/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- popup.h for the Openbox window manager Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Dana Jansens This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License. */ #ifndef __popup_h #define __popup_h #include "client.h" #include "window.h" #include "obrender/render.h" #include struct _ObClientIcon; #define POPUP_WIDTH 320 #define POPUP_HEIGHT 48 typedef struct _ObPopup ObPopup; typedef struct _ObIconPopup ObIconPopup; typedef struct _ObPagerPopup ObPagerPopup; struct _ObPopup { ObWindow obwin; Window bg; Window text; gboolean hasicon; RrAppearance *a_bg; RrAppearance *a_text; gint gravity; gint x; gint y; gint textw; gint h; gint minw; gint maxw; guint iconwm; /* icon width multiplier. multiplied by the normal width */ guint iconhm; /* icon height multiplier. multipled by the normal height */ gboolean mapped; gboolean delay_mapped; guint delay_timer; void (*draw_icon)(gint x, gint y, gint w, gint h, gpointer data); gpointer draw_icon_data; ObClient *client; }; struct _ObIconPopup { ObPopup *popup; Window icon; RrAppearance *a_icon; }; struct _ObPagerPopup { ObPopup *popup; guint desks; guint curdesk; Window *wins; RrAppearance *hilight; RrAppearance *unhilight; }; ObPopup *popup_new(void); void popup_free(ObPopup *self); /*! Position the popup. The gravity rules are not the same X uses for windows, instead of the position being the top-left of the window, the gravity specifies which corner of the popup will be placed at the given coords. Static and Forget gravity are equivilent to NorthWest. */ void popup_position(ObPopup *self, gint gravity, gint x, gint y); /*! Set the sizes for the popup. When set to 0, the size will be based on the text size. */ void popup_height(ObPopup *self, gint w); void popup_min_width(ObPopup *self, gint minw); void popup_max_width(ObPopup *self, gint maxw); void popup_text_width(ObPopup *self, gint w); void popup_text_width_to_string(ObPopup *self, gchar *text); void popup_height_to_string(ObPopup *self, gchar *text); void popup_text_width_to_strings(ObPopup *self, gchar **strings, gint num); void popup_set_text_align(ObPopup *self, RrJustify align); #define popup_show(s, t) popup_delay_show((s),0,(t)) void popup_delay_show(ObPopup *self, gulong msec, gchar *text); void popup_hide(ObPopup *self); RrAppearance *popup_icon_appearance(ObPopup *self); ObIconPopup *icon_popup_new(void); void icon_popup_free(ObIconPopup *self); #define icon_popup_show(s, t, i) icon_popup_delay_show((s),0,(t),(i)) void icon_popup_delay_show(ObIconPopup *self, gulong msec, gchar *text, RrImage *icon); #define icon_popup_hide(p) popup_hide((p)->popup) #define icon_popup_position(p, g, x, y) popup_position((p)->popup,(g),(x),(y)) #define icon_popup_text_width(p, w) popup_text_width((p)->popup,(w)) #define icon_popup_height(p, h) popup_height((p)->popup,(h)) #define icon_popup_min_width(p, m) popup_min_width((p)->popup,(m)) #define icon_popup_max_width(p, m) popup_max_width((p)->popup,(m)) #define icon_popup_text_width_to_string(p, s) \ popup_text_width_to_string((p)->popup,(s)) #define icon_popup_text_width_to_strings(p, s, n) \ popup_text_width_to_strings((p)->popup,(s),(n)) #define icon_popup_set_text_align(p, j) popup_set_text_align((p)->popup,(j)) void icon_popup_icon_size_multiplier(ObIconPopup *self, guint wm, guint hm); ObPagerPopup *pager_popup_new(void); void pager_popup_free(ObPagerPopup *self); #define pager_popup_show(s, t, d) pager_popup_delay_show((s),0,(t),(d)) void pager_popup_delay_show(ObPagerPopup *self, gulong msec, gchar *text, guint desk); #define pager_popup_hide(p) popup_hide((p)->popup) #define pager_popup_position(p, g, x, y) popup_position((p)->popup,(g),(x),(y)) #define pager_popup_text_width(p, w) popup_text_width((p)->popup,(w)) #define pager_popup_height(p, h) popup_height((p)->popup,(h)) #define pager_popup_min_width(p, m) popup_min_width((p)->popup,(m)) #define pager_popup_max_width(p, m) popup_max_width((p)->popup,(m)) #define pager_popup_text_width_to_string(p, s) \ popup_text_width_to_string((p)->popup,(s)) #define pager_popup_text_width_to_strings(p, s, n) \ popup_text_width_to_strings((p)->popup,(s),(n)) #define pager_popup_set_text_align(p, j) popup_set_text_align((p)->popup,(j)) void pager_popup_icon_size_multiplier(ObPagerPopup *self, guint wm, guint hm); #endif