package CGI::Ex::Conf; =head1 NAME CGI::Ex::Conf - Conf Reader/Writer for many different data format types =cut ###----------------------------------------------------------------### # Copyright 2006 - Paul Seamons # # Distributed under the Perl Artistic License without warranty # ###----------------------------------------------------------------### use strict; use base qw(Exporter); use Carp qw(croak); use vars qw($VERSION @DEFAULT_PATHS $DEFAULT_EXT %EXT_READERS %EXT_WRITERS $DIRECTIVE $IMMUTABLE_QR $IMMUTABLE_KEY %CACHE $HTML_KEY @EXPORT_OK ); @EXPORT_OK = qw(conf_read conf_write); $VERSION = '2.02'; $DEFAULT_EXT = 'conf'; %EXT_READERS = ('' => \&read_handler_yaml, 'conf' => \&read_handler_yaml, 'json' => \&read_handler_json, 'val_json' => \&read_handler_json, 'ini' => \&read_handler_ini, 'pl' => \&read_handler_pl, 'sto' => \&read_handler_storable, 'storable' => \&read_handler_storable, 'val' => \&read_handler_yaml, 'xml' => \&read_handler_xml, 'yaml' => \&read_handler_yaml, 'yml' => \&read_handler_yaml, 'html' => \&read_handler_html, 'htm' => \&read_handler_html, ); %EXT_WRITERS = ('' => \&write_handler_yaml, 'conf' => \&write_handler_yaml, 'ini' => \&write_handler_ini, 'json' => \&write_handler_json, 'val_json' => \&write_handler_json, 'pl' => \&write_handler_pl, 'sto' => \&write_handler_storable, 'storable' => \&write_handler_storable, 'val' => \&write_handler_yaml, 'xml' => \&write_handler_xml, 'yaml' => \&write_handler_yaml, 'yml' => \&write_handler_yaml, 'html' => \&write_handler_html, 'htm' => \&write_handler_html, ); ### $DIRECTIVE controls how files are looked for when namespaces are not absolute. ### If directories 1, 2 and 3 are passed and each has a config file ### LAST would return 3, FIRST would return 1, and MERGE will ### try to put them all together. Merge behavior of hashes ### is determined by $IMMUTABLE_\w+ variables. $DIRECTIVE = 'LAST'; # LAST, MERGE, FIRST $IMMUTABLE_QR = qr/_immu(?:table)?$/i; $IMMUTABLE_KEY = 'immutable'; ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub new { my $class = shift || __PACKAGE__; my $args = shift || {}; return bless {%$args}, $class; } sub paths { my $self = shift; return $self->{paths} ||= \@DEFAULT_PATHS; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub conf_read { my $file = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my $ext; ### they passed the right stuff already if (ref $file) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($file, 'SCALAR')) { if ($$file =~ /^\s*{no_cache}) { return $CACHE{$file}; ### if contains a newline - treat it as a YAML string } elsif (index($file,"\n") != -1) { return yaml_load($file); ### otherwise base it off of the file extension } elsif ($args->{file_type}) { $ext = $args->{file_type}; } elsif ($file =~ /\.(\w+)$/) { $ext = $1; } else { $ext = defined($args->{default_ext}) ? $args->{default_ext} : defined($DEFAULT_EXT) ? $DEFAULT_EXT : ''; $file = length($ext) ? "$file.$ext" : $file; } ### determine the handler my $handler = $EXT_READERS{$ext} || croak "Unknown file extension: $ext"; ### don't die if the file is not found - do die otherwise if (! -e $file) { eval { die "Conf file $file not found" }; warn "Conf file $file not found" if ! $args->{'no_warn_on_fail'}; return; } return eval { scalar $handler->($file, $args) } || die "Error while reading conf file $file\n$@"; } sub read_ref { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $args = shift || {}; return conf_read($file, {%$self, %$args}); } ### allow for different kinds of merging of arguments ### allow for key fallback on hashes ### allow for immutable values on hashes sub read { my $self = shift; my $namespace = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my $REF = $args->{ref} || undef; # can pass in existing set of options my $IMMUTABLE = $args->{immutable} || {}; # can pass existing immutable types $self = $self->new() if ! ref $self; ### allow for fast short ciruit on path lookup for several cases my $directive; my @paths = (); if (ref($namespace) # already a ref || index($namespace,"\n") != -1 # yaml string to read in || $namespace =~ m|^\.{0,2}/.