#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use FindBin '$Bin'; use lib "$Bin/lib"; use Test::Exception; use Test::More; use Future; use GraphQL::Client; use MockTransport; subtest 'transport' => sub { my $client = GraphQL::Client->new(transport_class => 'http'); isa_ok($client->transport, 'GraphQL::Client::http', 'decide transport from transport_class'); $client = GraphQL::Client->new(url => 'https://localhost:4000/graphql'); isa_ok($client->transport, 'GraphQL::Client::http', 'decide transport from url'); $client = GraphQL::Client->new(transport_class => 'not a real class'); is($client->transport_class, 'not a real class', 'transport_class constructor works'); throws_ok { $client->transport } qr/^Failed to load transport/, 'throws if invalid transport'; }; subtest 'request to transport' => sub { my $mock = MockTransport->new; my $client = GraphQL::Client->new(transport => $mock); $client->execute('{hello}'); my $req = ($mock->requests)[-1]; is_deeply($req->[0], { query => '{hello}', }, 'query is passed to transport'); $client->execute('{hello}', {foo => 'bar'}); $req = ($mock->requests)[-1]; is_deeply($req->[0], { query => '{hello}', variables => {foo => 'bar'}, }, 'vars passed to transport'); $client->execute('{hello}', {foo => 'bar'}, 'opname'); $req = ($mock->requests)[-1]; is_deeply($req->[0], { query => '{hello}', variables => {foo => 'bar'}, operationName => 'opname', }, 'operationName passed to transport'); $client->execute('{hello}', {foo => 'bar'}, 'opname', {baz => 'qux'}); $req = ($mock->requests)[-1]; is_deeply($req->[1], { baz => 'qux', }, 'transport options passed to transport'); $client->execute('{hello}', {foo => 'bar'}, {baz => 'qux'}); $req = ($mock->requests)[-1]; is_deeply($req->[1], { baz => 'qux', }, 'operation name can be ommitted with transport options'); }; subtest 'success response' => sub { my $mock = MockTransport->new; my $client = GraphQL::Client->new(transport => $mock); $mock->response({ response => { data => { hello => 'Hello world!', }, }, }); my $resp = $client->execute('{hello}'); is_deeply($resp, { data => {hello => 'Hello world!'}, }, 'response is packed') or diag explain $resp; { local $client->{unpack} = 1; my $resp = $client->execute('{hello}'); is_deeply($resp, { hello => 'Hello world!', }, 'success response is unpacked') or diag explain $resp; }; $mock->response(Future->done({ response => { data => { hello => 'Hello world!', }, }, })); my $f = $client->execute('{hello}'); is_deeply($f->get, { data => {hello => 'Hello world!'}, }, 'future response is packed') or diag explain $f->get; { local $client->{unpack} = 1; my $f = $client->execute('{hello}'); is_deeply($f->get, { hello => 'Hello world!', }, 'future success response is unpacked') or diag explain $f->get; }; }; subtest 'response with errors' => sub { my $mock = MockTransport->new; my $client = GraphQL::Client->new(transport => $mock); $mock->response({ response => { data => { hello => 'Hello world!', }, errors => [ { message => 'Uh oh', }, ], }, }); my $resp = $client->execute('{hello}'); is_deeply($resp, { data => {hello => 'Hello world!'}, errors => [{message => 'Uh oh'}], }, 'response is packed') or diag explain $resp; { local $client->{unpack} = 1; throws_ok { $client->execute('{hello}') } qr/^Uh oh$/, 'error response thrown'; my $err = $@; is($err->error, 'Uh oh', 'error message is from first error'); is($err->type, 'graphql', 'error type is "graphql"'); my $resp = $err->{response}; is_deeply($resp, { data => {hello => 'Hello world!'}, errors => [{message => 'Uh oh'}], }, 'error includes the response') or diag explain $resp; }; $mock->response({ response => undef, error => 'Transport error', details => { foo => 'bar', }, }); $resp = $client->execute('{hello}'); is_deeply($resp, { errors => [{message => 'Transport error'}], }, 'unpacked response munges error into response') or diag explain $resp; { local $client->{unpack} = 1; throws_ok { $client->execute('{hello}') } qr/^Transport error$/, 'error response thrown'; my $err = $@; my $resp = $err->{response}; is_deeply($resp, { errors => [{message => 'Transport error'}], }, 'error includes the constructed response') or diag explain $resp; }; }; done_testing;