HomeBank User manual

Currencies dialog

The currencies dialog is used to edit, modify and manage the currencies available for the wallets.

Dialog call

Using currencies dialog


Update on-line Trigger to update exchanges rate on-line. This is disabled when you only have a single currency.

  Update Online is an extra feature relying on a third party web service.
Your currencies may not be supported:
- as base currency: and nothing will update
- as a target currency: this currency will not be updated
See additional notes below

Currencies list

display currency ISO code, name, symbol, exchange rate and last modified date


Add open a dialog to add a new currency
+ see the notes below.
Edit open a dialog to edit the selected currency
Delete delete the selected currency
Set as base set the selected currency to be the base currency

Add currency notes

- you can pick up new currencies from the official ISO 4217 list
- you can define a custom currency for discontinued or cryptocurrency

When you define a custom currency, please take care of the following:
- the Name must be at least 3 chars long
- the ISO code is optional, but you cannot change it easily later on
- the ISO code must be 3 chars long and cannot be the same an existing ISO 4217 one

Online Currency Update

The current API is:
- frankfurter.app
- list of supported currencies

Previous third party API service used in the past.
- until 5.2: https://api.fixer.io, see #1785210
- until 5.1.7: yahoo, see #1730527

Using the edit currency dialog


Display the currency symbol and name

Exchange rate

Enable to chnage the exchange rate (if currency is not the base one)


Display a sample of the currency format


Symbol Symbol that prefix the amount
Is prefix define is the symbol is a prefix symbol
Decimal char Character to be used as decimal separator
Frac digits Number of digits after decimal separator
Grouping char Character to be used as grouping separator