#ifndef __frame_h #define __frame_h #include "geom.h" #include "render/render.h" typedef struct _ObFrame ObFrame; struct _ObClient; typedef enum { OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_NONE, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_DESKTOP, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_CLIENT, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_TITLEBAR, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_HANDLE, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_FRAME, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_BLCORNER, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_BRCORNER, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_TLCORNER, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_TRCORNER, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_MAXIMIZE, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_ALLDESKTOPS, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_SHADE, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_ICONIFY, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_ICON, OB_FRAME_CONTEXT_CLOSE, OB_FRAME_NUM_CONTEXTS } ObFrameContext; /*! The decorations the client window wants to be displayed on it */ typedef enum { OB_FRAME_DECOR_TITLEBAR = 1 << 0, /*!< Display a titlebar */ OB_FRAME_DECOR_HANDLE = 1 << 1, /*!< Display a handle (bottom) */ OB_FRAME_DECOR_GRIPS = 1 << 2, /*!< Display grips in the handle */ OB_FRAME_DECOR_BORDER = 1 << 3, /*!< Display a border */ OB_FRAME_DECOR_ICON = 1 << 4, /*!< Display the window's icon */ OB_FRAME_DECOR_ICONIFY = 1 << 5, /*!< Display an iconify button */ OB_FRAME_DECOR_MAXIMIZE = 1 << 6, /*!< Display a maximize button */ /*! Display a button to toggle the window's placement on all desktops */ OB_FRAME_DECOR_ALLDESKTOPS = 1 << 7, OB_FRAME_DECOR_SHADE = 1 << 8, /*!< Displays a shade button */ OB_FRAME_DECOR_CLOSE = 1 << 9 /*!< Display a close button */ } ObFrameDecorations; struct _ObFrame { struct _ObClient *client; Window window; Window plate; Strut size; Rect area; gboolean visible; /*! Whether the window is obscured at all or fully visible. */ gboolean obscured; guint decorations; gboolean max_horz; Window title; Window label; Window max; Window close; Window desk; Window shade; Window icon; Window iconify; Window handle; Window lgrip; Window rgrip; Window tlresize; Window trresize; RrAppearance *a_unfocused_title; RrAppearance *a_focused_title; RrAppearance *a_unfocused_label; RrAppearance *a_focused_label; RrAppearance *a_icon; RrAppearance *a_unfocused_handle; RrAppearance *a_focused_handle; Strut innersize; GSList *clients; gint width; /* title and handle */ gint label_width; gint icon_x; /* x-position of the window icon button */ gint label_x; /* x-position of the window title */ gint iconify_x; /* x-position of the window iconify button */ gint desk_x; /* x-position of the window all-desktops button */ gint shade_x; /* x-position of the window shade button */ gint max_x; /* x-position of the window maximize button */ gint close_x; /* x-position of the window close button */ gint bwidth; /* border width */ gint rbwidth; /* title border width */ gint cbwidth_x; /* client border width */ gint cbwidth_y; /* client border width */ gboolean max_press; gboolean close_press; gboolean desk_press; gboolean shade_press; gboolean iconify_press; gboolean max_hover; gboolean close_hover; gboolean desk_hover; gboolean shade_hover; gboolean iconify_hover; gboolean focused; gboolean flashing; gboolean flash_on; GTimeVal flash_end; }; ObFrame *frame_new(); void frame_show(ObFrame *self); void frame_hide(ObFrame *self); void frame_adjust_shape(ObFrame *self); void frame_adjust_area(ObFrame *self, gboolean moved, gboolean resized, gboolean fake); void frame_adjust_state(ObFrame *self); void frame_adjust_focus(ObFrame *self, gboolean hilite); void frame_adjust_title(ObFrame *self); void frame_adjust_icon(ObFrame *self); void frame_grab_client(ObFrame *self, struct _ObClient *client); void frame_release_client(ObFrame *self, struct _ObClient *client); ObFrameContext frame_context_from_string(char *name); ObFrameContext frame_context(struct _ObClient *self, Window win); /*! Applies gravity to the client's position to find where the frame should be positioned. @return The proper coordinates for the frame, based on the client. */ void frame_client_gravity(ObFrame *self, int *x, int *y); /*! Reversly applies gravity to the frame's position to find where the client should be positioned. @return The proper coordinates for the client, based on the frame. */ void frame_frame_gravity(ObFrame *self, int *x, int *y); void frame_flash_start(ObFrame *self); void frame_flash_stop(ObFrame *self); #endif