// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H extern "C" { #include #include #ifdef XINERAMA # include # include #endif // XINERAMA #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H # include #endif // HAVE_STDLIB_H #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif // HAVE_STRING_H #ifdef HAVE_CTYPE_H # include #endif // HAVE_CTYPE_H #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include # include #endif // HAVE_UNISTD_H #ifdef HAVE_DIRENT_H # include #endif // HAVE_DIRENT_H #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H # include #endif // HAVE_LOCALE_H #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H # include #endif // HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H # include #endif // HAVE_STDARG_H } #include #include #include #include using std::string; #include "screen.hh" #include "otk/font.hh" #include "otk/gccache.hh" #include "otk/image.hh" #include "otk/assassin.hh" #include "openbox.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "bbwindow.hh" #include "workspace.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "xatom.hh" #ifndef FONT_ELEMENT_SIZE #define FONT_ELEMENT_SIZE 50 #endif // FONT_ELEMENT_SIZE namespace ob { static bool running = True; static int anotherWMRunning(Display *display, XErrorEvent *) { fprintf(stderr, "BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n" " another window manager already running on display %s.\n", DisplayString(display)); running = False; return(-1); } BScreen::BScreen(Blackbox *bb, unsigned int scrn) : ScreenInfo(scrn) { blackbox = bb; screenstr = "session.screen" + itostring(scrn) + '.'; config = blackbox->getConfig(); xatom = blackbox->getXAtom(); event_mask = ColormapChangeMask | EnterWindowMask | PropertyChangeMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask; XErrorHandler old = XSetErrorHandler((XErrorHandler) anotherWMRunning); XSelectInput(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), event_mask); XSync(otk::OBDisplay::display, False); XSetErrorHandler((XErrorHandler) old); managed = running; if (! managed) return; fprintf(stderr, "BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d " "using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n", getScreenNumber(), XVisualIDFromVisual(getVisual()), getDepth()); resource.wstyle.font = (otk::BFont *) 0; geom_pixmap = None; xatom->setSupported(this); // set-up netwm support #ifdef HAVE_GETPID xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::blackbox_pid, XAtom::cardinal, (unsigned long) getpid()); #endif // HAVE_GETPID unsigned long geometry[] = { getWidth(), getHeight()}; xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_desktop_geometry, XAtom::cardinal, geometry, 2); unsigned long viewport[] = {0,0}; xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_desktop_viewport, XAtom::cardinal, viewport, 2); XDefineCursor(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), blackbox->getSessionCursor()); updateAvailableArea(); image_control = new otk::BImageControl(Openbox::instance->timerManager(), this, True, blackbox->getColorsPerChannel(), blackbox->getCacheLife(), blackbox->getCacheMax()); image_control->installRootColormap(); root_colormap_installed = True; load_rc(); LoadStyle(); XGCValues gcv; gcv.foreground = WhitePixel(otk::OBDisplay::display, getScreenNumber()) ^ BlackPixel(otk::OBDisplay::display, getScreenNumber()); gcv.function = GXxor; gcv.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors; opGC = XCreateGC(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), GCForeground | GCFunction | GCSubwindowMode, &gcv); const char *s = "0: 0000 x 0: 0000"; geom_w = resource.wstyle.font->measureString(s) + resource.bevel_width * 2; geom_h = resource.wstyle.font->height() + resource.bevel_width * 2; XSetWindowAttributes attrib; unsigned long mask = CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWSaveUnder; attrib.border_pixel = getBorderColor()->pixel(); attrib.colormap = getColormap(); attrib.save_under = True; geom_window = XCreateWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), 0, 0, geom_w, geom_h, resource.border_width, getDepth(), InputOutput, getVisual(), mask, &attrib); geom_visible = False; otk::BTexture* texture = &(resource.wstyle.l_focus); geom_pixmap = texture->render(geom_w, geom_h, geom_pixmap); if (geom_pixmap == ParentRelative) { texture = &(resource.wstyle.t_focus); geom_pixmap = texture->render(geom_w, geom_h, geom_pixmap); } if (! geom_pixmap) XSetWindowBackground(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window, texture->color().pixel()); else XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window, geom_pixmap); if (resource.workspaces > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resource.workspaces; ++i) { Workspace *wkspc = new Workspace(this, workspacesList.size()); workspacesList.push_back(wkspc); } } else { Workspace *wkspc = new Workspace(this, workspacesList.size()); workspacesList.push_back(wkspc); } saveWorkspaceNames(); updateNetizenWorkspaceCount(); current_workspace = workspacesList.front(); xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_current_desktop, XAtom::cardinal, 0); //first workspace raiseWindows(0, 0); // this also initializes the empty stacking list updateClientList(); // initialize the client lists, which will be empty updateAvailableArea(); changeWorkspaceID(0); unsigned int i, j, nchild; Window r, p, *children; XQueryTree(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), &r, &p, &children, &nchild); // preen the window list of all icon windows... for better dockapp support for (i = 0; i < nchild; i++) { if (children[i] == None) continue; XWMHints *wmhints = XGetWMHints(otk::OBDisplay::display, children[i]); if (wmhints) { if ((wmhints->flags & IconWindowHint) && (wmhints->icon_window != children[i])) { for (j = 0; j < nchild; j++) { if (children[j] == wmhints->icon_window) { children[j] = None; break; } } } XFree(wmhints); } } // manage shown windows for (i = 0; i < nchild; ++i) { if (children[i] == None || ! blackbox->validateWindow(children[i])) continue; XWindowAttributes attrib; if (XGetWindowAttributes(otk::OBDisplay::display, children[i], &attrib)) { if (attrib.override_redirect) continue; if (attrib.map_state != IsUnmapped) { manageWindow(children[i]); } } } XFree(children); // call this again just in case a window we found updates the Strut list updateAvailableArea(); } BScreen::~BScreen(void) { if (! managed) return; if (geom_pixmap != None) image_control->removeImage(geom_pixmap); if (geom_window != None) XDestroyWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window); std::for_each(workspacesList.begin(), workspacesList.end(), otk::PointerAssassin()); std::for_each(iconList.begin(), iconList.end(), otk::PointerAssassin()); while (! systrayWindowList.empty()) removeSystrayWindow(systrayWindowList[0]); delete image_control; if (resource.wstyle.font) delete resource.wstyle.font; if (resource.wstyle.close_button.mask != None) XFreePixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, resource.wstyle.close_button.mask); if (resource.wstyle.max_button.mask != None) XFreePixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, resource.wstyle.max_button.mask); if (resource.wstyle.icon_button.mask != None) XFreePixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, resource.wstyle.icon_button.mask); if (resource.wstyle.stick_button.mask != None) XFreePixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, resource.wstyle.stick_button.mask); resource.wstyle.max_button.mask = resource.wstyle.close_button.mask = resource.wstyle.icon_button.mask = resource.wstyle.stick_button.mask = None; XFreeGC(otk::OBDisplay::display, opGC); } void BScreen::saveSloppyFocus(bool s) { resource.sloppy_focus = s; string fmodel; if (resource.sloppy_focus) { fmodel = "SloppyFocus"; if (resource.auto_raise) fmodel += " AutoRaise"; if (resource.click_raise) fmodel += " ClickRaise"; } else { fmodel = "ClickToFocus"; } config->setValue(screenstr + "focusModel", fmodel); } void BScreen::saveAutoRaise(bool a) { resource.auto_raise = a; saveSloppyFocus(resource.sloppy_focus); } void BScreen::saveClickRaise(bool c) { resource.click_raise = c; saveSloppyFocus(resource.sloppy_focus); } void BScreen::saveImageDither(bool d) { image_control->setDither(d); config->setValue(screenstr + "imageDither", doImageDither()); } void BScreen::saveOpaqueMove(bool o) { resource.opaque_move = o; config->setValue(screenstr + "opaqueMove", resource.opaque_move); } void BScreen::saveFullMax(bool f) { resource.full_max = f; config->setValue(screenstr + "fullMaximization", resource.full_max); } void BScreen::saveFocusNew(bool f) { resource.focus_new = f; config->setValue(screenstr + "focusNewWindows", resource.focus_new); } void BScreen::saveFocusLast(bool f) { resource.focus_last = f; config->setValue(screenstr + "focusLastWindow", resource.focus_last); } void BScreen::saveAAFonts(bool f) { resource.aa_fonts = f; config->setValue(screenstr + "antialiasFonts", resource.aa_fonts); reconfigure(); } void