package App::HomeBank2Ledger; # ABSTRACT: A tool to convert HomeBank files to Ledger format =head1 SYNOPSIS App::HomeBank2Ledger->main(@args); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is part of the L script. =cut use warnings; use strict; use App::HomeBank2Ledger::Formatter; use App::HomeBank2Ledger::Ledger; use File::HomeBank; use Getopt::Long 2.38 qw(GetOptionsFromArray); use Pod::Usage; our $VERSION = '9999.999'; # VERSION my %ACCOUNT_TYPES = ( # map HomeBank account types to Ledger accounts bank => 'Assets:Bank', cash => 'Assets:Cash', asset => 'Assets:Fixed Assets', creditcard => 'Liabilities:Credit Card', liability => 'Liabilities', stock => 'Assets:Stock', mutualfund => 'Assets:Mutual Fund', income => 'Income', expense => 'Expenses', equity => 'Equity', ); my %STATUS_SYMBOLS = ( cleared => 'cleared', reconciled => 'cleared', remind => 'pending', ); my $UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT = 'Assets:Unknown'; my $OPENING_BALANCES_ACCOUNT = 'Equity:Opening Balances'; =method main App::HomeBank2Ledger->main(@args); Run the script and exit; does not return. =cut sub main { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; my $opts = $self->parse_args(@_); if ($opts->{version}) { print "homebank2ledger ${VERSION}\n"; exit 0; } if ($opts->{help}) { pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 99, -sections => [qw(NAME SYNOPSIS OPTIONS)]); } if ($opts->{manual}) { pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2); } if (!$opts->{input}) { print STDERR "Input file is required.\n"; exit(1); } my $homebank = File::HomeBank->new(file => $opts->{input}); my $formatter = eval { $self->formatter($homebank, $opts) }; if (my $err = $@) { if ($err =~ /^Invalid formatter/) { print STDERR "Invalid format: $opts->{format}\n"; exit 2; } die $err; } my $ledger = $self->convert_homebank_to_ledger($homebank, $opts); $self->print_to_file($formatter->format($ledger), $opts->{output}); exit 0; } =method formatter $formatter = $app->formatter($homebank, $opts); Generate a L. =cut sub formatter { my $self = shift; my $homebank = shift; my $opts = shift || {}; return App::HomeBank2Ledger::Formatter->new( type => $opts->{format}, account_width => $opts->{account_width}, name => $homebank->title, file => $homebank->file, ); } =method convert_homebank_to_ledger my $ledger = $app->convert_homebank_to_ledger($homebank, $opts); Converts a L to a L. =cut sub convert_homebank_to_ledger { my $self = shift; my $homebank = shift; my $opts = shift || {}; my $default_account_income = 'Income:Unknown'; my $default_account_expenses = 'Expenses:Unknown'; my $ledger = App::HomeBank2Ledger::Ledger->new; my $transactions = $homebank->sorted_transactions; my $accounts = $homebank->accounts; my $categories = $homebank->categories; my @budget; # determine full Ledger account names for my $account (@$accounts) { my $type = $ACCOUNT_TYPES{$account->{type}} || $UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT; $account->{ledger_name} = "${type}:$account->{name}"; } for my $category (@$categories) { my $type = $category->{flags}{income} ? 'Income' : 'Expenses'; my $full_name = $homebank->full_category_name($category->{key}); $category->{ledger_name} = "${type}:${full_name}"; if ($opts->{budget} && $category->{flags}{budget}) { for my $month_num ($category->{flags}{custom} ? (1 .. 12) : 0) { my $amount = $category->{budget_amounts}[$month_num] || 0; next if !$amount && !$category->{flags}{forced}; $budget[$month_num]{$category->{ledger_name}} = $amount; } } } # handle renaming and marking excluded accounts for my $item (@$accounts, @$categories) { while (my ($re, $replacement) = each %{$opts->{rename_accounts}}) { $item->{ledger_name} =~ s/$re/$replacement/; } for my $re (@{$opts->{exclude_accounts}}) { $item->{excluded} = 1 if $item->{ledger_name} =~ /$re/; } } while (my ($re, $replacement) = each %{$opts->{rename_accounts}}) { $default_account_income =~ s/$re/$replacement/; $default_account_expenses =~ s/$re/$replacement/; } my $has_initial_balance = grep { $_->{initial} && !