HomeBank User manual

Using the Scheduled transaction feature

Scheduled transactions will allow you to automate the repetitive transaction input like bills, subscriptions, insurances or taxes. You setup the transaction once by creating or use an existing template transaction, then set a few parameters to organize the scheduled insertion. HomeBank will inform you when the transaction is ready to be inserted or will insert it automatically for you.

Step 1: Create scheduled transactions

Step 2: Configure the insertion rules and options

By default the scheduled transactions will be automatically inserted at their due date every time you open your HomeBank file.

You can change this behavior from the file properties dialog with 2 options:

To insert transaction to their due date again, insert 0 days in advance the current date. You can also reach this configuration dialog from the main-window menu Transaction/Set scheduler...

The insertion at program start can be changed from the preferences dialog

At last, you are able to trigger the insertion from the main-window menu Transaction/Process scheduled...

Step 3: Control the scheduled transactions

In the main window, a list of scheduled transaction can be displayed, it's a summary of every pending scheduled transaction post. You can control the transaction post or skip it if required from here directly with some tool-bar buttons below. If a scheduled transaction is late, you will see a warning icon with the number of day late in a maximum of 10. If the overdue is more than 10 days, it will shows +10.