#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use FindBin '$Bin'; use Test::Exit; # must be first use App::Codeowners::Util qw(run_git); use App::Codeowners; use Capture::Tiny qw(capture); use File::pushd; use Path::Tiny 0.089 qw(path tempdir); use Test::More; my $can_git = _can_git(); # Set progname so that pod2usage knows how to find the script after we chdir. $0 = path($Bin)->parent->child('bin/git-codeowners')->absolute->stringify; $ENV{NO_COLOR} = 1; sub run(&) { ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes) my $code = shift; capture { exit_code { $code->() } }; } subtest 'basic options' => sub { my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = run { App::Codeowners->main('--help') }; is($exit, 0, 'exited 0 when --help'); like($stdout, qr/Usage:/, 'correct --help output') or diag $stdout; ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = run { App::Codeowners->main('--version') }; is($exit, 0, 'exited 0 when --version'); like($stdout, qr/git-codeowners [\d.]+\n/, 'correct --version output') or diag $stdout; }; subtest 'bad options' => sub { my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = run { App::Codeowners->main(qw{show --not-an-option}) }; is($exit, 2, 'exited with error on bad option'); like($stderr, qr/Unknown option: not-an-option/, 'correct error message') or diag $stderr; }; subtest 'show' => sub { plan skip_all => 'Cannot run git' if !$can_git; my $repodir = _setup_git_repo(); my $chdir = pushd($repodir); my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = run { App::Codeowners->main(qw{-f %F;%O show}) }; is($exit, 0, 'exited without error'); is($stdout, <<'END', 'correct output'); CODEOWNERS; a/b/c/bar.txt;@snickers foo.txt;@twix END ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = run { App::Codeowners->main(qw{-f %F;%O;%P show}) }; is($exit, 0, 'exited without error'); is($stdout, <<'END', 'correct output'); CODEOWNERS;; a/b/c/bar.txt;@snickers;peanuts foo.txt;@twix; END subtest 'format json' => sub { plan skip_all => 'No JSON::MaybeXS' if !eval { require JSON::MaybeXS }; ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = run { App::Codeowners->main(qw{-f json show --no-projects}) }; is($exit, 0, 'exited without error'); my $expect = '[{"File":"CODEOWNERS","Owner":null},{"File":"a/b/c/bar.txt","Owner":["@snickers"]},{"File":"foo.txt","Owner":["@twix"]}]'; is($stdout, $expect, 'correct output with json format'); }; }; subtest 'create' => sub { plan skip_all => 'Cannot run git' if !$can_git; my $repodir = _setup_git_repo(); my $chdir = pushd($repodir); my $codeowners_filepath = path('CODEOWNERS'); $codeowners_filepath->remove; my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = run { App::Codeowners->main(qw{create}) }; is($exit, 0, 'exited without error'); is($stderr, "Wrote CODEOWNERS\n", 'reportedly wrote a CODEOWNERS file'); ok($codeowners_filepath->is_file, 'did write CODEOWNERS file'); my $contents = $codeowners_filepath->slurp_utf8; like($contents, qr/^# This file shows mappings/, 'correct contents of file') or diag $contents; }; done_testing; exit; sub _can_git { my (undef, $version) = eval { run_git('--version') }; note $@ if $@; note "Found: $version" if $version; return $version && $version ge 'git version 1.8.5'; # for -C flag } sub _setup_git_repo { my $repodir = tempdir; $repodir->child('foo.txt')->touchpath; $repodir->child('a/b/c/bar.txt')->touchpath; $repodir->child('CODEOWNERS')->spew_utf8([<<'END']); # whatever /foo.txt @twix # Project: peanuts a/ @snickers END run_git('-C', $repodir, qw{init})->wait; run_git('-C', $repodir, qw{config --local user.email app-codeowners@example.com})->wait; run_git('-C', $repodir, qw{config --local user.name App-Codeowners})->wait; run_git('-C', $repodir, qw{add .})->wait; run_git('-C', $repodir, qw{commit -m}, 'initial commit')->wait; return $repodir; }