#!/usr/bin/env perl # This script prepares the git-codeowners script for standalone use and puts it in a new branch. use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use File::Copy; use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree); use String::ShellQuote; my $version = shift or die 'Need version'; my $distdir = shift or die 'Need distdir'; my $branch_name = 'solo'; my $script_name = 'git-codeowners'; my $branch_oldref = ''; my $branch_oldref_origin = ''; open(my $fh, '-|', qw{git show-ref}, $branch_name); while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; my ($hash, $ref) = split(/\s+/, $line); $branch_oldref = $hash if $ref eq "refs/heads/$branch_name"; $branch_oldref_origin = $hash if $ref eq "refs/remotes/origin/$branch_name"; } if ($branch_oldref_origin && $branch_oldref ne $branch_oldref_origin) { # reset local branch system(qw{git branch -f}, $branch_name, "origin/$branch_name"); $branch_oldref = $branch_oldref_origin } my $commit_msg = shell_quote("Release $version"); my $solodir = "solo_branch.$$"; make_path($solodir); use Config; system($Config{'perlpath'}, qw{maint/fatpack.pl --clean --dist}, $distdir); move($script_name, "$solodir/$script_name"); copy("$distdir/README", "$solodir/README"); system(qw{git update-index --add}, glob("$solodir/*")); my $tree_ref = `git write-tree --prefix=$solodir/`; chomp $tree_ref; system(qw{git reset}); remove_tree($solodir); my $branch_oldref_safe = shell_quote($branch_oldref); my $tree_ref_safe = shell_quote($tree_ref); my $parent = $branch_oldref ? "-p $branch_oldref_safe" : ''; my $commit_ref = `git commit-tree -m $commit_msg $parent $tree_ref_safe`; chomp $commit_ref; system(qw(git branch -f), $branch_name, $commit_ref); system(qw(git tag -a -m), "Version $version", "$branch_name-$version", $commit_ref);