+$| # absolute or relative file ) { push @paths, $namespace; $directive = 'FIRST'; ### use the default directories } else { $directive = uc($args->{directive} || $self->{directive} || $DIRECTIVE); $namespace =~ s|::|/|g; # allow perlish style namespace my $paths = $args->{paths} || $self->paths || croak "No paths found during read on $namespace"; $paths = [$paths] if ! ref $paths; if ($directive eq 'LAST') { # LAST shall be FIRST $directive = 'FIRST'; $paths = [reverse @$paths] if $#$paths != 0; } foreach my $path (@$paths) { next if exists $CACHE{$path} && ! $CACHE{$path}; push @paths, "$path/$namespace"; } } ### make sure we have at least one path if ($#paths == -1) { croak "Couldn't find a path for namespace $namespace. Perhaps you need to pass paths => \@paths"; } ### now loop looking for a ref foreach my $path (@paths) { my $ref = $self->read_ref($path, $args) || next; if (! $REF) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'ARRAY')) { $REF = []; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'HASH')) { $REF = {}; } else { croak "Unknown config type of \"".ref($ref)."\" for namespace $namespace"; } } elsif (! UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, ref($REF))) { croak "Found different reference types for namespace $namespace" . " - wanted a type ".ref($REF); } if (ref($REF) eq 'ARRAY') { if ($directive eq 'MERGE') { push @$REF, @$ref; next; } splice @$REF, 0, $#$REF + 1, @$ref; last; } else { my $immutable = delete $ref->{$IMMUTABLE_KEY}; my ($key,$val); if ($directive eq 'MERGE') { while (($key,$val) = each %$ref) { next if $IMMUTABLE->{$key}; my $immute = $key =~ s/$IMMUTABLE_QR//o; $IMMUTABLE->{$key} = 1 if $immute || $immutable; $REF->{$key} = $val; } next; } delete $REF->{$key} while $key = each %$REF; while (($key,$val) = each %$ref) { my $immute = $key =~ s/$IMMUTABLE_QR//o; $IMMUTABLE->{$key} = 1 if $immute || $immutable; $REF->{$key} = $val; } last; } } $REF->{"Immutable Keys"} = $IMMUTABLE if scalar keys %$IMMUTABLE; return $REF; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub read_handler_ini { my $file = shift; require Config::IniHash; return Config::IniHash::ReadINI($file); } sub read_handler_pl { my $file = shift; ### do has odd behavior in that it turns a simple hashref ### into hash - help it out a little bit my @ref = do $file; return ($#ref != 0) ? {@ref} : $ref[0]; } sub read_handler_json { my $file = shift; local *IN; open (IN, $file) || die "Couldn't open $file: $!"; CORE::read(IN, my $text, -s $file); close IN; return scalar JSON::jsonToObj($text); } sub read_handler_storable { my $file = shift; require Storable; return Storable::retrieve($file); } sub read_handler_yaml { my $file = shift; local *IN; open (IN, $file) || die "Couldn't open $file: $!"; CORE::read(IN, my $text, -s $file); close IN; return yaml_load($text); } sub yaml_load { my $text = shift; require YAML; my @ret = eval { YAML::Load($text) }; if ($@) { die "$@"; } return ($#ret == 0) ? $ret[0] : \@ret; } sub read_handler_xml { my $file = shift; require XML::Simple; return XML::Simple::XMLin($file); } ### this handler will only function if a html_key (such as validation) ### is specified - actually this somewhat specific to validation - but ### I left it as a general use for other types ### is specified sub read_handler_html { my $file = shift; my $args = shift; if (! eval { require YAML }) { my $err = $@; my $found = 0; my $i = 0; while (my($pkg, $file, $line, $sub) = caller($i++)) { return undef if $sub =~ /\bpreload_files$/; } die $err; } ### get the html local *IN; open (IN, $file) || return undef; CORE::read(IN, my $html, -s $file); close IN; return html_parse_yaml_load($html, $args); } sub html_parse_yaml_load { my $html = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my $key = $args->{html_key} || $HTML_KEY; return undef if ! $key || $key !~ /^\w+$/; my $str = ''; my @order = (); while ($html =~ m{ (document\. # global javascript | var\s+ # local javascript | <\w+\s+[^>]*?) # input, form, select, textarea tag \Q$key\E # the key \s*=\s* # an equals sign ([\"\']) # open quote (.+?[^\\]) # something in between \2 # close quote }xsg) { my ($line, $quot, $yaml) = ($1, $2, $3); if ($line =~ /^(document\.|var\s)/) { # js variable $yaml =~ s/\\$quot/$quot/g; $yaml =~ s/\\n\\\n?/\n/g; $yaml =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; $yaml =~ s/\s*$/\n/s; # fix trailing newline $str = $yaml; # use last one found } else { # inline attributes $yaml =~ s/\s*$/\n/s; # fix trailing newline if ($line =~ m/