BScreen::saveShadowFonts(bool f) { resource.shadow_fonts = f; config->setValue(screenstr + "dropShadowFonts", resource.shadow_fonts); reconfigure(); } void BScreen::saveWindowToEdgeSnap(int s) { resource.snap_to_edges = s; const char *snap; switch (resource.snap_to_edges) { case WindowNoSnap: snap = "NoSnap"; break; case WindowResistance: snap = "Resistance"; break; case WindowSnap: default: snap = "Snap"; break; } config->setValue(screenstr + "windowToEdgeSnap", snap); } void BScreen::saveWindowToWindowSnap(int s) { resource.snap_to_windows = s; const char *snap; switch (resource.snap_to_windows) { case WindowNoSnap: snap = "NoSnap"; break; case WindowResistance: snap = "Resistance"; break; case WindowSnap: default: snap = "Snap"; break; } config->setValue(screenstr + "windowToWindowSnap", snap); } void BScreen::saveResizeZones(unsigned int z) { resource.resize_zones = z; config->setValue(screenstr + "resizeZones", resource.resize_zones); } void BScreen::saveWindowCornerSnap(bool s) { resource.window_corner_snap = s; config->setValue(screenstr + "windowCornerSnap", resource.window_corner_snap); } void BScreen::saveWorkspaces(unsigned int w) { resource.workspaces = w; config->setValue(screenstr + "workspaces", resource.workspaces); } void BScreen::savePlacementPolicy(int p) { resource.placement_policy = p; const char *placement; switch (resource.placement_policy) { case CascadePlacement: placement = "CascadePlacement"; break; case UnderMousePlacement: placement = "UnderMousePlacement"; break; case ClickMousePlacement: placement = "ClickMousePlacement"; break; case ColSmartPlacement: placement = "ColSmartPlacement"; break; case RowSmartPlacement: default: placement = "RowSmartPlacement"; break; } config->setValue(screenstr + "windowPlacement", placement); } void BScreen::saveResistanceSize(int s) { resource.resistance_size = s; config->setValue(screenstr + "resistanceSize", resource.resistance_size); } void BScreen::saveSnapThreshold(int t) { resource.snap_threshold = t; config->setValue(screenstr + "edgeSnapThreshold", resource.snap_threshold); } void BScreen::saveSnapOffset(int t) { resource.snap_offset = t; config->setValue(screenstr + "edgeSnapOffset", resource.snap_offset); } void BScreen::saveRowPlacementDirection(int d) { resource.row_direction = d; config->setValue(screenstr + "rowPlacementDirection", resource.row_direction == LeftRight ? "LeftToRight" : "RightToLeft"); } void BScreen::saveColPlacementDirection(int d) { resource.col_direction = d; config->setValue(screenstr + "colPlacementDirection", resource.col_direction == TopBottom ? "TopToBottom" : "BottomToTop"); } void BScreen::saveStrftimeFormat(const std::string& format) { resource.strftime_format = format; config->setValue(screenstr + "strftimeFormat", resource.strftime_format); } void BScreen::saveWorkspaceNames() { string names; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < workspacesList.size(); ++i) { names += workspacesList[i]->getName(); if (i < workspacesList.size() - 1) names += ','; } config->setValue(screenstr + "workspaceNames", names); } void BScreen::savePlaceIgnoreShaded(bool i) { resource.ignore_shaded = i; config->setValue(screenstr + "placementIgnoreShaded", resource.ignore_shaded); } void BScreen::savePlaceIgnoreMaximized(bool i) { resource.ignore_maximized = i; config->setValue(screenstr + "placementIgnoreMaximized", resource.ignore_maximized); } void BScreen::saveAllowScrollLock(bool a) { resource.allow_scroll_lock = a; config->setValue(screenstr + "disableBindingsWithScrollLock", resource.allow_scroll_lock); } void BScreen::saveWorkspaceWarping(bool w) { resource.workspace_warping = w; config->setValue(screenstr + "workspaceWarping", resource.workspace_warping); } void BScreen::saveRootScrollDirection(int d) { resource.root_scroll = d; const char *dir; switch (resource.root_scroll) { case NoScroll: dir = "None"; break; case ReverseScroll: dir = "Reverse"; break; case NormalScroll: default: dir = "Normal"; break; } config->setValue(screenstr + "rootScrollDirection", dir); } void