package App::HomeBank2Ledger::Formatter; # ABSTRACT: Abstract class for formatting a ledger =head1 SYNOPSIS my $formatter = App::HomeBank2Ledger::Formatter->new( type => 'ledger', ); print $formatter->format($ledger); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class formats L as for a file. =head1 SEE ALSO =for :list * L * L =cut use warnings; use strict; use Module::Load; use Module::Pluggable search_path => [__PACKAGE__], sub_name => 'available_formatters'; our $VERSION = '9999.999'; # VERSION sub _croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) } =method new $formatter = App::HomeBank2Ledger::Formatter->new(type => $format); Construct a new formatter object. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; my $package = __PACKAGE__; if ($class eq $package and my $type = $args{type}) { # factory for my $formatter ($class->available_formatters) { next if lc($formatter) ne lc("${package}::${type}"); $class = $formatter; load $class; last; } _croak('Invalid formatter type') if $class eq $package; } return bless {%args}, $class; } =method format $str = $formatter->format($ledger); Do the actual formatting of ledger data into a serialized form. This must be overridden by subclasses. =cut sub format { die "Unimplemented\n"; } =attr type Get the type of formatter. =attr name Get the name or title of the ledger. =attr file Get the filepath where the ledger data came from. =attr account_width Get the number of characters to use for the account column. =cut sub type { shift->{type} } sub name { shift->{name} } sub file { shift->{file} } sub account_width { shift->{account_width} || 40 } 1;