package CGI::Ex::Template::Extra; =head1 NAME CGI::Ex::Template::Extra - load extra and advanced features that aren't as commonly used =head1 DESCRIPTION Provides for extra or extended features that may not be as commonly used. This module should not normally be used by itself. =head1 AUTHOR Paul Seamons =head1 LICENSE This module may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '2.13'; sub parse_CONFIG { my ($self, $str_ref) = @_; my %ctime = map {$_ => 1} @CGI::Ex::Template::CONFIG_COMPILETIME; my %rtime = map {$_ => 1} @CGI::Ex::Template::CONFIG_RUNTIME; my $config = $self->parse_args($str_ref, {named_at_front => 1, is_parened => 1}); my $ref = $config->[0]->[0]; for (my $i = 2; $i < @$ref; $i += 2) { my $key = $ref->[$i] = uc $ref->[$i]; my $val = $ref->[$i + 1]; if ($ctime{$key}) { $self->{$key} = $self->play_expr($val); } elsif (! $rtime{$key}) { $self->throw('parse', "Unknown CONFIG option \"$key\"", undef, pos($$str_ref)); } } for (my $i = 1; $i < @$config; $i++) { my $key = $config->[$i] = uc $config->[$i]->[0]; if ($ctime{$key}) { $config->[$i] = "CONFIG $key = ".(defined($self->{$key}) ? $self->{$key} : 'undef'); } elsif (! $rtime{$key}) { $self->throw('parse', "Unknown CONFIG option \"$key\"", undef, pos($$str_ref)); } } return $config; } sub play_CONFIG { my ($self, $config, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my %rtime = map {$_ => 1} @CGI::Ex::Template::CONFIG_RUNTIME; ### do runtime config - not many options get these my ($named, @the_rest) = @$config; $named = $self->play_expr($named); @{ $self }{keys %$named} = @{ $named }{keys %$named}; ### show what current values are $$out_ref .= join("\n", map { $rtime{$_} ? ("CONFIG $_ = ".(defined($self->{$_}) ? $self->{$_} : 'undef')) : $_ } @the_rest); return; } sub parse_DEBUG { my ($self, $str_ref) = @_; $$str_ref =~ m{ \G ([Oo][Nn] | [Oo][Ff][Ff] | [Ff][Oo][Rr][Mm][Aa][Tt]) \s* }gcx || $self->throw('parse', "Unknown DEBUG option", undef, pos($$str_ref)); my $ret = [lc($1)]; if ($ret->[0] eq 'format') { $$str_ref =~ m{ \G ([\"\']) (|.*?[^\\]) \1 \s* }gcxs || $self->throw('parse', "Missing format string", undef, pos($$str_ref)); $ret->[1] = $2; } return $ret; } sub play_DEBUG { my ($self, $ref) = @_; if ($ref->[0] eq 'on') { delete $self->{'_debug_off'}; } elsif ($ref->[0] eq 'off') { $self->{'_debug_off'} = 1; } elsif ($ref->[0] eq 'format') { $self->{'_debug_format'} = $ref->[1]; } return; } sub play_DUMP { my ($self, $dump, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $conf = $self->{'DUMP'}; return if ! $conf && defined $conf; # DUMP => 0 $conf = {} if ref $conf ne 'HASH'; ### allow for handler override my $handler = $conf->{'handler'}; if (! $handler) { require Data::Dumper; my $obj = Data::Dumper->new([]); my $meth; foreach my $prop (keys %$conf) { $obj->$prop($conf->{$prop}) if $prop =~ /^\w+$/ && ($meth = $obj->can($prop)) } my $sort = defined($conf->{'Sortkeys'}) ? $obj->Sortkeys : 1; $obj->Sortkeys(sub { my $h = shift; [grep {$_ !~ $CGI::Ex::Template::QR_PRIVATE} ($sort ? sort keys %$h : keys %$h)] }); $handler = sub { $obj->Values([@_]); $obj->Dump } } my ($named, @dump) = @$dump; push @dump, $named if ! $self->is_empty_named_args($named); # add named args back on at end - if there are some $_ = $self->play_expr($_) foreach @dump; ### look for the text describing what to dump my $info = $self->node_info($node); my $out; if (@dump) { $out = $handler->(@dump && @dump == 1 ? $dump[0] : \@dump); my $name = $info->{'text'}; $name =~ s/^[+=~-]?\s*DUMP\s+//; $name =~ s/\s*[+=~-]?$//; $out =~ s/\$VAR1/$name/; } elsif (defined($conf->{'EntireStash'}) && ! $conf->{'EntireStash'}) { $out = ''; } else { $out = $handler->($self->{'_vars'}); $out =~ s/\$VAR1/EntireStash/g; } if ($conf->{'html'} || (! defined($conf->{'html'}) && $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'})) { $out = $CGI::Ex::Template::SCALAR_OPS->{'html'}->($out); $out = "