$_->{excluded} } @$accounts; if ($opts->{accounts}) { my @accounts = map { $_->{ledger_name} } grep { !$_->{excluded} } @$accounts, @$categories; push @accounts, $default_account_income if !grep { $_ eq $default_account_income } @accounts; push @accounts, $default_account_expenses if !grep { $_ eq $default_account_expenses } @accounts; push @accounts, $OPENING_BALANCES_ACCOUNT if $has_initial_balance; $ledger->add_accounts(@accounts); } if ($opts->{payees}) { my $payees = $homebank->payees; my @payees = map { $_->{name} } @$payees; $ledger->add_payees(@payees); } if ($opts->{tags}) { my $tags = $homebank->tags; $ledger->add_tags(@$tags); } my %commodities; for my $currency (@{$homebank->currencies}) { my $commodity = { symbol => $currency->{symbol}, format => $homebank->format_amount(1_000, $currency), iso => $currency->{iso}, name => $currency->{name}, }; $commodities{$currency->{key}} = { %$commodity, syprf => $currency->{syprf}, dchar => $currency->{dchar}, gchar => $currency->{gchar}, frac => $currency->{frac}, }; $ledger->add_commodities($commodity) if $opts->{commodities}; } my $first_date; if ($has_initial_balance) { # transactions are sorted, so the first transaction is the oldest $first_date = $opts->{opening_date} || $transactions->[0]{date}; if ($first_date !~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/) { die "Opening date must be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.\n"; } my @postings; for my $account (@$accounts) { next if !$account->{initial} || $account->{excluded}; push @postings, { account => $account->{ledger_name}, amount => $account->{initial}, commodity => $commodities{$account->{currency}}, }; } push @postings, { account => $OPENING_BALANCES_ACCOUNT, }; $ledger->add_transactions({ date => $first_date, payee => 'Opening Balance', status => 'cleared', postings => \@postings, }); } if ($opts->{budget}) { my ($first_year) = $first_date =~ /^(\d{4})/; for my $month_num (0 .. 12) { next if !$budget[$month_num]; my $payee = 'Monthly'; if (0 < $month_num) { my $year = $first_year; $year += 1 if sprintf('%04d-%02d-99', $first_year, $month_num) lt $first_date; my $date = sprintf('%04d-%02d', $year, $month_num); $payee = "Every 12 months from ${date}"; } # my @MONTHS = qw(ALL Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); # $payee = "Monthly this $MONTHS[$month_num]" if 0 < $month_num; my @postings; for my $account (sort keys %{$budget[$month_num]}) { my $amount = $budget[$month_num]{$account}; push @postings, { account => $account, amount => -$amount, commodity => $commodities{$homebank->base_currency}, } } push @postings, { account => 'Assets', }; $ledger->add_transactions({ date => '~', payee => $payee, postings => \@postings, }); } } my %seen; TRANSACTION: for my $transaction (@$transactions) { next if $seen{$transaction->{transfer_key} || ''}; my $account = $homebank->find_account_by_key($transaction->{account}); my $amount = $transaction->{amount}; my $status = $STATUS_SYMBOLS{$transaction->{status} || ''} || ''; my $memo = $transaction->{wording} || ''; my $payee = $homebank->find_payee_by_key($transaction->{payee}); my $tags = _split_tags($transaction->{tags}); my $date = $transaction->{date}; my @postings; push @postings, { date => $date, account => $account->{ledger_name}, amount => $amount, commodity => $commodities{$account->{currency}}, payee => $payee->{name}, note => $memo, status => $status, tags => $tags, }; if ($transaction->{dst_account}) { # is an internal transfer my $paired_transaction = $homebank->find_transaction_transfer_pair($transaction); my $dst_account = $homebank->find_account_by_key($transaction->{dst_account}); if (!$dst_account) { if ($paired_transaction) { $dst_account = $homebank->find_account_by_key($paired_transaction->{account}); } if (!