package AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::HTML; # ABSTRACT: XEP-0071: XHTML-IM (Version 1.5) for AnyEvent::XMPP use warnings; use strict; use AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext; use AnyEvent::XMPP::Namespaces qw/set_xmpp_ns_alias xmpp_ns/; our @ISA = qw/AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext/; =head1 SYNOPSIS my $c = AnyEvent::XMPP::Connection->new(...); $c->add_extension(my $disco = AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Disco->new); $c->add_extension(AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::HTML->new(disco => $disco)); $c->send_message( body => "This is plain text; same as usual.", html => "This is XHTML!", ); =head1 DESCRIPTION An implementation of XEP-0071: XHTML-IM for HTML-formatted messages. =head1 CAVEATS HTML messages are not validated nor escaped, so it is your responsibility to use valid XHTML-IM tags and to close them properly. =method new Creates a new extension handle. It takes an optional C argument which is a L object for which this extension will be enabled. =cut sub new { my $this = shift; my $class = ref($this) || $this; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; $self->init; $self; } =method init Initialize the extension. This does not need to be called externally. =cut sub init { my $self = shift; set_xmpp_ns_alias(xhtml_im => ''); set_xmpp_ns_alias(xhtml => ''); $self->{disco}->enable_feature($self->disco_feature) if defined $self->{disco}; $self->{cb_id} = $self->reg_cb( send_message_hook => sub { my ($self, $con, $id, $to, $type, $attrs, $create_cb) = @_; return unless exists $attrs->{html}; my $html = delete $attrs->{html}; push @$create_cb, sub { my ($w) = @_; $w->addPrefix(xmpp_ns('xhtml_im'), ''); $w->startTag([xmpp_ns('xhtml_im'), 'html']); if (ref($html) eq 'HASH') { for (keys %$html) { $w->addPrefix(xmpp_ns('xhtml'), ''); $w->startTag([xmpp_ns('xhtml'), 'body'], ($_ ne '' ? ([xmpp_ns('xml'), 'lang'] => $_) : ())); $w->raw($html->{$_}); $w->endTag; } } else { $w->addPrefix(xmpp_ns('xhtml'), ''); $w->startTag([xmpp_ns('xhtml'), 'body']); $w->raw($html); $w->endTag; } $w->endTag; }; }, ); } sub disco_feature { xmpp_ns('xhtml_im'); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->unreg_cb($self->{cb_id}); } 1;