $cgix->fill(text => \$html, form => $form); ok($html =~ /value=([\"\'])bar\1/, "Filled $html"); $html = "
"; $form = {baz => 'bing', bim => 'bang'}; $out = $cgix->fill(scalarref => \$html, form => $form, target => 'foo'); ok($out =~ /bing/, "Got bing"); ok($out !~ /bang/, "Didn't get bang"); $out = $cgix->fill(scalarref => \$html, form => $form, target => 'bar'); ok($out =~ /bang/, "Got bang"); ok($out !~ /bing/, "Didn't get bing"); $out = $cgix->fill(scalarref => \$html, form => $form, ignore_fields => ['baz']); ok($out =~ /bang/, "Got bang"); ok($out !~ /bing/, "Didn't get bing"); $out = $cgix->fill(scalarref => \$html, form => $form, ignore_fields => ['bim']); ok($out =~ /bing/, "Got bing"); ok($out !~ /bang/, "Didn't get bang"); $out = $cgix->fill(scalarref => \$html, form => $form, fill_password => 1); ok($out =~ /bing/, "Got bing"); ok($out =~ /bang/, "Got bang"); $out = $cgix->fill(scalarref => \$html, form => $form, fill_password => undef); ok($out =~ /bing/, "Got bing"); ok($out =~ /bang/, "Got bang"); $out = $cgix->fill(scalarref => \$html, form => $form, fill_password => 0); ok($out =~ /bing/, "Got bing"); ok($out !~ /bang/, "Didn't get bang"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### $form = {foo => 'bar'}; my $val = {foo => {'required' => 1}}; my $e = $cgix->validate($form, $val); ok(! $e, "No error"); $form = {}; $e = $cgix->validate($form, $val); ok($e, "Got error"); ok("$e" =~ /required/i, "Had error message ($e)"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------### ### defer testing to the conf test modules foreach my $meth (qw( conf_obj conf_read )) { ok($cgix->can($meth), "Has method $meth"); } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### $form = {foo => 'bar'}; my $args = {VARIABLES => {bim => 'bam'}}; my $temp = "([% foo %])([% bim %])"; $out = $cgix->swap_template($temp, $form, $args); ok($out =~ /bar/, "Got bar"); ok($out =~ /bam/, "Got bam"); $cgix->swap_template(\$temp, $form, $args); ok($temp =~ /bar/, "Got bar"); ok($temp =~ /bam/, "Got bam"); ###----------------------------------------------------------------###