package App::HomeBank2Ledger::Ledger; # ABSTRACT: Ledger data representation =head1 SYNOPSIS my $ledger = App::HomeBank2Ledger::Ledger->new; $ledger->add_payees("Ann's Antiques", "Missy Automative"); for my $payee (@{$ledger->payees}) { print "Payee: $payee\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class provides a unified in-memory representation of a ledger, including associated metadata. Here is a specification for the substructures: =head2 account This is a fully-qualified account name. Names may contain colons for representing a hierarchy of accounts. Examples: =for :list * "Assets:Bank:Chase1234" * "Liabilities:Credit Card:Capital One" =head2 commodity This is a hashref like this: { symbol => '$', # required iso => 'USD', # optional name => 'US Dollar', # optional format => '$1000.00', # optional } =head2 payee This is just a string with the name of a "payee" or memo/description/narration. =head2 tag This is just a string with the text of a tag. =head2 transaction This is a hashref like this: { date => '2019-06-12', # required aux_date => '2019-06-13', # optional status => 'cleared', # optional; can be "cleared" or "pending" code => '1234', # optional payee => 'Malcolm Reynolds', # required note => 'Medical supplies', # optional postings => [ # required { account => 'Some Account', # required amount => '16.25', # required for at least n-1 postings commodity => { symbol => '$', format => '$1,000.00', iso => 'USD', name => 'US Dollar', syprf => 1, dchar => '.', gchar => ',', frac => 2, }, payee => 'Somebody', # optional note => 'Whatever', # optional status => 'pending', # optional; can be "cleared" or "pending" tags => [qw(niska train-job)], lot => { # optional date => '2019-01-28', price => { amount => '15.00', commodity => { ... }, }, }, cost => { # optional amount => '10.00', commodity => { ... }, }, }, ... ], } =cut use warnings; use strict; our $VERSION = '9999.999'; # VERSION =method new $ledger = App::HomeBank2Ledger::Ledger->new(%ledger_data); Construct a new ledger instance. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; return bless {%args}, $class; } =attr accounts Get an arrayref of accounts. =attr commodities Get an arrayref of commodities. =attr payees Get an arrayref of payees. =attr tags Get an arrayref of tags. =attr transactions Get an arrayref of transactions. =cut sub accounts { shift->{accounts} || [] } sub commodities { shift->{commodities} || [] } sub payees { shift->{payees} || [] } sub tags { shift->{tags} || [] } sub transactions { shift->{transactions} || [] } =method add_accounts Add accounts. =method add_commodities Add commodities. =method add_payees Add payees. =method add_tags Add tags. =method add_transactions Add transactions. =cut # TODO - These should validate incoming data. sub add_accounts { my $self = shift; push @{$self->{accounts}}, @_; } sub add_commodities { my $self = shift; push @{$self->{commodities}}, @_; } sub add_payees { my $self = shift; push @{$self->{payees}}, @_; } sub add_tags { my $self = shift; push @{$self->{tags}}, @_; } sub add_transactions { my $self = shift; push @{$self->{transactions}}, @_; } 1;