/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- obt/ddparse.c for the Openbox window manager Copyright (c) 2009 Dana Jansens This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License. */ #include "obt/ddparse.h" #include "obt/link.h" #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H #include #endif typedef struct _ObtDDParse ObtDDParse; /* Parses the value and adds it to the group's key_hash, with the given key Return TRUE if it is added to the hash table, and FALSE if not. */ typedef gboolean (*ObtDDParseValueFunc)(gchar *key, const gchar *val, ObtDDParse *parse, gboolean *error); enum { DE_TYPE = 1 << 0, DE_TYPE_APPLICATION = 1 << 1, DE_TYPE_LINK = 1 << 2, DE_NAME = 1 << 3, DE_EXEC = 1 << 4, DE_URL = 1 << 5 }; struct _ObtDDParse { gchar *filename; gulong lineno; gulong flags; ObtDDParseGroup *group; /* the key is a group name, the value is a ObtDDParseGroup */ GHashTable *group_hash; }; struct _ObtDDParseGroup { gchar *name; gboolean seen; ObtDDParseValueFunc value_func; /* the key is a string (a key inside the group in the .desktop). the value is an ObtDDParseValue */ GHashTable *key_hash; }; /* Displays a warning message including the file name and line number, and sets the boolean @error to true if it points to a non-NULL address. */ static void parse_error(const gchar *m, const ObtDDParse *const parse, gboolean *error) { if (!parse->filename) g_warning("%s at line %lu of input", m, parse->lineno); else g_warning("%s at line %lu of file %s", m, parse->lineno, parse->filename); if (error) *error = TRUE; } static void parse_value_free(ObtDDParseValue *v) { switch (v->type) { case OBT_DDPARSE_EXEC: case OBT_DDPARSE_STRING: case OBT_DDPARSE_LOCALESTRING: g_free(v->value.string); break; case OBT_DDPARSE_STRINGS: case OBT_DDPARSE_LOCALESTRINGS: g_free(v->value.strings.s); v->value.strings.n = 0; break; case OBT_DDPARSE_BOOLEAN: case OBT_DDPARSE_NUMERIC: case OBT_DDPARSE_ENUM_TYPE: case OBT_DDPARSE_ENVIRONMENTS: break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } g_slice_free(ObtDDParseValue, v); } static ObtDDParseGroup* parse_group_new(gchar *name, ObtDDParseValueFunc f) { ObtDDParseGroup *g = g_slice_new(ObtDDParseGroup); g->name = name; g->value_func = f; g->seen = FALSE; g->key_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)parse_value_free); return g; } static void parse_group_free(ObtDDParseGroup *g) { g_free(g->name); g_hash_table_destroy(g->key_hash); g_slice_free(ObtDDParseGroup, g); } /*! Reads an input string, strips out invalid stuff, and parses backslash-stuff. If @nstrings is not NULL, then it splits the output string at ';' characters. They are all returned in the same string with null zeros between them, @nstrings is set to the number of such strings. */ static gchar* parse_value_string(const gchar *in, gboolean locale, gulong *nstrings, const ObtDDParse *const parse, gboolean *error) { const gint bytes = strlen(in); gboolean backslash; gchar *out, *o; const gchar *end, *i; g_return_val_if_fail(in != NULL, NULL); if (!locale) { end = in + bytes; for (i = in; i < end; ++i) { if ((guchar)*i >= 127 || (guchar)*i < 32) { /* non-control character ascii */ end = i; parse_error("Invalid bytes in string", parse, error); break; } } } else if (!g_utf8_validate(in, bytes, &end)) parse_error("Invalid bytes in localestring", parse, error); if (nstrings) *nstrings = 1; out = g_new(char, bytes + 1); i = in; o = out; backslash = FALSE; while (i < end) { const gchar *next; /* find the next character in the string */ if (!locale) next = i+1; else if (!(next = g_utf8_find_next_char(i, end))) next = end; if (backslash) { switch(*i) { case 's': *o++ = ' '; break; case 'n': *o++ = '\n'; break; case 't': *o++ = '\t'; break; case 'r': *o++ = '\r'; break; case ';': *o++ = ';'; break; case '\\': *o++ = '\\'; break; default: parse_error((locale ? "Invalid escape sequence in localestring" : "Invalid escape sequence in string"), parse, error); } backslash = FALSE; } else if (*i == '\\') backslash = TRUE; else if (*i == ';' && nstrings) { ++nstrings; *o = '\0'; } else if ((guchar)*i == 127 || (guchar)*i < 32) { /* avoid ascii control characters */ parse_error("Found control character in string", parse, error); break; } else { memcpy(o, i, next-i); o += next-i; } i = next; } *o = '\0'; return out; } static guint parse_value_environments(const