#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME index.cgi - Show a listing of available utilties in the samples directories. =cut use strict; use base qw(CGI::Ex::App); use FindBin qw($Bin); __PACKAGE__->navigate; sub main_file_print { return \ q{ CGI::Ex Samples

CGI::Ex Samples

Looking at directory: [% base %]
All of the samples in this directory should be ready to run. To enable this directory you should use something similar to the following in your apache conf file:
ScriptAlias /samples/ /home/pauls/perl/CGI-Ex/samples/
<Location /samples/>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
    Options +ExecCGI
For mod_perl 1 you would use something similar to:
ScriptAlias /samples/ /home/pauls/perl/CGI-Ex/samples/
<Location /samples/>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
    Options +ExecCGI

Application examples

[% FOREACH file = app.keys.sort ~%] [% script_dir ~ file %] - [% app.$file %]
[% END -%]

Benchmark stuff

[% FOREACH file = bench.keys.sort ~%] [% file %] - [% bench.$file %]
[% END -%]

Other files

[% FOREACH file = therest.keys.sort ~%] [% file %] - [% therest.$file %]
[% END -%] }; } sub main_hash_swap { my $self = shift; my $base = $self->base_dir_abs; my $hash = {}; my %file; require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { return if ! -f; return if $File::Find::name =~ / CVS | ~$ | ^\# /x; $File::Find::name =~ /^\Q$base\E(.+)/ || return; my $name = $1; my $desc = ''; if (open FH, "<$_") { read FH, my $str, -s; close FH; if ($str =~ /^=head1 NAME\s+(.+)\s+^=cut\s+/m) { $desc = $1; $desc =~ s/^\w+(?:\.\w+)?\s+-\s+//; } } $file{$name} = $desc; }, $base); $hash->{'base'} = $base; $hash->{'script_dir'} = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} || $0; $hash->{'script_dir'} =~ s|/[^/]+$||; $hash->{'app'} = {map {$_ => $file{$_}} grep {/app/ && /\.cgi$/} keys %file}; $hash->{'bench'} = {map {$_ => $file{$_}} grep {/bench/ && /\.pl$/} keys %file}; $hash->{'therest'} = {map {$_ => $file{$_}} grep {! exists $hash->{'bench'}->{$_} && ! exists $hash->{'app'}->{$_}} keys %file}; return $hash; } sub base_dir_abs { my $dir = $0; $dir =~ s|/[^/]+$||; return $dir; }