/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- prompt.c for the Openbox window manager Copyright (c) 2008 Dana Jansens This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License. */ #include "prompt.h" #include "openbox.h" #include "screen.h" #include "openbox.h" #include "client.h" #include "prop.h" #include "gettext.h" static GList *prompt_list = NULL; /* we construct these */ static RrAppearance *prompt_a_button; static RrAppearance *prompt_a_hover; static RrAppearance *prompt_a_press; /* we change the max width which would screw with others */ static RrAppearance *prompt_a_msg; static void prompt_layout(ObPrompt *self); static void render_all(ObPrompt *self); static void render_button(ObPrompt *self, ObPromptElement *e); void prompt_startup(gboolean reconfig) { RrColor *c_button, *c_hover, *c_press; prompt_a_button = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_focused_unpressed_close); prompt_a_hover = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_hover_focused_close); prompt_a_press = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_focused_pressed_close); c_button = prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.mask.color; c_hover = prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.mask.color; c_press = prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.mask.color; RrAppearanceRemoveTextures(prompt_a_button); RrAppearanceRemoveTextures(prompt_a_hover); RrAppearanceRemoveTextures(prompt_a_press); RrAppearanceAddTextures(prompt_a_button, 1); RrAppearanceAddTextures(prompt_a_hover, 1); RrAppearanceAddTextures(prompt_a_press, 1); /* totally cheating here.. */ prompt_a_button->texture[0] = ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label->texture[0]; prompt_a_hover->texture[0] = ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label->texture[0]; prompt_a_press->texture[0] = ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label->texture[0]; prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.text.color = c_button; prompt_a_hover->texture[0].data.text.color = c_hover; prompt_a_press->texture[0].data.text.color = c_press; prompt_a_msg = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label); prompt_a_msg->texture[0].data.text.flow = TRUE; if (reconfig) { GList *it; for (it = prompt_list; it; it = g_list_next(it)) { ObPrompt *p = it->data; prompt_layout(p); render_all(p); } } } void prompt_shutdown(gboolean reconfig) { RrAppearanceFree(prompt_a_button); RrAppearanceFree(prompt_a_hover); RrAppearanceFree(prompt_a_press); RrAppearanceFree(prompt_a_msg); } ObPrompt* prompt_new(const gchar *msg, const gchar *const *answers) { ObPrompt *self; XSetWindowAttributes attrib; guint i; const gchar *const *c; attrib.override_redirect = FALSE; attrib.border_pixel = RrColorPixel(ob_rr_theme->osd_border_color); self = g_new0(ObPrompt, 1); self->ref = 1; self->super.type = Window_Prompt; self->super.window = XCreateWindow(ob_display, RootWindow(ob_display, ob_screen), 0, 0, 1, 1, ob_rr_theme->obwidth, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWOverrideRedirect | CWBorderPixel, &attrib); PROP_SET32(self->super.window, net_wm_window_type, atom, prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_dialog); self->a_bg = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_bg); self->msg.text = g_strdup(msg); self->msg.window = XCreateWindow(ob_display, self->super.window, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, 0, NULL); XMapWindow(ob_display, self->msg.window); self->n_buttons = 0; for (c = answers; *c != NULL; ++c) ++self->n_buttons; if (!self->n_buttons) self->n_buttons = 1; self->button = g_new(ObPromptElement, self->n_buttons); if (!answers) { g_assert(self->n_buttons == 1); /* should be set to this above.. */ self->button[0].text = g_strdup(_("OK")); } else { g_assert(self->n_buttons > 0); for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) self->button[i].text = g_strdup(answers[i]); } for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) { self->button[i].window = XCreateWindow(ob_display, self->super.window, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, 0, NULL); XMapWindow(ob_display, self->button[i].window); g_hash_table_insert(window_map, &self->button[i].window, PROMPT_AS_WINDOW(self)); } prompt_list = g_list_prepend(prompt_list, self); return self; } void prompt_ref(ObPrompt *self) { ++self->ref; } void prompt_unref(ObPrompt *self) { if (self && --self->ref == 0) { guint i; prompt_list = g_list_remove(prompt_list, self); for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) { g_hash_table_remove(window_map, &self->button[i].window); XDestroyWindow(ob_display, self->button[i].window); } XDestroyWindow(ob_display, self->msg.window); RrAppearanceFree(self->a_bg); XDestroyWindow(ob_display, self->super.window); g_free(self); } } static