using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; namespace CarFire { /// /// A class to navigate from here to there through a grid of /// open and closed cells. /// public class PathFinder { #region Public Types /// /// The heuristic function should return some value representing /// the distance between two points. A common approach is to /// return the manhattan distance. /// /// A point. /// The endpoint. /// The heuristic. public delegate int Heuristic(Point a, Point b); /// /// The cost function should take two points representing two /// adjacent cells and return a cost measure of how expensive it /// is to move from one cell to the other. /// /// A point. /// Another point. /// The cost. public delegate int CostFunction(Point a, Point b); #endregion #region Public Methods /// /// Construct a path finder with a grid. The grid is a matrix /// of boolean values, true meaning the cell is walkable and false /// meaning the cell is closed. /// /// The grid to find paths on. public PathFinder(bool[,] grid) { Debug.Assert(grid != null); mGrid = grid; mGridWidth = mGrid.GetUpperBound(0) + 1; mGridHeight = mGrid.GetUpperBound(1) + 1; } /// /// The A* algorithm for finding the best path through a grid of cells. /// The manhattan distance heuristic and a simple distance-based cost /// function will be used. /// /// The cell to start at. /// The desired destination. /// A list of points representing the path through the grid, /// ends points not included, or null if no path could be found. public List GetPath(Point start, Point finish) { return GetPath(start, finish, GetManhattanDistance, GetCost); } /// /// The A* algorithm for finding the best path through a grid of cells. /// A simple distance-based cost function will be used. /// /// The cell to start at. /// The desired destination. /// The heuristic function. /// A list of points representing the path through the grid, /// ends points not included, or null if no path could be found. public List GetPath(Point start, Point finish, Heuristic heuristic) { return GetPath(start, finish, heuristic, GetCost); } /// /// The A* algorithm for finding the best path through a grid of cells. /// The manhattan distance heuristic will be used. /// /// The cell to start at. /// The desired destination. /// The cost function /// A list of points representing the path through the grid, /// ends points not included, or null if no path could be found. public List GetPath(Point start, Point finish, CostFunction costFunction) { return GetPath(start, finish, GetManhattanDistance, costFunction); } /// /// The A* algorithm for finding the best path through a grid of cells. /// /// The cell to start at. /// The desired destination. /// The heuristic function. /// The cost function. /// A list of points representing the path through the grid, /// ends points not included, or null if no path could be found. public List GetPath(Point start, Point finish, Heuristic heuristic, CostFunction costFunction) { mFringe = new BinaryHeap(); mCells = new Cell[mGridWidth, mGridHeight]; Cell startCell = new Cell(start, 0, GetManhattanDistance(start, finish)); mFringe.Add(startCell); mCells[start.X, start.Y] = startCell; while (mFringe.Count > 0) { Cell cell = mFringe.GetNext(); cell.IsOpen = false; if (cell.Point == finish) { List list = new List(); cell = cell.Parent; while (cell.Point != start) { list.Add(cell.Point); cell = cell.Parent; } list.Reverse(); return list; } List neighbors = new List(8); neighbors.Add(new Point(cell.Point.X - 1, cell.Point.Y - 1)); neighbors.Add(new Point(cell.Point.X + 0, cell.Point.Y - 1)); neighbors.Add(new Point(cell.Point.X + 1, cell.Point.Y - 1)); neighbors.Add(new Point(cell.Point.X - 1, cell.Point.Y + 0)); neighbors.Add(new Point(cell.Point.X + 1, cell.Point.Y + 0)); neighbors.Add(new Point(cell.Point.X - 1, cell.Point.Y + 1)); neighbors.Add(new Point(cell.Point.X + 0, cell.Point.Y + 1)); neighbors.Add(new Point(cell.Point.X + 1, cell.Point.Y + 1)); foreach (Point point in neighbors) { Cell inQueue = mCells[point.X, point.Y]; if (0 <= point.X && point.X < mGridWidth && 0 <= point.Y && point.Y < mGridHeight && mGrid[point.X, point.Y]) { int cost = cell.G + GetCost(cell.Point, point); if (inQueue == null) { Cell neighbor = new Cell(point, cost, GetManhattanDistance(point, finish), cell); mFringe.Add(neighbor); mCells[point.X, point.Y] = neighbor; } else if (inQueue.IsOpen && cost < inQueue.G) { inQueue.G = cost; inQueue.Parent = cell; mFringe.Promote(inQueue); } } } } return null; } /// /// Get the manhattan distance between two points. This is a simple but /// effective and commonly-used heuristic. /// /// A point. /// Another point. /// The manhattan distance. public static int GetManhattanDistance(Point a, Point b) { int w = b.X - a.X; int h = b.Y - a.Y; if (w < 0) w = -w; if (h < 0) h = -h; return w + h; } /// /// Get the cost to travel from one point to another. This is a simple /// cost function based purely on distance. On a square grid, diagonal /// cells are further away than adjacent cells; therefore, adjacent moves /// are favored. /// /// A point. /// Another point. /// The cost. public static int GetCost(Point a, Point b) { if (a.X != b.X && a.Y != b.Y) return 14; return 10; } #endregion #region Private Types class Cell : IComparable { public Point Point; public Cell Parent; public bool IsOpen; public int G { get { return mG; } set { mG = value; mF = mG + mH; } } public int H { get { return mH; } set { mH = value; mF = mG + mH; } } public int F { get { return mF; } } public Cell(Point point, int g, int h) { Point = point; IsOpen = true; mG = g; mH = h; mF = g + h; } public Cell(Point point, int g, int h, Cell parent) { Point = point; Parent = parent; IsOpen = true; mG = g; mH = h; mF = g + h; } public int CompareTo(Cell other) { return F - other.F; } int mG; int mH; int mF; } #endregion #region Private Variables bool[,] mGrid; int mGridWidth; int mGridHeight; IPriorityQueue mFringe; Cell[,] mCells; #endregion } }