"; $out = "DUMP: File \"$info->{file}\" line $info->{line}$out" if $conf->{'header'} || ! defined $conf->{'header'}; } else { $out = "DUMP: File \"$info->{file}\" line $info->{line}\n $out" if $conf->{'header'} || ! defined $conf->{'header'}; } $$out_ref .= $out; return; } sub parse_FILTER { my ($self, $str_ref) = @_; my $name = ''; if ($$str_ref =~ m{ \G ([^\W\d]\w*) \s* = \s* }gcx) { $name = $1; } my $filter = $self->parse_expr($str_ref); $filter = '' if ! defined $filter; return [$name, $filter]; } sub play_FILTER { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($name, $filter) = @$ref; return '' if ! @$filter; $self->{'FILTERS'}->{$name} = $filter if length $name; my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; ### play the block my $out = ''; eval { $self->execute_tree($sub_tree, \$out) }; die $@ if $@ && ref($@) !~ /Template::Exception$/; my $var = [[undef, '~', $out], 0, '|', @$filter]; # make a temporary var out of it return $CGI::Ex::Template::DIRECTIVES->{'GET'}->[1]->($self, $var, $node, $out_ref); } sub parse_LOOP { my ($self, $str_ref, $node) = @_; return $self->parse_expr($str_ref) || $self->throw('parse', 'Missing variable on LOOP directive', undef, pos($$str_ref)); } sub play_LOOP { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $var = $self->play_expr($ref); my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; my $global = ! $self->{'SYNTAX'} || $self->{'SYNTAX'} ne 'ht' || $self->{'GLOBAL_VARS'}; my $items = ref($var) eq 'ARRAY' ? $var : ! defined($var) ? [] : [$var]; my $i = 0; for my $ref (@$items) { ### setup the loop $self->throw('loop', 'Scalar value used in LOOP') if $ref && ref($ref) ne 'HASH'; local $self->{'_vars'} = (! $global) ? ($ref || {}) : (ref($ref) eq 'HASH') ? {%{ $self->{'_vars'} }, %$ref} : $self->{'_vars'}; if ($self->{'LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS'} && ! $CGI::Ex::Template::QR_PRIVATE) { $self->{'_vars'}->{'__counter__'} = ++$i; $self->{'_vars'}->{'__first__'} = $i == 1 ? 1 : 0; $self->{'_vars'}->{'__last__'} = $i == @$items ? 1 : 0; $self->{'_vars'}->{'__inner__'} = $i == 1 || $i == @$items ? 0 : 1; $self->{'_vars'}->{'__odd__'} = ($i % 2) ? 1 : 0; } ### execute the sub tree eval { $self->execute_tree($sub_tree, $out_ref) }; if (my $err = $@) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($err, $CGI::Ex::Template::PACKAGE_EXCEPTION)) { next if $err->type eq 'next'; last if $err->type =~ /last|break/; } die $err; } } return; } sub parse_MACRO { my ($self, $str_ref, $node) = @_; my $name = $self->parse_expr($str_ref, {auto_quote => "(\\w+\\b) (?! \\.) \\s* $CGI::Ex::Template::QR_COMMENTS"}); $self->throw('parse', "Missing macro name", undef, pos($$str_ref)) if ! defined $name; if (! ref $name) { $name = [ $name, 0 ]; } my $args; if ($$str_ref =~ m{ \G \( \s* }gcx) { $args = $self->parse_args($str_ref, {positional_only => 1}); $$str_ref =~ m{ \G \) \s* }gcx || $self->throw('parse.missing', "Missing close ')'", undef, pos($$str_ref)); } $node->[6] = 1; # set a flag to keep parsing return [$name, $args]; } sub play_MACRO { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($name, $args) = @$ref; ### get the sub tree my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; if (! $sub_tree || ! $sub_tree->[0]) { $self->set_variable($name, undef); return; } elsif ($sub_tree->[0]->[0] eq 'BLOCK') { $sub_tree = $sub_tree->[0]->[4]; } my $self_copy = $self; eval {require Scalar::Util; Scalar::Util::weaken($self_copy)}; ### install a closure in the stash that will handle the macro $self->set_variable($name, sub { ### macros localize my $copy = $self_copy->{'_vars'}; local $self_copy->{'_vars'}= {%$copy}; ### prevent recursion local $self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} = $self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} || 0; my $max = $self_copy->{'MAX_MACRO_RECURSE'} || $CGI::Ex::Template::MAX_MACRO_RECURSE; $self_copy->throw('macro_recurse', "MAX_MACRO_RECURSE $max reached") if ++$self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} > $max; ### set arguments my $named = pop(@_) if $_[-1] && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1],'HASH') && $#_ > $#$args; my @positional = @_; foreach my $var (@$args) { $self_copy->set_variable($var, shift(@positional)); } foreach my $name (sort keys %$named) { $self_copy->set_variable([$name, 0], $named->{$name}); } ### finally - run the sub tree my $out = ''; $self_copy->execute_tree($sub_tree, \$out); return $out; }); return; } sub play_PERL { my ($self, $info, $node, $out_ref) = @_; $self->throw('perl', 'EVAL_PERL not set') if ! $self->{'EVAL_PERL'}; ### fill in any variables my $perl = $node->[4] || return; my $out = ''; $self->execute_tree($perl, \$out); $out = $1 if $out =~ /^(.+)$/s; # blatant untaint - shouldn't use perl anyway ### try the code my $err; eval { package CGI::Ex::Template::Perl; my $context = $self->context; my $stash = $context->stash; ### setup a fake handle local *PERLOUT; tie *PERLOUT, 'CGI::Ex::Template::EvalPerlHandle', $out_ref; my $old_fh = select PERLOUT; eval $out; $err = $@; ### put the handle back select $old_fh; }; $err ||= $@; if ($err) { $self->throw('undef', $err) if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/; die $err; } return; } sub play_RAWPERL { my ($self, $info, $node, $out_ref) = @_; $self->throw('perl', 'EVAL_PERL not set') if ! $self->{'EVAL_PERL'}; ### fill in any variables my $tree = $node->[4] || return; my $perl = ''; $self->execute_tree($tree, \$perl); $perl = $1 if $perl =~ /^(.+)$/s; # blatant untaint - shouldn't use perl anyway ### try the code my $err; my $output = ''; eval { package CGI::Ex::Template::Perl; my $context = $self->context; my $stash = $context->stash; eval $perl; $err = $@; }; $err ||= $@; $$out_ref .= $output; if ($err) { $self->throw('undef', $err) if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/; die $err; } return; } sub parse_USE { my ($self, $str_ref) = @_; my $QR_COMMENTS = $CGI::Ex::Template::QR_COMMENTS; my $var; my $mark = pos $$str_ref; if (defined(my $_var = $self->parse_expr($str_ref, {auto_quote => "(\\w+\\b) (?! \\.) \\s* $QR_COMMENTS"})) && ($$str_ref =~ m{ \G = >? \s* $QR_COMMENTS }gcxo # make sure there is assignment || ((pos($$str_ref) = $mark) && 0)) # otherwise we need to rollback ) { $var = $_var; } my $module = $self->parse_expr($str_ref, {auto_quote => "(\\w+\\b (?: (?:\\.|::) \\w+\\b)*) (?! \\.) \\s* $QR_COMMENTS"}); $self->throw('parse', "Missing plugin name while parsing $$str_ref", undef, pos($$str_ref)) if ! defined $module; $module =~ s/\./::/g; my $args; my $open = $$str_ref =~ m{ \G \( \s* $QR_COMMENTS }gcxo; $args = $self->parse_args($str_ref, {is_parened => $open, named_at_front => 1}); if ($open) { $$str_ref =~ m{ \G \) \s* $QR_COMMENTS }gcxo || $self->throw('parse.missing', "Missing close ')'", undef, pos($$str_ref)); } return [$var, $module, $args]; } sub play_USE { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($var, $module, $args) = @$ref; ### get the stash storage location - default to the module $var = $module if ! defined $var; my @var = map {($_, 0, '.')} split /(?:\.