using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; namespace CarFire { /// /// A map object represents the map or virtual world where players and other /// game entities exist. The map consists of a grid where each grid space can /// contain static scenery and/or game entities which can move and interact /// with other game entities. /// public class Map { // DEBUG: Tilesets not implemented at all. public static Texture2D DefaultTile; #region Public Constants public const float PixelsToUnitSquares = 64.0f; #endregion #region Public Types /// /// The type of a map helps determine how the map is intended to be used. /// public enum Type { None, Campaign, Battle } /// /// The container class for map metadata. /// public class Metadata { public string Name; public Type Type; public string Author; public HashSet NumPlayers = new HashSet(); public string Tileset; public int GridWidth; public int GridHeight; } #endregion #region Public Attributes /// /// Get the name of the map. /// public string Name { get { return mData.Metadata.Name; } } /// /// Get the type of the map. /// //public Type Type { get { return mData.mMetadata.Type; } } /// /// Get the author of the map. /// public string Author { get { return mData.Metadata.Author; } } /// /// Get a set of integers containing each allowable number of players. /// public HashSet NumPlayers { get { return mData.Metadata.NumPlayers; } } /// /// Get the width of the map, in grid units. /// public int Width { get { return mData.Metadata.GridWidth; } } /// /// Get the height of the map, in grid units. /// public int Height { get { return mData.Metadata.GridHeight; } } // TODO: This should return whatever object we end up using for tilesets. public string Tileset { get { return mData.Metadata.Tileset; } } /// /// Get and set the coordinate of the grid cell that should be in /// the center of the screen when the map is drawn. /// public Vector2 CenterCell { get { return mView.CenterCell; } set { mView.CenterCell = value; } } #endregion #region Public Methods /// /// Construct a map with the provided map data. /// /// Map data. public Map(Metadata metadata, char[,] grid, Dictionary> entities) { mData = new Modal(metadata, grid, entities); mView = new View(mData); } /// /// Draw a representation of the map to the screen. /// /// The jeewiz. public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { mView.Draw(spriteBatch); } /// /// Get a point in screen-space from a coordinate in gridspace. /// /// X-coordinate. /// Y-coordinate. /// Transformed point. public Point GetPointFromCoordinates(float x, float y) { return mView.GetPointFromCoordinates(x, y); } /// /// Get a point in screen-space from a coordinate in gridspace. /// /// X,Y-coordinates. /// Transformed point. public Point GetPointFromCoordinates(Vector2 point) { return mView.GetPointFromCoordinates(point.X, point.Y); } /// /// Get a rectangle in screen-space centered around a coordinate in gridspace. /// /// X-coordinate. /// Y-coordinate. /// Transformed rectangle. public Rectangle GetRectangleFromCoordinates(float x, float y) { return mView.GetRectangleFromCoordinates(x, y); } /// /// Get a rectangle in screen-space centered around a coordinate in gridspace. /// /// X,Y-coordinates. /// Transformed rectangle. public Rectangle GetRectangleFromCoordinates(Vector2 point) { return mView.GetRectangleFromCoordinates(point.X, point.Y); } /// /// Determine whether or not a cell can be occupied by a game entity. /// /// X-coordinate. /// Y-coordinate. /// True if cell can be occupied, false otherwise. public bool IsCellOpen(int x, int y) { return mData.IsCellOpen(x, y); } /// /// Determine whether or not a cell can be occupied by a game entity. /// /// X,Y-coordinates. /// True if cell can be occupied, false otherwise. public bool IsCellOpen(Point point) { return mData.IsCellOpen(point.X, point.Y); } /// /// Get the entities loaded from the map file. /// /// Dictionary of entities. The keys are the entity /// identifiers and the value is a dictionary of key-value pairs /// associated with that entity. public Dictionary> GetEntities() { return mData.Entities; } #endregion #region Private Types class Modal { Metadata mMetadata; char[,] mGrid; Dictionary> mEntities; public Modal(Metadata metadata, char[,] grid, Dictionary> entities) { Debug.Assert(metadata != null); Debug.Assert(grid != null); Debug.Assert(entities != null); Debug.Assert(metadata.GridWidth * metadata.GridHeight == grid.Length); mMetadata = metadata; mGrid = grid; mEntities = entities; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Loaded map {0} of type {1} written by {2}.", metadata.Name, metadata.Type, metadata.Author); #endif } public Metadata Metadata { get { return mMetadata; } } public Dictionary> Entities { get { return mEntities; } } public bool IsCellOpen(int x, int y) { // TODO: Still need to define characters for types of scenery. return mGrid[x, y] == ' '; } } class View { Modal mData; public Vector2 CenterCell; Viewport mViewport; public View(Modal data) { Debug.Assert(data != null); mData = data; } public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { mViewport = spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport; // TODO: There is no culling yet, but it runs so fast that it probably won't ever need it. for (int y = 0; y < mData.Metadata.GridHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < mData.Metadata.GridWidth; x++) { if (mData.IsCellOpen(x, y)) { spriteBatch.Draw(Map.DefaultTile, GetRectangleFromCoordinates(x, y), Color.White); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(Map.DefaultTile, GetRectangleFromCoordinates(x, y), Color.DarkBlue); } } } } /// /// Get a matrix to transform a point from grid-space to screen coordinates. This /// method uses the viewport to bound the edges of the map such that the camera /// will not show anything outside of the grid. /// /// The point to put in the center. /// The transformation matrix. Matrix GetTransformation(Vector2 center) { float halfRatio = PixelsToUnitSquares * 0.5f; Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-center.X, -center.Y, 0.0f); transform *= Matrix.CreateScale(PixelsToUnitSquares); transform *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(mViewport.Width * 0.5f - halfRatio, mViewport.Height * 0.5f - halfRatio, 0.0f); Vector2 topLeft = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), transform); topLeft.X = Math.Max(mViewport.X, topLeft.X); topLeft.Y = Math.Max(mViewport.Y, topLeft.Y); transform *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(-topLeft.X, -topLeft.Y, 0.0f); Vector2 bottomRight = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2((float)mData.Metadata.GridWidth, (float)mData.Metadata.GridHeight), transform); float right = mViewport.X + mViewport.Width; float bottom = mViewport.Y + mViewport.Height; bottomRight.X = Math.Min(right, bottomRight.X) - right; bottomRight.Y = Math.Min(bottom, bottomRight.Y) - bottom; transform *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(-bottomRight.X, -bottomRight.Y, 0.0f); return transform; } public Point GetPointFromCoordinates(float x, float y) { Matrix transform = GetTransformation(CenterCell); Vector2 point = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(x, y), transform); return new Point((int)point.X, (int)point.Y); } public Rectangle GetRectangleFromCoordinates(float x, float y) { Matrix transform = GetTransformation(CenterCell); Vector2 point = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(x, y), transform); return new Rectangle((int)point.X, (int)point.Y, (int)PixelsToUnitSquares, (int)PixelsToUnitSquares); } } #endregion #region Private Variables Modal mData; View mView; #endregion } }