gchar *in, const ObtDDParse *const parse, gboolean *error) { const gchar *s; guint mask = 0; s = in; while (*s) { switch (*(s++)) { case 'G': if (strcmp(s, "NOME") == 0) { mask |= OBT_LINK_ENV_GNOME; s += 4; } break; case 'K': if (strcmp(s, "DE") == 0) { mask |= OBT_LINK_ENV_KDE; s += 2; } break; case 'L': if (strcmp(s, "XDE") == 0) { mask |= OBT_LINK_ENV_LXDE; s += 3; } break; case 'R': if (strcmp(s, "OX") == 0) { mask |= OBT_LINK_ENV_ROX; s += 2; } break; case 'X': if (strcmp(s, "FCE") == 0) { mask |= OBT_LINK_ENV_XFCE; s += 3; } break; case 'O': switch (*(s++)) { case 'l': if (strcmp(s, "d") == 0) { mask |= OBT_LINK_ENV_OLD; s += 1; } break; case 'P': if (strcmp(s, "ENBOX") == 0) { mask |= OBT_LINK_ENV_OPENBOX; s += 5; } break; } } /* find the next string, or the end of the sequence */ while (*s && *s != ';') ++s; } return mask; } static gboolean parse_value_boolean(const gchar *in, const ObtDDParse *const parse, gboolean *error) { if (strcmp(in, "true") == 0) return TRUE; else if (strcmp(in, "false") != 0) parse_error("Invalid boolean value", parse, error); return FALSE; } static gfloat parse_value_numeric(const gchar *in, const ObtDDParse *const parse, gboolean *error) { gfloat out = 0; if (sscanf(in, "%f", &out) == 0) parse_error("Invalid numeric value", parse, error); return out; } static gboolean parse_file_line(FILE *f, gchar **buf, gulong *size, gulong *read, ObtDDParse *parse, gboolean *error) { const gulong BUFMUL = 80; size_t ret; gulong i, null; if (*size == 0) { g_assert(*read == 0); *size = BUFMUL; *buf = g_new(char, *size); } /* remove everything up to a null zero already in the buffer and shift the rest to the front */ null = *size; for (i = 0; i < *read; ++i) { if (null < *size) (*buf)[i-null-1] = (*buf)[i]; else if ((*buf)[i] == '\0') null = i; } if (null < *size) *read -= null + 1; /* is there already a newline in the buffer? */ for (i = 0; i < *read; ++i) if ((*buf)[i] == '\n') { /* turn it into a null zero and done */ (*buf)[i] = '\0'; return TRUE; } /* we need to read some more to find a newline */ while (TRUE) { gulong eol; gchar *newread; newread = *buf + *read; ret = fread(newread, sizeof(char), *size-*read, f); if (ret < *size - *read && !feof(f)) { parse_error("Error reading", parse, error); return FALSE; } *read += ret; /* strip out null zeros in the input and look for an endofline */ null = 0; eol = *size; for (i = newread-*buf; i < *read; ++i) { if (null > 0) (*buf)[i] = (*buf)[i+null]; if ((*buf)[i] == '\0') { ++null; --(*read); --i; /* try again */ } else if ((*buf)[i] == '\n' && eol == *size) { eol = i; /* turn it into a null zero */ (*buf)[i] = '\0'; } } if (eol != *size) /* found an endofline, done */ break; else if (feof(f) && *read < *size) { /* found the endoffile, done (if there is space) */ if (*read > 0) { /* stick a null zero on if there is test on the last line */ (*buf)[(*read)++] = '\0'; } break; } else { /* read more */ size += BUFMUL; *buf = g_renew(char, *buf, *size); } } return *read > 0; } static void parse_group(const gchar *buf, gulong len, ObtDDParse *parse, gboolean *error) { ObtDDParseGroup *g; gchar *group; gulong i; /* get the group name */ group = g_strndup(buf+1, len-2); for (i = 0; i < len-2; ++i) if ((guchar)group[i] < 32 || (guchar)group[i] >= 127) { /* valid ASCII only */ parse_error("Invalid character found", parse, NULL); group[i] = '\0'; /* stopping before this character */ break; } /* make sure it's a new group */ g = g_hash_table_lookup(parse->group_hash, group); if (g && g->seen) { parse_error("Duplicate group found", parse, error); g_free(group); return; } /* if it's the first group, make sure it's named Desktop Entry */ else if (!parse->group && strcmp(group, "Desktop Entry") != 0) { parse_error("Incorrect group found, " "expected [Desktop Entry]", parse, error); g_free(group); return; } else { if (!g) { g = parse_group_new(group, NULL); g_hash_table_insert(parse->group_hash, g->name, g); } else g_free(group); g->seen = TRUE; parse->group = g; g_print("Found group %s\n", g->name); } } static void parse_key_value(const gchar *buf, gulong len, ObtDDParse *parse, gboolean *error) { gulong i, keyend, valstart, eq; char *key; /* find the end of the key */ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (!