package App::HomeBank2Ledger::Formatter::Beancount; # ABSTRACT: Beancount formatter use warnings; use strict; use App::HomeBank2Ledger::Util qw(commify rtrim); use parent 'App::HomeBank2Ledger::Formatter'; our $VERSION = '0.003'; # VERSION my %STATUS_SYMBOLS = ( cleared => '*', pending => '!', ); my $UNKNOWN_DATE = '0001-01-01'; sub _croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) } sub format { my $self = shift; my $ledger = shift; my @out = ( $self->_format_header, $self->_format_accounts($ledger), $self->_format_commodities($ledger), # $self->_format_payees, # $self->_format_tags, $self->_format_transactions($ledger), ); return join($/, map { rtrim($_) } @out); } sub _format_header { my $self = shift; my @out; if (my $name = $self->name) { push @out, "; Name: $name"; } my $file = $self->file; push @out, "; Converted from ${file} using homebank2ledger ${VERSION}"; push @out, ''; return @out; } sub _format_accounts { my $self = shift; my $ledger = shift; my @out; for my $account (sort @{$ledger->accounts}) { my $oldest_transaction = $self->_find_oldest_transaction_by_account($account, $ledger); my $account_date = $oldest_transaction->{date} || $UNKNOWN_DATE; $account = $self->_format_account($account); push @out, "${account_date} open ${account}"; } push @out, ''; return @out; } sub _format_commodities { my $self = shift; my $ledger = shift; my @out; for my $commodity (@{$ledger->commodities}) { my $oldest_transaction = $self->_find_oldest_transaction_by_commodity($commodity, $ledger); my $commodity_date = $oldest_transaction->{date} || $UNKNOWN_DATE; push @out, "${commodity_date} commodity $commodity->{iso}"; push @out, ' name: '.$self->_format_string($commodity->{name}) if $commodity->{name}; } push @out, ''; return @out; } sub _format_transactions { my $self = shift; my $ledger = shift; my @out; for my $transaction (@{$ledger->transactions}) { push @out, $self->_format_transaction($transaction); } return @out; } sub _format_transaction { my $self = shift; my $transaction = shift; my $account_width = $self->account_width; my $date = $transaction->{date}; my $status = $transaction->{status}; my $payee = $transaction->{payee} || ''; my $memo = $transaction->{memo} || ''; my @postings = @{$transaction->{postings}}; my @out; # figure out the Ledger transaction status my $status_symbol = $STATUS_SYMBOLS{$status || ''}; if (!$status_symbol) { my %posting_statuses = map { ($_->{status} || '') => 1 } @postings; if (keys(%posting_statuses) == 1) { my ($status) = keys %posting_statuses; $status_symbol = $STATUS_SYMBOLS{$status || 'none'} || ''; } } push @out, sprintf('%s%s%s%s', $date, $status_symbol && ' '.$status_symbol || ' *', # status (or "txn") is required ($payee || $memo) && ' '.$self->_format_string($payee), $memo && ' '.$self->_format_string($memo), ); if (my %tags = map { $_ => 1 } map { @{$_->{tags} || []} } @postings) { my @tags = map { "#$_" } keys %tags; $out[-1] .= ' '.join(' ', @tags); } for my $posting (@postings) { my @line; my $posting_status_symbol = ''; if (!$status_symbol) { $posting_status_symbol = $STATUS_SYMBOLS{$posting->{status} || ''} || ''; } my $account = $self->_format_account($posting->{account}); push @line, ($posting_status_symbol ? " $posting_status_symbol " : ' '); push @line, sprintf("\%-${account_width}s", $account); push @line, ' '; push @line, $self->_format_amount($posting->{amount}, $posting->{commodity}) if defined $posting->{amount}; push @out, join('', @line); } push @out, ''; return @out; } sub _format_account { my $self = shift; my $account = shift; $account =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9:]+/-/g; $account =~ s/-+/-/g; $account =~ s/(?:^|(?<=:))([a-z])/uc($1)/eg; return $account; } sub _format_string { my $self = shift; my $str = shift; $str =~ s/"/\\"/g; return "\"$str\""; } sub _format_amount { my $self = shift; my $amount = shift; my $commodity = shift or _croak 'Must provide a valid currency'; my $format = "\% .$commodity->{frac}f"; my ($whole, $fraction) = split(/\./, sprintf($format, $amount)); # beancount doesn't support different notations my $num = join('.', commify($whole), $fraction); $num = "$num $commodity->{iso}"; return $num; } sub _find_oldest_transaction_by_account { my $self = shift; my $account = shift; my $ledger = shift; $account = $self->_format_account($account); my $oldest = $self->{oldest_transaction_by_account}; if (!$oldest) { # build index for my $transaction (@{$ledger->transactions}) { for my $posting (@{$transaction->{postings}}) { my $account = $self->_format_account($posting->{account}); if ($transaction->{date} lt ($oldest->{$account}{date} || '9999-99-99')) { $oldest->{$account} = $transaction; } } } $self->{oldest_transaction_by_account} = $oldest; } return $oldest->{$account}; } sub _find_oldest_transaction_by_commodity { my $self = shift; my $commodity = shift; my $ledger = shift; my $oldest = $self->{oldest_transaction_by_commodity}; if (!$oldest) { # build index for my $transaction (@{$ledger->transactions}) { for my $posting (@{$transaction->{postings}}) { my $symbol = $posting->{commodity}{symbol}; next if !$symbol; if ($transaction->{date} lt ($oldest->{$symbol}{date} || '9999-99-99')) { $oldest->{$symbol} = $transaction; } } } $self->{oldest_transaction_by_commodity} = $oldest; } return $oldest->{$commodity->{symbol}}; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME App::HomeBank2Ledger::Formatter::Beancount - Beancount formatter =head1 VERSION version 0.003 =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a formatter for L. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =head1 AUTHOR Charles McGarvey =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Charles McGarvey. This is free software, licensed under: The MIT (X11) License =cut