$dst_account) { warn "Skipping internal transfer transaction with no destination account.\n"; next TRANSACTION; } } $seen{$transaction->{transfer_key}}++ if $transaction->{transfer_key}; $seen{$paired_transaction->{transfer_key}}++ if $paired_transaction->{transfer_key}; my $paired_date = $paired_transaction && $paired_transaction->{date}; my $paired_payee = $homebank->find_payee_by_key($paired_transaction->{payee}); push @postings, { date => $paired_date, account => $dst_account->{ledger_name}, amount => $paired_transaction->{amount} || -$transaction->{amount}, commodity => $commodities{$dst_account->{currency}}, payee => $paired_payee->{name}, note => $paired_transaction->{wording} || '', status => $STATUS_SYMBOLS{$paired_transaction->{status} || ''} || $status, tags => _split_tags($paired_transaction->{tags}), }; } elsif ($transaction->{flags}{split}) { my @amounts = split(/\|\|/, $transaction->{split_amount} || ''); my @memos = split(/\|\|/, $transaction->{split_memo} || ''); my @categories = split(/\|\|/, $transaction->{split_category} || ''); for (my $i = 0; $amounts[$i]; ++$i) { my $amount = -$amounts[$i]; my $category = $homebank->find_category_by_key($categories[$i]); my $memo = $memos[$i] || ''; my $other_account = $category ? $category->{ledger_name} : $amount < 0 ? $default_account_income : $default_account_expenses; push @postings, { account => $other_account, commodity => $commodities{$account->{currency}}, amount => $amount, payee => $payee->{name}, note => $memo, status => $status, tags => $tags, }; } } else { # normal transaction with or without category my $amount = -$transaction->{amount}; my $category = $homebank->find_category_by_key($transaction->{category}); my $other_account = $category ? $category->{ledger_name} : $amount < 0 ? $default_account_income : $default_account_expenses; push @postings, { account => $other_account, commodity => $commodities{$account->{currency}}, amount => $amount, payee => $payee->{name}, note => $memo, status => $status, tags => $tags, }; } # skip excluded accounts for my $posting (@postings) { for my $re (@{$opts->{exclude_accounts}}) { next TRANSACTION if $posting->{account} =~ /$re/; } } $ledger->add_transactions({ date => $date, payee => $payee->{name}, memo => $memo, postings => \@postings, }); } return $ledger; } =method print_to_file $app->print_to_file($str); $app->print_to_file($str, $filepath); Print a string to a file (or STDOUT). =cut sub print_to_file { my $self = shift; my $str = shift; my $filepath = shift; my $out_fh = \*STDOUT; if ($filepath) { open($out_fh, '>', $filepath) or die "open failed: $!"; } print $out_fh $str; } =method parse_args $opts = $app->parse_args(@args); Parse command-line arguments. =cut sub parse_args { my $self = shift; my @args = @_; my %opts = ( version => 0, help => 0, manual => 0, input => undef, output => undef, format => 'ledger', account_width => 40, accounts => 1, payees => 1, tags => 1, commodities => 1, budget => 1, opening_date => '', rename_accounts => {}, exclude_accounts => [], ); GetOptionsFromArray(\@args, 'version|V' => \$opts{version}, 'help|h|?' => \$opts{help}, 'manual|man' => \$opts{manual}, 'input|file|i=s' => \$opts{input}, 'output|o=s' => \$opts{output}, 'format|f=s' => \$opts{format}, 'account-width=i' => \$opts{account_width}, 'accounts!' => \$opts{accounts}, 'payees!' => \$opts{payees}, 'tags!' => \$opts{tags}, 'commodities!' => \$opts{commodities}, 'budget!' => \$opts{budget}, 'opening-date=s' => \$opts{opening_date}, 'rename-account|r=s' => \%{$opts{rename_accounts}}, 'exclude-account|x=s' => \@{$opts{exclude_accounts}}, ) or pod2usage(-exitval => 1, -verbose => 99, -sections => [qw(SYNOPSIS OPTIONS)]); $opts{input} = shift @args if !$opts{input}; $opts{budget} = 0 if lc($opts{format}) ne 'ledger'; return \%opts; } sub _split_tags { my $tags = shift; return [split(/\h+/, $tags || '')]; } 1;