(((guchar)buf[i] >= 'A' && (guchar)buf[i] <= 'Z') || ((guchar)buf[i] >= 'a' && (guchar)buf[i] <= 'z') || ((guchar)buf[i] >= '0' && (guchar)buf[i] <= '9') || ((guchar)buf[i] == '-'))) { /* not part of the key */ break; } keyend = i; if (keyend < 1) { parse_error("Empty key", parse, error); return; } /* find the = character */ for (i = keyend; i < len; ++i) { if (buf[i] == '=') { eq = i; break; } else if (buf[i] != ' ') { parse_error("Invalid character in key name", parse, error); return ; } } if (i == len) { parse_error("Key without value found", parse, error); return; } /* find the start of the value */ for (i = eq+1; i < len; ++i) if (buf[i] != ' ') { valstart = i; break; } if (i == len) { parse_error("Empty value found", parse, error); return; } key = g_strndup(buf, keyend); if (g_hash_table_lookup(parse->group->key_hash, key)) { parse_error("Duplicate key found", parse, error); g_free(key); return; } g_print("Found key/value %s=%s.\n", key, buf+valstart); if (parse->group->value_func) if (!parse->group->value_func(key, buf+valstart, parse, error)) { parse_error("Unknown key", parse, error); g_free(key); } } static gboolean parse_file(FILE *f, ObtDDParse *parse) { gchar *buf = NULL; gulong bytes = 0, read = 0; gboolean error = FALSE; while (!error && parse_file_line(f, &buf, &bytes, &read, parse, &error)) { gulong len = strlen(buf); if (buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '\0') ; /* ignore comment lines */ else if (buf[0] == '[' && buf[len-1] == ']') parse_group(buf, len, parse, &error); else if (!parse->group) /* just ignore keys outside of groups */ parse_error("Key found before group", parse, NULL); else /* ignore errors in key-value pairs and continue */ parse_key_value(buf, len, parse, NULL); ++parse->lineno; } if (buf) g_free(buf); return !error; } static gboolean parse_desktop_entry_value(gchar *key, const gchar *val, ObtDDParse *parse, gboolean *error) { ObtDDParseValue v, *pv; switch (key[0]) { case 'C': switch (key[1]) { case 'a': /* Categories */ if (strcmp(key+2, "tegories")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_STRINGS; break; case 'o': /* Comment */ if (strcmp(key+2, "mment")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_LOCALESTRING; break; default: return FALSE; } break; case 'E': /* Exec */ if (strcmp(key+1, "xec")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_EXEC; parse->flags |= DE_EXEC; break; case 'G': /* GenericName */ if (strcmp(key+1, "enericName")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_LOCALESTRING; break; case 'I': /* Icon */ if (strcmp(key+1, "con")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_LOCALESTRING; break; case 'H': /* Hidden */ if (strcmp(key+1, "idden")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_BOOLEAN; break; case 'M': /* MimeType */ if (strcmp(key+1, "imeType")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_STRINGS; break; case 'N': switch (key[1]) { case 'a': /* Name */ if (strcmp(key+2, "me")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_LOCALESTRING; parse->flags |= DE_NAME; break; case 'o': switch (key[2]) { case 'D': /* NoDisplay */ if (strcmp(key+3, "isplay")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_BOOLEAN; break; case 't': /* NotShowIn */ if (strcmp(key+3, "ShowIn")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_STRINGS; break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } break; case 'P': /* Path */ if (strcmp(key+1, "ath")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_STRING; break; case 'S': /* Path */ if (key[1] == 't' && key[2] == 'a' && key[3] == 'r' && key[4] == 't' && key[5] == 'u' && key[6] == 'p') switch (key[7]) { case 'N': /* StartupNotify */ if (strcmp(key+8, "otify")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_BOOLEAN; break; case 'W': /* StartupWMClass */ if (strcmp(key+8, "MClass")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_STRING; break; default: return FALSE; } else return FALSE; break; case 'T': switch (key[1]) { case 'e': /* Terminal */ if (strcmp(key+2, "rminal")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_BOOLEAN; break; case 'r': /* TryExec */ if (strcmp(key+2, "yExec")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_STRING; break; case 'y': /* Type */ if (strcmp(key+2, "pe")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_ENUM_TYPE; parse->flags |= DE_TYPE; break; default: return FALSE; } break; case 'U': /* URL */ if (strcmp(key+1, "RL")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_STRING; parse->flags |= DE_URL; break; case 'V': /* MimeType */ if (strcmp(key+1, "ersion")) return FALSE; v.type = OBT_DDPARSE_STRING; break; default: return FALSE; } /* parse the value */ switch (v.type) { case OBT_DDPARSE_EXEC: { gchar *c, *m; gboolean percent; gboolean found; v.value.string = parse_value_string(val, FALSE, NULL, parse, error); g_assert(v.value.string); /* an exec string can only contain one of the file/url-opening %'s */ percent = found = FALSE; for (c = v.value.string; *c; ++c) { if (*c == '%') percent = !percent; if (percent) { switch (*c) { case 'f': case 'F': case 'u': case 'U': if (found) { m = g_strdup_printf("Malformed Exec key, " "extraneous %%%c", *c); parse_error(m, parse, error); g_free(m); } found = TRUE; break; case 'd': case 'D': case 'n': case 'N': case 'v': case 'm': m = g_strdup_printf("Malformed Exec key, " "uses deprecated %%%c", *c); parse_error(m, parse, NULL); /* just a warning */ g_free(m); break; case 'i': case 'c': case 'k': break; default: m = g_strdup_printf("Malformed Exec key, " "uses unknown %%%c", *c); parse_error(m, parse, NULL); /* just a warning */ g_free(m); } } } break; } case OBT_DDPARSE_STRING: v.value.string = parse_value_string(val, FALSE, NULL, parse, error); g_assert(v.value.string); break; case OBT_DDPARSE_LOCALESTRING: v.value.string = parse_value_string(val, TRUE, NULL, parse, error); g_assert(v.value.string); break; case OBT_DDPARSE_STRINGS: v.value.strings.s = parse_value_string(val, FALSE, &v.value.strings.n, parse, error); g_assert(v.value.strings.s); g_assert(v.value.strings.n); break; case OBT_DDPARSE_LOCALESTRINGS: v.value.strings.s = parse_value_string(val, TRUE, &v.value.strings.n, parse, error); g_assert(v.value.strings.s); g_assert(v.value.strings.n); break; case OBT_DDPARSE_BOOLEAN: v.value.boolean = parse_value_boolean(val, parse, error); break; case OBT_DDPARSE_NUMERIC: v.value.numeric = parse_value_numeric(val, parse, error); break; case OBT_DDPARSE_ENUM_TYPE: if (val[0] == 'A' && strcmp(val+1, "pplication") == 0) { v.value.enumerable = OBT_LINK_TYPE_APPLICATION; parse->flags |= DE_TYPE_APPLICATION; } else if (val[0] == 'L' && strcmp(val+1, "ink") == 0) { v.value.enumerable = OBT_LINK_TYPE_URL; parse->flags |= DE_TYPE_LINK; } else if (val[0] == 'D' && strcmp(val+1, "irectory") == 0) v.value.enumerable = OBT_LINK_TYPE_DIRECTORY; else { parse_error("Unknown Type", parse, error); return FALSE; } break; case OBT_DDPARSE_ENVIRONMENTS: v.value.environments = parse_value_environments(val, parse, error); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } pv = g_slice_new(ObtDDParseValue); *pv = v; g_hash_table_insert(parse->group->key_hash, key, pv); return TRUE; } GHashTable* obt_ddparse_file(const gchar *name, GSList *paths) { ObtDDParse parse; ObtDDParseGroup *desktop_entry; GSList *it; FILE *f; gboolean success; parse.filename = NULL; parse.lineno = 0; parse.group = NULL; parse.group_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)parse_group_free); /* set up the groups (there's only one right now) */ desktop_entry = parse_group_new(g_strdup("Desktop Entry"), parse_desktop_entry_value); g_hash_table_insert(parse.group_hash, desktop_entry->name, desktop_entry); success = FALSE; for (it = paths; it && !success; it = g_slist_next(it)) { gchar *path = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", (char*)it->data, name); if ((f = fopen(path, "r"))) { parse.filename = path; parse.lineno = 1; parse.flags = 0; if ((success = parse_file(f, &parse))) { /* check that required keys exist */ if (!(parse.flags & DE_TYPE)) { g_warning("Missing Type key in %s", path); success = FALSE; } if (!(parse.flags & DE_NAME)) { g_warning("Missing Name key in %s", path); success = FALSE; } if (parse.flags & DE_TYPE_APPLICATION && !(parse.flags & DE_EXEC)) { g_warning("Missing Exec key for Application in %s", path); success = FALSE; } else if (parse.flags & DE_TYPE_LINK && !(parse.flags & DE_URL)) { g_warning("Missing URL key for Link in %s", path); success = FALSE; } } fclose(f); } g_free(path); } if (!success) { g_hash_table_destroy(parse.group_hash); parse.group_hash = NULL; } return parse.group_hash; } GHashTable* obt_ddparse_group_keys(ObtDDParseGroup *g) { return g->key_hash; }