package CGI::Ex::Fill; =head1 NAME CGI::Ex::Fill - Fast but compliant regex based form filler =cut ###----------------------------------------------------------------### # Copyright 2007 - Paul Seamons # # Distributed under the Perl Artistic License without warranty # ###----------------------------------------------------------------### use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $REMOVE_SCRIPT $REMOVE_COMMENT $MARKER_SCRIPT $MARKER_COMMENT $OBJECT_METHOD $_TEMP_TARGET ); use base qw(Exporter); BEGIN { $VERSION = '2.27'; @EXPORT = qw(form_fill); @EXPORT_OK = qw(fill form_fill html_escape get_tagval_by_key swap_tagval_by_key); }; ### These directives are used to determine whether or not to ### remove html comments and script sections while filling in ### a form. Default is on. This may give some trouble if you ### have a javascript section with form elements that you would ### like filled in. BEGIN { $REMOVE_SCRIPT = 1; $REMOVE_COMMENT = 1; $MARKER_SCRIPT = "\0SCRIPT\0"; $MARKER_COMMENT = "\0COMMENT\0"; $OBJECT_METHOD = "param"; }; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### ### Regex based filler - as opposed to HTML::Parser based HTML::FillInForm ### arguments are positional ### pos1 - text or textref - if textref it is modified in place ### pos2 - hash or cgi obj ref, or array ref of hash and cgi obj refs ### pos3 - target - to be used for choosing a specific form - default undef ### pos4 - boolean fill in password fields - default is true ### pos5 - hashref or arrayref of fields to ignore sub form_fill { my $text = shift; my $ref = ref($text) ? $text : \$text; my $form = shift; my $target = shift; my $fill_password = shift; my $ignore = shift || {}; fill({ text => $ref, form => $form, target => $target, fill_password => $fill_password, ignore_fields => $ignore, }); return ref($text) ? 1 : $$ref; } sub fill { my $args = shift; my $ref = $args->{'text'}; my $form = $args->{'form'}; my $target = $args->{'target'}; my $ignore = $args->{'ignore_fields'}; my $fill_password = $args->{'fill_password'}; my $forms = UNIVERSAL::isa($form, 'ARRAY') ? $form : [$form]; $ignore = {map {$_ => 1} @$ignore} if UNIVERSAL::isa($ignore, 'ARRAY'); $fill_password = 1 if ! defined $fill_password; ### allow for optionally removing comments and script my @comment; my @script; if (defined($args->{'remove_script'}) ? $args->{'remove_script'} : $REMOVE_SCRIPT) { $$ref =~ s|()|push(@script, $1);$MARKER_SCRIPT|egi; } if (defined($args->{'remove_comment'}) ? $args->{'remove_comment'} : $REMOVE_COMMENT) { $$ref =~ s|()|push(@comment, $1);$MARKER_COMMENT|eg; } ### if there is a target - focus in on it ### possible bug here - name won't be found if ### there is nested html inside the form tag that comes before ### the name field - if no close form tag - don't swap in anything if ($target) { local $_TEMP_TARGET = $target; $$ref =~ s{(
]+ # some space \bname=([\"\']?) # the name tag $target # with the correct name (allows for regex) \2 # closing quote .+? # as much as there is (?=
)) # then end }{ my $str = $1; local $args->{'text'} = \$str; local $args->{'remove_script'} = 0; local $args->{'remove_comment'} = 0; local $args->{'target'} = undef; fill($args); $str; # return of the s///; }sigex; ### put scripts and comments back and return $$ref =~ s/$MARKER_COMMENT/shift(@comment)/eg if $#comment != -1; $$ref =~ s/$MARKER_SCRIPT/ shift(@script) /eg if $#script != -1; return 1; } ### build a sub to get a value from the passed forms on a request basis my %indexes = (); # store indexes for multivalued elements my $get_form_value = sub { my $key = shift; my $all = $_[0] && $_[0] eq 'all'; if (! defined $key || ! length $key) { return $all ? [] : undef; } my $val; my $meth; foreach my $form (@$forms) { next if ! ref $form; if (UNIVERSAL::isa($form, 'HASH') && defined $form->{$key}) { $val = $form->{$key}; last; } elsif ($meth = UNIVERSAL::can($form, $args->{'object_method'} || $OBJECT_METHOD)) { $val = $form->$meth($key); last if defined $val; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($form, 'CODE')) { $val = $form->($key, $_TEMP_TARGET); last if defined $val; } } if (! defined $val) { return $all ? [] : undef; } ### fix up the value some if (UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'CODE')) { $val = $val->($key, $_TEMP_TARGET); } if (UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'ARRAY')) { $val = [@$val]; # copy the values } elsif (ref $val) { # die "Value for $key is not an array or a scalar"; $val = "$val"; # stringify anything else } ### html escape them all html_escape(\$_) foreach (ref($val) ? @$val : $val); ### allow for returning all elements ### or one at a time if ($all) { return ref($val) ? $val : [$val]; } elsif (ref($val)) { $indexes{$key} ||= 0; my $ret = $val->[$indexes{$key}]; $ret = '' if ! defined $ret; $indexes{$key} ++; # don't wrap - if we run out of values - we're done return $ret; } else { return $val; } }; ###--------------------------------------------------------------### ### First pass ### swap form elements if they have a name $$ref =~ s{ (] )+ >) # nested html ok }{ ### get the type and name - intentionally exlude names with nested "' my $tag = $1; my $type = uc(get_tagval_by_key(\$tag, 'type') || ''); my $name = get_tagval_by_key(\$tag, 'name'); if ($name && ! $ignore->{$name}) { if (! $type || $type eq 'HIDDEN' || $type eq 'TEXT' || $type eq 'FILE' || ($type eq 'PASSWORD' && $fill_password)) { my $value = $get_form_value->($name, 'next'); if (defined $value) { swap_tagval_by_key(\$tag, 'value', $value); } elsif (! defined get_tagval_by_key(\$tag, 'value')) { swap_tagval_by_key(\$tag, 'value', ''); } } elsif ($type eq 'CHECKBOX' || $type eq 'RADIO') { my $values = $get_form_value->($name, 'all'); if (@$values) { $tag =~ s{\s+\bCHECKED\b(?:=([\"\']?)checked\1)?(?=\s|>|/>)}{}ig; my $fvalue = get_tagval_by_key(\$tag, 'value'); $fvalue = 'on' if ! defined $fvalue; if (defined $fvalue) { foreach (@$values) { next if $_ ne $fvalue; $tag =~ s|(\s*/?>\s*)$| checked="checked"$1|; last; } } } } } $tag; # return of swap }sigex; ### Second pass ### swap select boxes (must be done in such a way as to allow no closing tag) my @start = (); my @close = (); push @start, pos($$ref) - length($1) while $$ref =~ m|(<\s*select\b)|ig; push @close, pos($$ref) - length($1) while $$ref =~ m|( $start[$i + 1]) { $close[$i] = $start[$i + 1]; # set to start of next select if no closing or > next select } } for (my $i = $#start; $i >= 0; $i --) { my $opts = substr($$ref, $start[$i], $close[$i] - $start[$i]); $opts =~ s{ (