|::)/, $var; pop @var; # remove the trailing '.' my ($named, @args) = @$args; push @args, $named if ! $self->is_empty_named_args($named); # add named args back on at end - if there are some ### look for a plugin_base my $BASE = $self->{'PLUGIN_BASE'} || 'Template::Plugin'; # I'm not maintaining plugins - leave that to TT my $obj; foreach my $base (ref($BASE) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$BASE : $BASE) { my $package = $self->{'PLUGINS'}->{$module} ? $self->{'PLUGINS'}->{$module} : $self->{'PLUGIN_FACTORY'}->{$module} ? $self->{'PLUGIN_FACTORY'}->{$module} : "${base}::${module}"; my $require = "$"; $require =~ s|::|/|g; ### try and load the module - fall back to bare module if allowed if ($self->{'PLUGIN_FACTORY'}->{$module} || eval {require $require}) { my $shape = $package->load; my $context = $self->context; $obj = $shape->new($context, map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args); } elsif (lc($module) eq 'iterator') { # use our iterator if none found (TT's works just fine) $obj = $self->iterator($args[0]); } elsif (my @packages = grep {lc($package) eq lc($_)} @{ $self->list_plugins({base => $base}) }) { foreach my $package (@packages) { my $require = "$"; $require =~ s|::|/|g; eval {require $require} || next; my $shape = $package->load; my $context = $self->context; $obj = $shape->new($context, map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args); } } elsif ($self->{'LOAD_PERL'}) { my $require = "$"; $require =~ s|::|/|g; if (eval {require $require}) { $obj = $module->new(map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args); } } } if (! defined $obj) { my $err = "$module: plugin not found"; $self->throw('plugin', $err); } ### all good $self->set_variable(\@var, $obj); return; } sub parse_VIEW { my ($self, $str_ref) = @_; my $ref = $self->parse_args($str_ref, { named_at_front => 1, require_arg => 1, }); return $ref; } sub play_VIEW { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($blocks, $args, $name) = @$ref; ### get args ready # [[undef, '{}', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2'], 0] $args = $args->[0]; my $hash = {}; foreach (my $i = 2; $i < @$args; $i+=2) { my $key = $args->[$i]; my $val = $self->play_expr($args->[$i+1]); if (ref $key) { if (@$key == 2 && ! ref($key->[0]) && ! $key->[1]) { $key = $key->[0]; } else { $self->set_variable($key, $val); next; # what TT does } } $hash->{$key} = $val; } ### prepare the blocks my $prefix = $hash->{'prefix'} || (ref($name) && @$name == 2 && ! $name->[1] && ! ref($name->[0])) ? "$name->[0]/" : ''; foreach my $key (keys %$blocks) { $blocks->{$key} = {name => "${prefix}${key}", _tree => $blocks->{$key}}; } $hash->{'blocks'} = $blocks; ### get the view if (! eval { require Template::View }) { $self->throw('view', 'Could not load Template::View library'); } my $view = Template::View->new($self->context, $hash) || $self->throw('view', $Template::View::ERROR); ### 'play it' my $old_view = $self->play_expr(['view', 0]); $self->set_variable($name, $view); $self->set_variable(['view', 0], $view); if ($node->[4]) { my $out = ''; $self->execute_tree($node->[4], \$out); # throw away $out } $self->set_variable(['view', 0], $old_view); $view->seal; return; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub list_plugins { my $self = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my $base = $args->{'base'} || ''; return $self->{'_plugins'}->{$base} ||= do { my @plugins; $base =~ s|::|/|g; my @dirs = grep {-d $_} map {"$_/$base"} @INC; foreach my $dir (@dirs) { require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { my $mod = $base .'/'. ($File::Find::name =~ m|^ $dir / (.