HomeBank User manual

Currencies dialog

The currencies dialog is used to edit, modify and manage the currencies available for the wallets.

Dialog call

Using currencies dialog


Update on-line Trigger to update exchanges rate on-line. This is disabled when you only have a single currency.
This is an extra feature relying on third party (yahoo).

Currencies list

display currency ISO code, name, symbol, exchange rate and last modified date


Add open a dialog to add a new currency
Edit open a dialog to edit the selected currency
Delete delete the selected currency
Set as base set the selected currency to be the base currency

Using the edit currency dialog


Display the currency symbol and name

Exchange rate

Enable to chnage the exchange rate (if currency is not the base one)


Display a sample of the currency format


Symbol Symbol that prefix the amount
Is prefix define is the symbol is a prefix symbol
Decimal char Character to be used as decimal separator
Frac digits Number of digits after decimal separator
Grouping char Character to be used as grouping separator