#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME cgi_ex_2.cgi - Rewrite of cgi_ex_1.cgi using CGI::Ex::App =cut use strict; use base qw(CGI::Ex::App); use CGI::Ex::Dump qw(debug); if ($0 eq __FILE__) { __PACKAGE__->navigate; } ### show what hooks ran when we are done sub post_navigate { debug shift->dump_history } ### this will work for both userinfo_hash_common and _success_hash_common sub hash_common { return { title => 'My Application', color => ['#ccccff', '#aaaaff'], }; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub main_hash_validation { return { 'group order' => ['username', 'password'], username => { required => 1, min_len => 3, max_len => 30, match => 'm/^\w+$/', # could probably all be done with match => 'm/^\w{3,30}$/' }, password => { required => 1, max_len => 20, }, password_verify => { validate_if => 'password', equals => 'password', }, }; } sub main_finalize { my $self = shift; my $form = $self->form; debug $form; return 1; } sub main_next_step { '_success' } sub main_file_print { return \ qq { [% title %]

Please Enter information

[% error_header %]
Username: [% username_error %]
Password: [% password_error %]
Password Verify: [% password_verify_error %]
[% js_validation %] }; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub _success_file_print { return \ qq{ [% title %]


print "I can now continue on with the rest of my script!"; }; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### ### These methods override the base functionality of CGI::Ex::App sub ready_validate { shift->form->{'processing'} ? 1 : 0 } sub set_ready_validate { my $self = shift; my ($step, $is_ready) = (@_ == 2) ? @_ : (undef, shift); if ($is_ready) { $self->form->{'processing'} = 1; } else { delete $self->form->{'processing'}; } } __END__