{no_cache}) { warn "Cannot write back to a file that is in the cache"; return 0; ### otherwise base it off of the file extension } elsif ($args->{file_type}) { $ext = $args->{file_type}; } elsif ($file =~ /\.(\w+)$/) { $ext = $1; } else { $ext = defined($args->{default_ext}) ? $args->{default_ext} : defined($DEFAULT_EXT) ? $DEFAULT_EXT : ''; $file = length($ext) ? "$file.$ext" : $file; } ### determine the handler my $handler; if ($args->{handler}) { $handler = (UNIVERSAL::isa($args->{handler},'CODE')) ? $args->{handler} : $args->{handler}->{$ext}; } if (! $handler) { $handler = $EXT_WRITERS{$ext} || croak "Unknown file extension: $ext"; } return eval { scalar $handler->($file, $conf, $args) } || die "Error while writing conf file $file\n$@"; } sub write_ref { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $conf = shift; my $args = shift || {}; conf_write($file, $conf, {%$self, %$args}); } ### Allow for writing out conf values ### Allow for writing out the correct filename (if there is a path array) ### Allow for not writing out immutable values on hashes sub write { my $self = shift; my $namespace = shift; my $conf = shift || croak "Must pass hashref to write out"; # the info to write my $args = shift || {}; my $IMMUTABLE = $args->{immutable} || {}; # can pass existing immutable types $self = $self->new() if ! ref $self; ### allow for fast short ciruit on path lookup for several cases my $directive; my @paths = (); if (ref($namespace) # already a ref || $namespace =~ m|^\.{0,2}/.+$| # absolute or relative file ) { push @paths, $namespace; $directive = 'FIRST'; } elsif (index($namespace,"\n") != -1) { # yaml string - can't write that croak "Cannot use a yaml string as a namespace for write"; ### use the default directories } else { $directive = uc($args->{directive} || $self->{directive} || $DIRECTIVE); $namespace =~ s|::|/|g; # allow perlish style namespace my $paths = $args->{paths} || $self->paths || croak "No paths found during write on $namespace"; $paths = [$paths] if ! ref $paths; if ($directive eq 'LAST') { # LAST shall be FIRST $directive = 'FIRST'; $paths = [reverse @$paths] if $#$paths != 0; } foreach my $path (@$paths) { next if exists $CACHE{$path} && ! $CACHE{$path}; push @paths, "$path/$namespace"; } } ### make sure we have at least one path if ($#paths == -1) { croak "Couldn't find a path for namespace $namespace. Perhaps you need to pass paths => \@paths"; } my $path; if ($directive eq 'FIRST') { $path = $paths[0]; } elsif ($directive eq 'LAST' || $directive eq 'MERGE') { $path = $paths[-1]; } else { croak "Unknown directive ($directive) during write of $namespace"; } ### remove immutable items (if any) if (UNIVERSAL::isa($conf, 'HASH') && $conf->{"Immutable Keys"}) { $conf = {%$conf}; # copy the values - only for immutable my $IMMUTABLE = delete $conf->{"Immutable Keys"}; foreach my $key (keys %$IMMUTABLE) { delete $conf->{$key}; } } ### finally write it out $self->write_ref($path, $conf); return 1; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub write_handler_ini { my $file = shift; my $ref = shift; require Config::IniHash; return Config::IniHash::WriteINI($file, $ref); } sub write_handler_pl { my $file = shift; my $ref = shift; ### do has odd behavior in that it turns a simple hashref ### into hash - help it out a little bit require Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dump::Purity = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0; local $Data::Dumper::Pad = ' '; local $Data::Dumper::Varname = 'VunderVar'; my $str = Data::Dumper->Dumpperl([$ref]); if ($str =~ s/^(.+?=\s*)//s) { my $l = length($1); $str =~ s/^\s{1,$l}//mg; } if ($str =~ /\$VunderVar/) { die "Ref to be written contained circular references - can't write"; } local *OUT; open (OUT, ">$file") || die $!; print OUT $str; close OUT; } sub write_handler_json { my $file = shift; my $ref = shift; require JSON; my $str = JSON::objToJson($ref, {pretty => 1, indent => 2}); local *OUT; open (OUT, ">$file") || die $!; print OUT $str; close(OUT); } sub write_handler_storable { my $file = shift; my $ref = shift; require Storable; return Storable::store($ref, $file); } sub write_handler_yaml { my $file = shift; my $ref = shift; require YAML; return YAML::DumpFile($file, $ref); } sub write_handler_xml { my $file = shift; my $ref = shift; require XML::Simple; local *OUT; open (OUT, ">$file") || die $!; print OUT scalar(XML::Simple->new->XMLout($ref, noattr => 1)); close(OUT); } sub write_handler_html { my $file = shift; my $ref = shift; die "Write of conf information to html is not supported"; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub preload_files { my $self = shift; my $paths = shift || $self->paths; require File::Find; ### what extensions do we look for my %EXT; if ($self->{handler}) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{handler},'HASH')) { %EXT = %{ $self->{handler} }; } } else { %EXT = %EXT_READERS; if (! $self->{html_key} && ! $HTML_KEY) { delete $EXT{$_} foreach qw(html htm); } } return if ! keys %EXT; ### look in the paths for the files foreach my $path (ref($paths) ? @$paths : $paths) { $path =~ s|//+|/|g; $path =~ s|/$||; next if exists $CACHE{$path}; if (-f $path) { my $ext = ($path =~ /\.(\w+)$/) ? $1 : ''; next if ! $EXT{$ext}; $CACHE{$path} = $self->read($path); } elsif (-d _) { $CACHE{$path} = 1; File::Find::find(sub { return if exists $CACHE{$File::Find::name}; return if $File::Find::name =~ m|/CVS/|; return if ! -f; my $ext = (/\.(\w+)$/) ? $1 : ''; return if ! $EXT{$ext}; $CACHE{$File::Find::name} = $self->read($File::Find::name); }, "$path/"); } else { $CACHE{$path} = 0; } } } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS my $cob = CGI::Ex::Conf->new; my $full_path_to_file = "/tmp/foo.val"; # supports ini, sto, val, pl, xml my $hash = $cob->read($file); local $cob->{default_ext} = 'conf'; # default anyway my @paths = qw(/tmp, /home/pauls); local $cob->{paths} = \@paths; my $hash = $cob->read('My::NameSpace'); # will look in /tmp/My/NameSpace.conf and /home/pauls/My/NameSpace.conf my $hash = $cob->read('My::NameSpace', {paths => ['/tmp']}); # will look in /tmp/My/NameSpace.conf local $cob->{directive} = 'MERGE'; my $hash = $cob->read('FooSpace'); # OR # my $hash = $cob->read('FooSpace', {directive => 'MERGE'}); # will return merged hashes from /tmp/FooSpace.conf and /home/pauls/FooSpace.conf # immutable keys are preserved from originating files local $cob->{directive} = 'FIRST'; my $hash = $cob->read('FooSpace'); # will return values from first found file in the path. local $cob->{directive} = 'LAST'; # default behavior my $hash = $cob->read('FooSpace'); # will return values from last found file in the path. ### manipulate $hash $cob->write('FooSpace'); # will write it out the changes =head1 DESCRIPTION There are half a million Conf readers out there. Why not add one more. Actually, this module provides a wrapper around the many file formats and the config modules that can handle them. It does not introduce any formats of its own. This module also provides a preload ability which is useful in conjunction with mod_perl. Oh - and it writes too. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item C<-Eread_ref> Takes a file and optional argument hashref. Figures out the type of handler to use to read the file, reads it and returns the ref. If you don't need the extended merge functionality, or key fallback, or immutable keys, or path lookup ability - then use this method. Otherwise - use ->read. =item C<-Eread> First argument may be either a perl data structure, yaml string, a full filename, or a file "namespace". The second argument can be a hashref of override values (referred to as $args below).. If the first argument is a perl data structure, it will be copied one level deep and returned (nested structures will contain the same references). A yaml string will be parsed and returned. A full filename will be read using the appropriate handler and returned (a file beginning with a / or ./ or ../ is considered to be a full filename). A file "namespace" (ie "footer" or "my::config" or "what/ever") will be turned into a filename by looking for that namespace in the paths found either in $args->{paths} or in $self->{paths} or in @DEFAULT_PATHS. @DEFAULT_PATHS is empty by default as is $self->{paths} - read makes no attempt to guess what directories to look in. If the namespace has no extension the extension listed in $args->{default_ext} or $self->{default_ext} or $DEFAULT_EXT will be used). my $ref = $cob->read('My::NameSpace', { paths => [qw(/tmp /usr/data)], default_ext => 'pl', }); # would look first for /tmp/My/ # and then /usr/data/My/ my $ref = $cob->read('foo.sto', { paths => [qw(/tmp /usr/data)], default_ext => 'pl', }); # would look first for /tmp/foo.sto # and then /usr/data/foo.sto When a namespace is used and there are multiple possible