package App1::PickDomain; =head1 NAME App1::PickDomain - handle this step of the App1 app =cut use strict; use warnings; use base qw(App1); sub hash_swap { my $self = shift; return { remote_addr => $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}, time => scalar(localtime), }; } sub hash_validation { return { 'group no_alert' => 1, 'group no_confirm' => 1, domain => { required => 1, to_lower_case => 1, type => 'DOMAIN', type_error => 'Please enter a valid domain', }, }; } sub finalize { my $self = shift; my $domain = $self->form->{'domain'}; # contrived "check" for availability # in theory - these checks would also cache with something like memcache if ($domain =~ /^(\w+)\.com$/) { # for this test - .com isn't available $self->stash->{'domain_prefix'} = $1; } else { $self->stash->{'domain_available'} = 1; } return 1; } 1;