package MockUA; # ABSTRACT: HTTP::AnyUA backend for testing GraphQL::Client::http use warnings; use strict; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use namespace::clean; use parent 'HTTP::AnyUA::Backend'; =method response $response = $backend->response; $response = $backend->response($response); Get and set the response hashref or L that this backend will always respond with. =cut sub response { @_ == 2 ? $_[0]->{response} = pop : $_[0]->{response} } =method requests @requests = $backend->requests; Get the requests the backend has handled so far. =cut sub requests { @{$_[0]->{requests} || []} } sub response_is_future { blessed($_[0]->{response}) && $_[0]->{response}->isa('Future') } sub request { my $self = shift; push @{$self->{requests} ||= []}, [@_]; return $self->response || { success => '', status => 599, reason => 'Internal Exception', content => "No response mocked.\n", }; } 1;