void prompt_layout(ObPrompt *self) { gint l, r, t, b; guint i; gint allbuttonsw, allbuttonsh, buttonx; gint w, h; gint maxw; const gint OUTSIDE_MARGIN = 4; const gint MSG_BUTTON_SEPARATION = 4; const gint BUTTON_SEPARATION = 4; const gint MAX_WIDTH = 600; RrMargins(self->a_bg, &l, &t, &r, &b); l += OUTSIDE_MARGIN; t += OUTSIDE_MARGIN; r += OUTSIDE_MARGIN; b += OUTSIDE_MARGIN; { Rect *area = screen_physical_area_all_monitors(); maxw = MIN(MAX_WIDTH, area->width*4/5); g_free(area); } /* find the button sizes and how much space we need for them */ allbuttonsw = allbuttonsh = 0; for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) { gint bw, bh; prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.text.string = self->button[i].text; prompt_a_hover->texture[0].data.text.string = self->button[i].text; prompt_a_press->texture[0].data.text.string = self->button[i].text; RrMinSize(prompt_a_button, &bw, &bh); self->button[i].width = bw; self->button[i].height = bh; RrMinSize(prompt_a_hover, &bw, &bh); self->button[i].width = MAX(self->button[i].width, bw); self->button[i].height = MAX(self->button[i].height, bh); RrMinSize(prompt_a_press, &bw, &bh); self->button[i].width = MAX(self->button[i].width, bw); self->button[i].height = MAX(self->button[i].height, bh); allbuttonsw += self->button[i].width + (i > 0 ? BUTTON_SEPARATION : 0); allbuttonsh = MAX(allbuttonsh, self->button[i].height); } self->msg_wbound = MAX(allbuttonsw, maxw); /* measure the text message area */ prompt_a_msg->texture[0].data.text.string = self->msg.text; prompt_a_msg->texture[0].data.text.maxwidth = self->msg_wbound; RrMinSize(prompt_a_msg, &self->msg.width, &self->msg.height); /* width and height inside the outer margins */ w = MAX(self->msg.width, allbuttonsw); h = self->msg.height + MSG_BUTTON_SEPARATION + allbuttonsh; /* position the text message */ self->msg.x = l + (w - self->msg.width) / 2; self->msg.y = t; /* position the button buttons */ buttonx = l + (w - allbuttonsw) / 2; for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) { self->button[i].x = buttonx; buttonx += self->button[i].width + BUTTON_SEPARATION; self->button[i].y = t + h - allbuttonsh; self->button[i].y += (allbuttonsh - self->button[i].height) / 2; } /* size and position the toplevel window */ self->width = w + l + r; self->height = h + t + b; /* move and resize the actual windows */ XResizeWindow(ob_display, self->super.window, self->width, self->height); XMoveResizeWindow(ob_display, self->msg.window, self->msg.x, self->msg.y, self->msg.width, self->msg.height); for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) XMoveResizeWindow(ob_display, self->button[i].window, self->button[i].x, self->button[i].y, self->button[i].width, self->button[i].height); } static void render_button(ObPrompt *self, ObPromptElement *e) { prompt_a_button->surface.parent = self->a_bg; prompt_a_button->surface.parentx = e->x; prompt_a_button->surface.parentx = e->y; prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.text.string = e->text; RrPaint(prompt_a_button, e->window, e->width, e->height); } static void render_all(ObPrompt *self) { guint i; RrPaint(self->a_bg, self->super.window, self->width, self->height); prompt_a_msg->surface.parent = self->a_bg; prompt_a_msg->surface.parentx = self->msg.x; prompt_a_msg->surface.parenty = self->msg.y; prompt_a_msg->texture[0].data.text.string = self->msg.text; prompt_a_msg->texture[0].data.text.maxwidth = self->msg_wbound; RrPaint(prompt_a_msg, self->msg.window, self->msg.width, self->msg.height); for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) render_button(self, &self->button[i]); } void prompt_show(ObPrompt *self, ObClient *parent) { XSizeHints hints; if (self->mapped) return; prompt_layout(self); render_all(self); /* you can't resize the prompt */ hints.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; hints.min_width = hints.max_width = self->width; hints.min_height = hints.max_height = self->height; XSetWMNormalHints(ob_display, self->super.window, &hints); XSetTransientForHint(ob_display, (parent ? parent->window : 0), self->super.window); client_manage(self->super.window, self); self->mapped = TRUE; } void prompt_hide(ObPrompt *self) { XUnmapWindow(ob_display, self->super.window); self->mapped = FALSE; } void prompt_hide_window(Window window) { GList *it; ObPrompt *p = NULL; for (it = prompt_list; it; it = g_list_next(it)) { p = it->data; if (p->super.window == window) break; } g_assert(it != NULL); prompt_hide(p); }