paths, there area a few options to control which file to look for. A directive of 'FIRST', 'MERGE', or 'LAST' may be specified in $args->{directive} or $self->{directive} or the default value in $DIRECTIVE will be used (default is 'LAST'). When 'FIRST' is specified the first path that contains the namespace is returned. If 'LAST' is used, the last found path that contains the namespace is returned. If 'MERGE' is used, the data structures are joined together. If they are arrayrefs, they are joined into one large arrayref. If they are hashes, they are layered on top of each other with keys found in later paths overwriting those found in earlier paths. This allows for setting system defaults in a root file, and then allow users to have custom overrides. It is possible to make keys in a root file be immutable (non overwritable) by adding a suffix of _immutable or _immu to the key (ie {foo_immutable => 'bar'}). If a value is found in the file that matches $IMMUTABLE_KEY, the entire file is considered immutable. The immutable defaults may be overriden using $IMMUTABLE_QR and $IMMUTABLE_KEY. Errors during read die. If the file does not exist undef is returned. =item C<-Ewrite_ref> Takes a file and the reference to be written. Figures out the type of handler to use to write the file and writes it. If you used the ->read_ref use this method. Otherwise, use ->write. =item C<-Ewrite> Allows for writing back out the information read in by ->read. If multiple paths where used - the directive 'FIRST' will write the changes to the first file in the path - otherwise the last path will be used. If ->read had found immutable keys, then those keys are removed before writing. Errors during write die. =item C<-Epreload_files> Arguments are file(s) and/or directory(s) to preload. preload_files will loop through the arguments, find the files that exist, read them in using the handler which matches the files extension, and cache them by filename in %CACHE. Directories are spidered for file extensions which match those listed in %EXT_READERS. This is useful for a server environment where CPU may be more precious than memory. =head1 FILETYPES CGI::Ex::Conf supports the files found in %EXT_READERS by default. Additional types may be added to %EXT_READERS, or a custom handler may be passed via $args->{handler} or $self->{handler}. If the custom handler is a code ref, all files will be passed to it. If it is a hashref, it should contain keys which are extensions it supports, and values which read those extensions. Some file types have benefits over others. Storable is very fast, but is binary and not human readable. YAML is readable but very slow. I would suggest using a readable format such as YAML and then using preload_files to load in what you need at run time. All preloaded files are faster than any of the other types. The following is the list of handlers that ships with CGI::Ex::Conf (they will only work if the supporting module is installed on your system): =over 4 =item C Should be a file containing a perl structure which is the last thing returned. =item C and C Should be a file containing a structure stored in Storable format. See L. =item C and C and C Should be a file containing a yaml document. Multiple documents are returned as a single arrayref. Also - any file without an extension and custom handler will be read using YAML. See L. =item C Should be a windows style ini file. See L =item C Should be an xml file. It will be read in by XMLin. See L. =item C and C This is actually a custom type intended for use with CGI::Ex::Validate. The configuration to be read is actually validation that is stored inline with the html. The handler will look for any form elements or input elements with an attribute with the same name as in $HTML_KEY. It will also look for a javascript variable by the same name as in $HTML_KEY. All configuration items done this way should be written in YAML. For example, if $HTML_KEY contained 'validation' it would find validation in: # automatically indented and "username:\n" prepended # AND # # AND # # AND # If the key $HTML_KEY is not set, the handler will always return undef without even opening the file. =back =head1 TODO Make a similar write method that handles immutability. =head1 AUTHOR Paul Seamons =head1 LICENSE This module may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut