/* HomeBank -- Free, easy, personal accounting for everyone. * Copyright (C) 1995-2012 Maxime DOYEN * * This file is part of HomeBank. * * HomeBank is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HomeBank is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "homebank.h" #include "hb-currency.h" #include #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 #include #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Debug macros */ /****************************************************************************/ #define MYDEBUG 0 #if MYDEBUG #define DB(x) (x); #else #define DB(x); #endif /* our global datas */ extern struct HomeBank *GLOBALS; extern struct Preferences *PREFS; extern Currency4217 iso4217cur[]; extern guint n_iso4217cur; Currency4217 *iso4217format_get(gchar *code); /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ void da_cur_free(Currency *item) { DB( g_print("da_cur_free\n") ); if(item != NULL) { DB( g_print(" => %d, %s\n", item->key, item->iso_code) ); g_free(item->name); g_free(item->iso_code); g_free(item->symbol); g_free(item->decimal_char); g_free(item->grouping_char); g_free(item); } } Currency * da_cur_malloc(void) { DB( g_print("da_cur_malloc\n") ); return g_malloc0(sizeof(Currency)); } void da_cur_destroy(void) { DB( g_print("da_cur_destroy\n") ); g_hash_table_destroy(GLOBALS->h_cur); } void da_cur_new(void) { Currency4217 *curfmt; DB( g_print("da_cur_new\n") ); GLOBALS->h_cur = g_hash_table_new_full(g_int_hash, g_int_equal, (GDestroyNotify)g_free, (GDestroyNotify)da_cur_free); // insert default base currency curfmt = iso4217format_get(PREFS->IntCurrSymbol); if(curfmt == NULL) curfmt = iso4217format_get("USD"); if(curfmt) { DB( g_printf("curfmt %p\n", curfmt) ); currency_add_from_user(curfmt); } } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ static void da_cur_max_key_ghfunc(gpointer key, Currency *item, guint32 *max_key) { *max_key = MAX(*max_key, item->key); } static gboolean da_cur_iso_grfunc(gpointer key, Currency *item, gchar *iso) { if( iso && item->iso_code ) { if(!strcasecmp(iso, item->iso_code)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } guint da_cur_length(void) { return g_hash_table_size(GLOBALS->h_cur); } gboolean da_cur_remove(guint32 key) { DB( g_print("da_cur_remove %d\n", key) ); return g_hash_table_remove(GLOBALS->h_cur, &key); } void da_cur_init_from4217(Currency *cur, Currency4217 *curfmt) { cur->symbol = g_strdup(curfmt->curr_symbol); cur->sym_prefix = curfmt->curr_is_prefix; cur->decimal_char = g_strdup(curfmt->curr_dec_char); cur->grouping_char = g_strdup(curfmt->curr_grp_char); cur->frac_digits = curfmt->curr_frac_digit; da_cur_initformat(cur); } void da_cur_initformat(Currency *item) { DB( g_print("init currency %s, %d \n", item->symbol, item->frac_digits) ); // for formatd g_snprintf(item->format , 8-1, "%%.%df", item->frac_digits); if(item->sym_prefix == TRUE) g_snprintf(item->monfmt , 32-1, "%s %%s", item->symbol); else g_snprintf(item->monfmt , 32-1, "%%s %s", item->symbol); DB( g_print("fmt '%s'\n", item->format) ); DB( g_print("monfmt '%s'\n", item->monfmt) ); } gboolean da_cur_insert(Currency *item) { guint32 *new_key; DB( g_print("da_cur_insert\n") ); new_key = g_new0(guint32, 1); *new_key = item->key; g_hash_table_insert(GLOBALS->h_cur, new_key, item); da_cur_initformat(item); return TRUE; } gboolean da_cur_append(Currency *item) { Currency *existitem; guint32 *new_key; DB( g_print("da_cur_append\n") ); /* ensure no duplicate */ //g_strstrip(item->name); if(item->iso_code != NULL) { existitem = da_cur_get_by_iso_code( item->iso_code ); if( existitem == NULL ) { new_key = g_new0(guint32, 1); *new_key = da_cur_get_max_key() + 1; item->key = *new_key; //item->pos = da_cur_length() + 1; DB( g_print(" -> insert id: %d\n", *new_key) ); g_hash_table_insert(GLOBALS->h_cur, new_key, item); da_cur_initformat(item); return TRUE; } } DB( g_print(" -> %s already exist: %d\n", item->iso_code, item->key) ); return FALSE; } guint32 da_cur_get_max_key(void) { guint32 max_key = 0; g_hash_table_foreach(GLOBALS->h_cur, (GHFunc)da_cur_max_key_ghfunc, &max_key); return max_key; } Currency * da_cur_get_by_iso_code(gchar *iso_code) { DB( g_print("da_cur_get_by_iso_code\n") ); return g_hash_table_find(GLOBALS->h_cur, (GHRFunc)da_cur_iso_grfunc, iso_code); } Currency * da_cur_get(guint32 key) { //DB( g_print("da_cur_get\n") ); return g_hash_table_lookup(GLOBALS->h_cur, &key); } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ /** * currency_is_used: * * controls if a currency is used [base or account] * * Return value: TRUE if used, FALSE, otherwise */ gboolean currency_is_used(guint32 key) { GList *list; gboolean retval; if(GLOBALS->kcur == key) return TRUE; retval = FALSE; list = g_hash_table_get_values(GLOBALS->h_acc); while (list != NULL) { Account *item = list->data; if(item->kcur == key) { retval = TRUE; goto end; } list = g_list_next(list); } end: g_list_free(list); return retval; } Currency4217 *iso4217format_get(gchar *code) { Currency4217 *cur; guint i; for (i = 0; i< n_iso4217cur; i++) { cur = &iso4217cur[i]; if(g_strcmp0(cur->curr_iso_code, code) == 0) { return cur; } } return NULL; } static void currency_get_system_format(Currency *item) { DB( g_printf("\n[(currency] get format from system '%s'\n", item->iso_code) ); #ifdef G_OS_UNIX struct lconv *lc = localeconv(); DB( g_print("int_curr_symbol '%s'\n", lc->int_curr_symbol) ); DB( g_print("mon_decimal_point is utf8: %d\n", g_utf8_validate(lc->mon_decimal_point, -1, NULL)) ); DB( g_print("mon_decimal_point '%s'\n", lc->mon_decimal_point) ); DB( g_print("mon_decimal_point %x %x %x %x\n", lc->mon_decimal_point[0], lc->mon_decimal_point[1], lc->mon_decimal_point[2], lc->mon_decimal_point[3]) ); DB( g_print("mon_thousands_sep is utf8: %d\n", g_utf8_validate(lc->mon_thousands_sep, -1, NULL)) ); DB( g_print("mon_thousands_sep '%s'\n", lc->mon_thousands_sep) ); DB( g_print("mon_thousands_sep %x %x %x %x\n", lc->mon_thousands_sep[0], lc->mon_thousands_sep[1], lc->mon_thousands_sep[2], lc->mon_thousands_sep[3]) ); DB( g_print("frac_digits '%d'\n", (gint)lc->frac_digits) ); DB( g_print("currency_symbol '%s'\n", lc->currency_symbol) ); DB( g_print("p_cs_precedes '%d'\n", lc->p_cs_precedes) ); DB( g_print("n_cs_precedes '%d'\n", lc->n_cs_precedes) ); /* ok assign */ item->symbol = g_strdup(lc->currency_symbol); if( lc->p_cs_precedes || lc->n_cs_precedes ) { item->sym_prefix = TRUE; DB( g_print("locale mon cs is a prefix\n") ); } else { item->sym_prefix = FALSE; } item->decimal_char = g_strdup(lc->mon_decimal_point); item->grouping_char = g_strdup(lc->mon_thousands_sep); //todo:fix //PREFS->base_cur.grouping_char = g_locale_to_utf8(lc->mon_thousands_sep, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); //PREFS->base_cur.grouping_char = g_convert (lc->mon_thousands_sep, -1, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", NULL, NULL, NULL); DB( g_print(" -> grouping_char: '%s'\n", item->grouping_char) ); item->frac_digits = lc->frac_digits; //fix 378992/421228 if( item->frac_digits > MAX_FRAC_DIGIT ) { item->frac_digits = 2; g_free(item->decimal_char); item->decimal_char = g_strdup("."); } #else #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 #define BUFFER_SIZE 512 char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; //LPWSTR wcBuffer = buffer; LPSTR wcBuffer = buffer; int iResult; //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd464799%28v=vs.85%29.aspx //see g_locale_to_utf8 here iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SCURRENCY, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_SCURRENCY='%s'\n", buffer) ); item->symbol = g_locale_to_utf8(buffer, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } item->sym_prefix = FALSE; iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES='%s'\n", buffer) ); //todo item->sym_prefix } iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_SDECIMAL='%s'\n", buffer) ); item->decimal_char = g_locale_to_utf8(buffer, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_STHOUSAND='%s'\n", buffer) ); item->grouping_char = g_locale_to_utf8(buffer, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS='%s'\n", buffer) ); item->frac_digits = atoi(buffer); } else item->frac_digits = 2; #endif #endif } Currency *currency_add_from_user(Currency4217 *curfmt) { Currency *item; DB( g_printf("\n[(currency] found adding %s\n", curfmt->curr_iso_code) ); //item = da_cur_get_by_iso_code(curfmt->curr_iso_code); item = da_cur_malloc(); //no mem alloc here //item->key = i; if(curfmt != NULL) { item->name = g_strdup(curfmt->name); //item->country = cur.country_name; item->iso_code = g_strdup(curfmt->curr_iso_code); //1634615 if the currency match the system, fill with it if(!strcmp(item->iso_code, PREFS->IntCurrSymbol)) { currency_get_system_format(item); } else { item->frac_digits = curfmt->curr_frac_digit; item->symbol = g_strdup(curfmt->curr_symbol); item->sym_prefix = curfmt->curr_is_prefix; item->decimal_char = g_strdup(curfmt->curr_dec_char); item->grouping_char = g_strdup(curfmt->curr_grp_char); } } else { item->name = g_strdup("unknow"); //item->country = cur.country_name; item->iso_code = g_strdup("XXX"); item->frac_digits = 2; item->symbol = g_strdup("XXX"); item->sym_prefix = FALSE; item->decimal_char = g_strdup("."); item->grouping_char = NULL; } da_cur_append(item); return item; } static void start_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseExchangeContext *ctx = user_data; gint i; //DB( g_print("** start element: '%s' iso=%s\n", element_name, ctx->iso) ); ctx->elt_name = element_name; switch(element_name[0]) { case 'r': { if(!strcmp (element_name, "rate")) { i = 0; //DB( g_print(" att='%s' val='%s'\n", attribute_names[i], attribute_values[i]) ); //we have only 1 attribute id :: store isocode pair if(attribute_names[i] != NULL && !strcmp (attribute_names[i], "id")) { g_stpcpy (ctx->iso, attribute_values[i]); } } } break; } } static void text_handler(GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *text, gsize text_len, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseExchangeContext *ctx = user_data; if(text_len == 0) return; //DB( g_print("** text: '%s' %d\n", text, text_len) ); if(!strcmp (ctx->elt_name, "Rate")) { ctx->rate = g_ascii_strtod(text, NULL); //DB( g_print(" stored '%s' %.2f\n", text, ctx->rate) ); } } static void end_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseExchangeContext *ctx = user_data; Currency *cur; DB( g_print("** end element: '%s'\n", element_name) ); if(!strcmp (element_name, "rate")) { DB( g_print(" should store here !!\n") ); DB( g_print(" %s %f\n", ctx->iso, ctx->rate) ); cur = da_cur_get_by_iso_code (ctx->iso + 3); if(cur) { DB( g_print(" found cur='%s'\n", cur->iso_code) ); cur->rate = ctx->rate; cur->mdate = GLOBALS->today; } //clean all ctx->elt_name = NULL; *ctx->iso = '\0'; ctx->rate = 0.0; } } static GMarkupParser hb_xchange_parser = { start_element_handler, end_element_handler, text_handler, NULL, NULL //cleanup }; static gboolean currency_online_parse(const gchar *buffer, GError **error) { GMarkupParseContext *context; ParseExchangeContext ctx; gboolean retval; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ParseExchangeContext)); context = g_markup_parse_context_new (&hb_xchange_parser, 0, &ctx, NULL); retval = g_markup_parse_context_parse (context, buffer, -1, error); //retval = g_markup_parse_context_parse (context, badyahooxml, -1, error); g_markup_parse_context_free (context); return retval; } static gchar *currency_get_query(void) { GList *list; GString *node; Currency *base; Currency *item; gint i; //http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql //?q=select * from yahoo.finance.xchange where pair in ("EURGBP","EURUSD") //&env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys node = g_string_sized_new(1024); g_string_append(node, "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql"); g_string_append(node, "?q=select * from yahoo.finance.xchange where pair in ("); base = da_cur_get (GLOBALS->kcur); list = g_hash_table_get_values(GLOBALS->h_cur); i = g_list_length (list) - 1; while (list != NULL) { item = list->data; if(item->key != GLOBALS->kcur) { g_string_append_printf(node, "\"%s%s\"", base->iso_code, item->iso_code); if(i > 1) { g_string_append(node, ","); } i--; } list = g_list_next(list); } g_list_free(list); g_string_append(node, ")&env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys"); return g_string_free(node, FALSE); } gboolean currency_sync_online(GError **error) { SoupSession *session; SoupMessage *msg; gchar *query; gboolean retval = TRUE; DB( g_printf("\n[currency] sync online\n") ); query = currency_get_query(); DB( g_printf(" - query is '%s'\n", query) ); session = soup_session_new (); msg = soup_message_new ("GET", query); if(msg != NULL) { soup_session_send_message (session, msg); DB( g_print("status_code: %d %d\n", msg->status_code, SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL(msg->status_code) ) ); DB( g_print("reason: %s\n", msg->reason_phrase) ); DB( g_print("datas: %s\n", msg->response_body->data) ); if( SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL(msg->status_code) == TRUE ) { retval = currency_online_parse(msg->response_body->data, error); } else { *error = g_error_new_literal(1, msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); retval = FALSE; } } else { *error = g_error_new_literal(1, 0, "cannot parse URI"); retval = FALSE; } g_free(query); return retval; } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ //struct iso_4217_currency iso_4217_currencies[]; /*debug testing static void fill_currency(void) { gint i; struct iso_4217_currency cur; Currency *item; for (i = 0; i< 500; i++) { cur = iso_4217_currencies[i]; if(cur.iso_code == NULL) break; item = da_cur_malloc(); //no mem alloc here item->key = i; item->name = cur.currency; item->country = cur.country; item->iso_code = cur.iso_code; da_cur_insert(item); } }*/ Currency4217 iso4217cur[] = { { "AED", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "د.إ.‏", "UAE Dirham" }, { "AFN", 0, ",", ",", TRUE, "؋", "Afghani" }, { "ALL", 0, ",", " ", FALSE, "Lekë", "Lek" }, { "AMD", 2, ".", ",", FALSE, "֏", "Armenian Dram" }, { "ANG", 2, ",", ",", TRUE, "NAf.", "Netherlands Antillian Guilder" }, { "AOA", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "Kz", "Kwanza" }, { "ARS", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "$", "Argentine Peso" }, { "AUD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Australian Dollar" }, { "AWG", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "Afl.", "Aruban Guilder" }, { "AZN", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "₼", "Azerbaijanian Manat" }, { "BAM", 2, ",", ".", FALSE, "KM", "Convertible Marks" }, { "BBD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Barbados Dollar" }, { "BDT", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "৳", "Taka" }, { "BGN", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "лв.", "Bulgarian Lev" }, { "BHD", 3, ".", ",", TRUE, "د.ب.‏", "Bahraini Dinar" }, { "BIF", 0, ",", " ", FALSE, "FBu", "Burundi Franc" }, { "BMD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Bermudian Dollar" }, { "BND", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "$", "Brunei Dollar" }, { "BOB", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "Bs", "Boliviano" }, { "BOV", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "BOV", "Mvdol" }, { "BRL", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "R$", "Brazilian Real" }, { "BSD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Bahamian Dollar" }, { "BTN", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "Nu.", "Ngultrum" }, { "BWP", 2, ".", " ", TRUE, "P", "Pula" }, { "BYR", 0, ",", " ", FALSE, "Br", "Belarussian Ruble" }, { "BZD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Belize Dollar" }, { "CAD", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "$", "Canadian Dollar" }, { "CDF", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "FC", "Congolese Franc" }, { "CHE", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "CHE", "WIR Euro" }, { "CHF", 2, ",", "'", TRUE, "CHF", "Swiss Franc" }, { "CHW", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "CHW", "WIR Franc" }, { "CLF", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "CLF", "Unidades de fomento" }, { "CLP", 0, ",", ".", TRUE, "$", "Chilean Peso" }, { "CNY", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "¥", "Yuan Renminbi" }, { "COP", 0, ",", ".", TRUE, "$", "Colombian Peso" }, { "COU", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "COU", "Unidad de Valor Real" }, { "CRC", 0, ",", ".", TRUE, "₡", "Costa Rican Colon" }, { "CUP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Cuban Peso" }, { "CVE", 2, "$", " ", FALSE, "​", "Cape Verde Escudo" }, { "CYP", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "CYP", "Cyprus Pound" }, { "CZK", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "Kč", "Czech Koruna" }, { "DJF", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "Fdj", "Djibouti Franc" }, { "DKK", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "kr", "Danish Krone" }, { "DOP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Dominican Peso" }, { "DZD", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "DA", "Algerian Dinar" }, { "EEK", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "EEK", "Kroon" }, { "EGP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "ج.م.‏", "Egyptian Pound" }, { "ERN", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "Nfk", "Nakfa" }, { "ETB", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "Br", "Ethiopian Birr" }, { "EUR", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "€", "Euro" }, { "FJD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Fiji Dollar" }, { "FKP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "£", "Falkland Islands Pound" }, { "GBP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "£", "Pound Sterling" }, { "GEL", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "₾", "Lari" }, { "GHS", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "GH₵", "Ghana Cedi" }, { "GIP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "£", "Gibraltar Pound" }, { "GMD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "D", "Dalasi" }, { "GNF", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "FG", "Guinea Franc" }, { "GTQ", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "Q", "Quetzal" }, { "GYD", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Guyana Dollar" }, { "HKD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Hong Kong Dollar" }, { "HNL", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "L", "Lempira" }, { "HRK", 2, ",", ".", FALSE, "kn", "Croatian Kuna" }, { "HTG", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "G", "Gourde" }, { "HUF", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "HUF", "Forint" }, { "IDR", 0, ",", ".", TRUE, "Rp", "Rupiah" }, { "ILS", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "₪", "New Israeli Sheqel" }, { "INR", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "₹", "Indian Rupee" }, { "IQD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "د.ع.‏", "Iraqi Dinar" }, { "IRR", 2, "/", ",", TRUE, "ريال", "Iranian Rial" }, { "ISK", 0, ",", ".", FALSE, "ISK", "Iceland Krona" }, { "JMD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Jamaican Dollar" }, { "JOD", 3, ".", ",", TRUE, "د.ا.‏", "Jordanian Dinar" }, { "JPY", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "¥", "Yen" }, { "KES", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "Ksh", "Kenyan Shilling" }, { "KGS", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "сом", "Som" }, { "KHR", 2, ".", ",", FALSE, "៛", "Riel" }, { "KMF", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "CF", "Comoro Franc" }, { "KPW", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "KPW", "North Korean Won" }, { "KRW", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "₩", "Won" }, { "KWD", 3, ".", ",", TRUE, "د.ك.‏", "Kuwaiti Dinar" }, { "KYD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Cayman Islands Dollar" }, { "KZT", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "₸", "Tenge" }, { "LAK", 0, ",", ".", TRUE, "₭", "Kip" }, { "LBP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "ل.ل.‏", "Lebanese Pound" }, { "LKR", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "Rs.", "Sri Lanka Rupee" }, { "LRD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Liberian Dollar" }, { "LSL", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "LSL", "Loti" }, { "LTL", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "LTL", "Lithuanian Litas" }, { "LVL", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "LVL", "Latvian Lats" }, { "LYD", 3, ".", ",", TRUE, "د.ل.‏", "Libyan Dinar" }, { "MAD", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "DH", "Moroccan Dirham" }, { "MDL", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "L", "Moldovan Leu" }, { "MGA", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "Ar", "Malagasy Ariary" }, { "MKD", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "den", "Denar" }, { "MMK", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "K", "Kyat" }, { "MNT", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "₮", "Tugrik" }, { "MOP", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "MOP", "Pataca" }, { "MRO", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "UM", "Ouguiya" }, { "MTL", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "MTL", "Maltese Lira" }, { "MUR", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "Rs", "Mauritius Rupee" }, { "MVR", 2, ".", ",", FALSE, "ރ.", "Rufiyaa" }, { "MWK", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "MK", "Kwacha" }, { "MXN", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Mexican Peso" }, { "MXV", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "MXV", "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)" }, { "MYR", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "RM", "Malaysian Ringgit" }, { "MZN", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "MTn", "Metical" }, { "NAD", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "$", "Namibia Dollar" }, { "NGN", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "₦", "Naira" }, { "NIO", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "C$", "Cordoba Oro" }, { "NOK", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "kr", "Norwegian Krone" }, { "NPR", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "रु", "Nepalese Rupee" }, { "NZD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "New Zealand Dollar" }, { "OMR", 3, ".", ",", TRUE, "ر.ع.‏", "Rial Omani" }, { "PAB", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "B/.", "Balboa" }, { "PEN", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "S/.", "Nuevo Sol" }, { "PGK", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "K", "Kina" }, { "PHP", 2, ",", ",", TRUE, "₱", "Philippine Peso" }, { "PKR", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "Rs", "Pakistan Rupee" }, { "PLN", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "zł", "Zloty" }, { "PYG", 0, ",", ".", TRUE, "₲", "Guarani" }, { "QAR", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "ر.ق.‏", "Qatari Rial" }, { "RON", 2, ",", ".", FALSE, "RON", "New Leu" }, { "RSD", 0, ",", ".", FALSE, "RSD", "Serbian Dinar" }, { "RUB", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "₽", "Russian Ruble" }, { "RWF", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "RF", "Rwanda Franc" }, { "SAR", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "ر.س.‏", "Saudi Riyal" }, { "SBD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Solomon Islands Dollar" }, { "SCR", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "SR", "Seychelles Rupee" }, { "SDG", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "SDG", "Sudanese Pound" }, { "SEK", 2, ",", ".", FALSE, "kr", "Swedish Krona" }, { "SGD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Singapore Dollar" }, { "SHP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "£", "Saint Helena Pound" }, { "SLL", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "Le", "Leone" }, { "SOS", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "S", "Somali Shilling" }, { "SRD", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "$", "Surinam Dollar" }, { "STD", 0, ",", " ", FALSE, "Db", "Dobra" }, { "SVC", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "SVC", "El Salvador Colon" }, { "SYP", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "LS", "Syrian Pound" }, { "SZL", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "E", "Lilangeni" }, { "THB", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "฿", "Baht" }, { "TJS", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "смн", "Somoni" }, { "TMM", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "TMM", "Manat" }, { "TND", 3, ",", " ", TRUE, "DT", "Tunisian Dinar" }, { "TOP", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "T$", "Pa'anga" }, { "TRY", 2, ",", ".", FALSE, "₺", "New Turkish Lira" }, { "TTD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "$", "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar" }, { "TWD", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "NT$", "New Taiwan Dollar" }, { "TZS", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "TSh", "Tanzanian Shilling" }, { "UAH", 2, ",", " ", FALSE, "₴", "Hryvnia" }, { "UGX", 0, ".", ",", TRUE, "USh", "Uganda Shilling" }, { "USD", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "$", "US Dollar" }, { "USN", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "USN", "US Dollar (Next day)" }, { "USS", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "USS", "US Dollar (Same day)" }, { "UYI", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "UYI", "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas" }, { "UYU", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "$", "Peso Uruguayo" }, { "UZS", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "soʻm", "Uzbekistan Sum" }, { "VEF", 2, ",", ".", TRUE, "Bs.", "Bolivar Fuerte" }, { "VND", 2, ",", ".", FALSE, "₫", "Dong" }, { "VUV", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "VT", "Vatu" }, { "WST", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "WS$", "Tala" }, { "XAF", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "FCFA", "CFA Franc BEAC" }, { "XAG", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XAG", "Silver" }, { "XAU", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XAU", "Gold" }, { "XBA", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XBA", "European Composite Unit (EURCO)" }, { "XBB", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XBB", "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)" }, { "XBC", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XBC", "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)" }, { "XBD", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XBD", "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)" }, { "XCD", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "$", "East Caribbean Dollar" }, { "XDR", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "XDR", "Special Drawing Rights" }, { "XFO", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XFO", "Gold-Franc" }, { "XFU", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XFU", "UIC-Franc" }, { "XOF", 0, ",", " ", TRUE, "CFA", "CFA Franc BCEAO" }, { "XPD", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XPD", "Palladium" }, { "XPF", 0, ",", " ", FALSE, "FCFP", "CFP Franc" }, { "XPT", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XPT", "Platinum" }, { "XTS", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XTS", "Code for testing purposes" }, { "XXX", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "XXX", "No currency" }, { "YER", 2, ".", ",", TRUE, "ر.ي.‏", "Yemeni Rial" }, { "ZAR", 2, ",", " ", TRUE, "R", "Rand" }, { "ZMK", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "ZMK", "Zambian Kwacha" }, { "ZWD", 2, ".", "", FALSE, "ZWD", "Zimbabwe Dollar" } }; guint n_iso4217cur = G_N_ELEMENTS (iso4217cur);