package GraphQL::Client; # ABSTRACT: A GraphQL client use warnings; use strict; use Module::Load qw(load); use Throw; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION sub _croak { use Carp; goto &Carp::croak } sub new { my $class = shift; bless {@_}, $class; } sub request { my $self = shift; my ($query, $variables, $options) = @_; my $transport_opts = {%{$options || {}}}; my $operation_name = delete($transport_opts->{operation_name}) // delete($transport_opts->{operationName}); my $request = { query => $query, $variables ? (variables => $variables) : (), $operation_name ? (operationName => $operation_name) : (), }; my $resp = $self->transport->request($request, $transport_opts); return $self->_handle_response($resp); } sub _handle_response { my $self = shift; my ($resp) = @_; if (eval { $resp->isa('Future') }) { return $resp->followed_by(sub { my $f = shift; if (my $exception = $f->failure) { if ($self->unpack || !$exception->{errors}) { return Future->fail($exception); } return Future->done($exception); } else { my $resp = $f->get; if ($self->unpack) { if ($resp->{errors}) { return Future->fail($resp); } return Future->done($resp->{data}); } return Future->done($resp); } }); } else { if ($self->unpack) { if ($resp->{errors}) { throw 'The GraphQL server returned errors', { %$resp, type => 'graphql', }; } return $resp->{data}; } return $resp; } } sub url { my $self = shift; $self->{url}; } sub class { my $self = shift; $self->{class}; } sub transport { my $self = shift; $self->{transport} //= do { my $class = $self->_transport_class; eval { load $class }; if (my $err = $@) { warn $err if $ENV{GRAPHQL_CLIENT_DEBUG}; _croak "Failed to load transport for \"${class}\""; } $class->new(%$self); }; } sub unpack { my $self = shift; $self->{unpack} //= 0; } sub _url_protocol { my $self = shift; my $url = $self->url; my ($protocol) = $url =~ /^([^+:]+)/; return $protocol; } sub _transport_class { my $self = shift; return _expand_class($self->{class}) if $self->{class}; my $protocol = $self->_url_protocol; _croak 'Failed to determine transport from URL' if !$protocol; my $class = lc($protocol); $class =~ s/[^a-z]/_/g; return _expand_class($class); } sub _expand_class { my $class = shift; $class = "GraphQL::Client::$class" unless $class =~ s/^\+//; $class; } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS my $client = GraphQL::Client->new(); my $data = $client->request(q[ query GetHuman { human(id: $human_id) { name height } } ], { human_id => 1000, }); =head1 DESCRIPTION =method new $client = GraphQL::Client->new(%attributes); Construct a new client. =method request $response = $client->request($query); $response = $client->request($query, \%variables); $response = $client->request($query, \%variables, \%transport_options); Get a response from the GraphQL server. By default, the response will either be a hashref with the following structure or a L that resolves to such a hashref, depending on the transport and how it is configured. { data => { field1 => {...}, # or [...] ... }, errors => [ { message => 'some error message blah blah blah' }, ... ], } Note: Setting the L attribute affects the response shape. =attr url The URL of a GraphQL endpoint, e.g. C<"http://myapiserver/graphql">. This is required. =attr class The package name of a transport. By default this is automatically determined from the protocol portion of the L. =attr transport The transport object. By default this is automatically constructed based on the L. =attr unpack Whether or not to "unpack" the response, which enables a different style for error-handling. Default is 0. See L. =head1 ERROR HANDLING There are two different styles for handling errors. If L is 0 (off), every response -- whether success or failure -- is enveloped like this: { data => {...}, errors => [...], } where C might be missing or undef if errors occurred (though not necessarily) and C will be missing if the response completed without error. It is up to you to check for errors in the response, so your code might look like this: my $response = $client->request(...); if (my $errors = $response->{errors}) { # handle errors } my $data = $response->{data}; # do something with $data If C is 1 (on), then L will return just the data if there were no errors, otherwise it will throw an exception. So your code would look like this: my $data = eval { $client->request(...) }; if (my $error = $@) { # handle errors } # do something with $data Or if you want to handle errors in a different stack frame, your code is simply this: my $data = $client->request(...); # do something with $data Both styles map to L responses intuitively. If C is 0, the response always resolves to the envelope structure. If C is 1, successful responses will resolve to just the data and errors will fail/reject.