*\w) \.pm $|x ? $1 : return); $mod =~ s|/|::|g; push @plugins, $mod; }, $dir); } \@plugins; # return of the do }; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### package CGI::Ex::Template::Context; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = shift || {}; die "Missing _template" if ! $self->{'_template'}; return bless $self, $class; } sub _template { shift->{'_template'} || die "Missing _template" } sub template { my ($self, $name) = @_; return $self->_template->{'BLOCKS'}->{$name} || $self->_template->load_parsed_tree($name); } sub config { shift->_template } sub stash { my $self = shift; return $self->{'stash'} ||= bless {_template => $self->_template}, 'CGI::Ex::Template::_Stash'; } sub insert { shift->_template->_insert(@_) } sub eval_perl { shift->_template->{'EVAL_PERL'} } sub process { my $self = shift; my $ref = shift; my $args = shift || {}; $self->_template->set_variable($_, $args->{$_}) for keys %$args; my $out = ''; $self->_template->_process($ref, $self->_template->_vars, \$out); return $out; } sub include { my $self = shift; my $ref = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my $t = $self->_template; my $swap = $t->{'_vars'}; local $t->{'_vars'} = {%$swap}; $t->set_variable($_, $args->{$_}) for keys %$args; my $out = ''; # have temp item to allow clear to correctly clear eval { $t->_process($ref, $t->_vars, \$out) }; if (my $err = $@) { die $err if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/ || $err->type !~ /return/; } return $out; } sub define_filter { my ($self, $name, $filter, $is_dynamic) = @_; $filter = [ $filter, 1 ] if $is_dynamic; $self->define_vmethod('filter', $name, $filter); } sub filter { my ($self, $name, $args, $alias) = @_; my $t = $self->_template; my $filter; if (! ref $name) { $filter = $t->{'FILTERS'}->{$name} || $CGI::Ex::Template::FILTER_OPS->{$name} || $CGI::Ex::Template::SCALAR_OPS->{$name}; $t->throw('filter', $name) if ! $filter; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($name, 'CODE') || UNIVERSAL::isa($name, 'ARRAY')) { $filter = $name; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::can($name, 'factory')) { $filter = $name->factory || $t->throw($name->error); } else { $t->throw('undef', "$name: filter not found"); } if (UNIVERSAL::isa($filter, 'ARRAY')) { $filter = ($filter->[1]) ? $filter->[0]->($t->context, @$args) : $filter->[0]; } elsif ($args && @$args) { my $sub = $filter; $filter = sub { $sub->(shift, @$args) }; } $t->{'FILTERS'}->{$alias} = $filter if $alias; return $filter; } sub define_vmethod { shift->_template->define_vmethod(@_) } sub throw { my ($self, $type, $info) = @_; if (UNIVERSAL::isa($type, $CGI::Ex::Template::PACKAGE_EXCEPTION)) { die $type; } elsif (defined $info) { $self->_template->throw($type, $info); } else { $self->_template->throw('undef', $type); } } sub AUTOLOAD { shift->_template->throw('not_implemented', "The method $AUTOLOAD has not been implemented") } sub DESTROY {} ###----------------------------------------------------------------### package CGI::Ex::Template::_Stash; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); sub _template { shift->{'_template'} || die "Missing _template" } sub get { my ($self, $var) = @_; if (! ref $var) { if ($var =~ /^\w+$/) { $var = [$var, 0] } else { $var = $self->_template->parse_expr(\$var, {no_dots => 1}) } } return $self->_template->play_expr($var, {no_dots => 1}); } sub set { my ($self, $var, $val) = @_; if (! ref $var) { if ($var =~ /^\w+$/) { $var = [$var, 0] } else { $var = $self->_template->parse_expr(\$var, {no_dots => 1}) } } $self->_template->set_variable($var, $val, {no_dots => 1}); return $val; } sub AUTOLOAD { shift->_template->throw('not_implemented', "The method $AUTOLOAD has not been implemented") } sub DESTROY {} ###----------------------------------------------------------------### package CGI::Ex::Template::EvalPerlHandle; sub TIEHANDLE { my ($class, $out_ref) = @_; return bless [$out_ref], $class; } sub PRINT { my $self = shift; ${ $self->[0] } .= $_ for grep {defined && length} @_; return 1; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### 1;