#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use Test::Exception; use Test::More; use GraphQL::Client::CLI; subtest 'get_options' => sub { my $expected = { format => 'json:pretty', help => undef, manual => undef, operation_name => undef, outfile => undef, query => 'bar', transport => undef, unpack => 0, url => 'foo', variables => undef, version => undef, }; my $r = GraphQL::Client::CLI->_get_options(qw{--url foo --query bar}); is_deeply($r, $expected, '--url and --query set options') or diag explain $r; $r = GraphQL::Client::CLI->_get_options(qw{foo --query bar}); is_deeply($r, $expected, '--url is optional') or diag explain $r; $r = GraphQL::Client::CLI->_get_options(qw{foo bar}); is_deeply($r, $expected, '--query is also optional') or diag explain $r; }; subtest 'expand_vars' => sub { my $r = GraphQL::Client::CLI::_expand_vars({ 'foo.bar' => 'baz', 'foo.qux.muf' => 42, 'arr1[1].tut' => 'whatever', 'arr2[1][0].meh'=> 3.1415, }); is_deeply($r, { foo => { bar => 'baz', qux => { muf => 42, }, }, arr1 => [ undef, { tut => 'whatever', } ], arr2 => [ undef, [ { meh => 3.1415, }, ], ], }, 'expand all the vars') or diag explain $r; throws_ok { GraphQL::Client::CLI::_expand_vars({ 'foo[0]' => 'baz', 'foo.bar' => 'muf', }); } qr/^Conflicting keys/, 'throw if conflict between hash and array'; throws_ok { GraphQL::Client::CLI::_expand_vars({ 'foo' => 'baz', 'foo.bar' => 'muf', }); } qr/^Conflicting keys/, 'throw if conflict between hash and scalar'; }; done_testing;