BScreen::save_rc(void) { saveSloppyFocus(resource.sloppy_focus); saveAutoRaise(resource.auto_raise); saveImageDither(doImageDither()); saveShadowFonts(resource.shadow_fonts); saveAAFonts(resource.aa_fonts); saveResizeZones(resource.resize_zones); saveOpaqueMove(resource.opaque_move); saveFullMax(resource.full_max); saveFocusNew(resource.focus_new); saveFocusLast(resource.focus_last); saveWindowToWindowSnap(resource.snap_to_windows); saveWindowToEdgeSnap(resource.snap_to_edges); saveWindowCornerSnap(resource.window_corner_snap); saveWorkspaces(resource.workspaces); savePlacementPolicy(resource.placement_policy); saveSnapThreshold(resource.snap_threshold); saveSnapOffset(resource.snap_offset); saveResistanceSize(resource.resistance_size); saveRowPlacementDirection(resource.row_direction); saveColPlacementDirection(resource.col_direction); saveStrftimeFormat(resource.strftime_format); savePlaceIgnoreShaded(resource.ignore_shaded); savePlaceIgnoreMaximized(resource.ignore_maximized); saveAllowScrollLock(resource.allow_scroll_lock); saveWorkspaceWarping(resource.workspace_warping); saveRootScrollDirection(resource.root_scroll); } void BScreen::load_rc(void) { std::string s; bool b; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "fullMaximization", resource.full_max)) resource.full_max = false; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "focusNewWindows", resource.focus_new)) resource.focus_new = false; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "focusLastWindow", resource.focus_last)) resource.focus_last = false; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "workspaces", resource.workspaces)) resource.workspaces = 1; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "opaqueMove", resource.opaque_move)) resource.opaque_move = false; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "antialiasFonts", resource.aa_fonts)) resource.aa_fonts = true; if (! resource.aa_fonts || ! config->getValue(screenstr + "dropShadowFonts", resource.shadow_fonts)) resource.shadow_fonts = false; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "resizeZones", resource.resize_zones) || (resource.resize_zones != 1 && resource.resize_zones != 2 && resource.resize_zones != 4)) resource.resize_zones = 4; resource.snap_to_windows = WindowResistance; if (config->getValue(screenstr + "windowToWindowSnap", s)) { if (s == "NoSnap") resource.snap_to_windows = WindowNoSnap; else if (s == "Snap") resource.snap_to_windows = WindowSnap; } resource.snap_to_edges = WindowResistance; if (config->getValue(screenstr + "windowToEdgeSnap", s)) { if (s == "NoSnap") resource.snap_to_edges = WindowNoSnap; else if (s == "Snap") resource.snap_to_edges = WindowSnap; } if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "windowCornerSnap", resource.window_corner_snap)) resource.window_corner_snap = true; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "imageDither", b)) b = true; image_control->setDither(b); if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "edgeSnapOffset", resource.snap_offset)) resource.snap_offset = 0; if (resource.snap_offset > 50) // sanity check, setting this huge would resource.snap_offset = 50; // seriously suck. if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "edgeSnapThreshold", resource.snap_threshold)) resource.snap_threshold = 4; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "resistanceSize", resource.resistance_size)) resource.resistance_size = 18; if (config->getValue(screenstr + "rowPlacementDirection", s) && s == "RightToLeft") resource.row_direction = RightLeft; else resource.row_direction = LeftRight; if (config->getValue(screenstr + "colPlacementDirection", s) && s == "BottomToTop") resource.col_direction = BottomTop; else resource.col_direction = TopBottom; if (config->getValue(screenstr + "workspaceNames", s)) { XAtom::StringVect workspaceNames; string::const_iterator it = s.begin(), end = s.end(); while(1) { string::const_iterator tmp = it; // current string.begin() it = std::find(tmp, end, ','); // look for comma between tmp and end workspaceNames.push_back(string(tmp, it)); // s[tmp:it] if (it == end) break; ++it; } xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_desktop_names, XAtom::utf8, workspaceNames); } resource.sloppy_focus = true; resource.auto_raise = false; resource.click_raise = false; if (config->getValue(screenstr + "focusModel", s)) { if (s.find("ClickToFocus") != string::npos) { resource.sloppy_focus = false; } else { // must be sloppy if (s.find("AutoRaise") != string::npos) resource.auto_raise = true; if (s.find("ClickRaise") != string::npos) resource.click_raise = true; } } if (config->getValue(screenstr + "windowPlacement", s)) { if (s == "CascadePlacement") resource.placement_policy = CascadePlacement; else if (s == "UnderMousePlacement") resource.placement_policy = UnderMousePlacement; else if (s == "ClickMousePlacement") resource.placement_policy = ClickMousePlacement; else if (s == "ColSmartPlacement") resource.placement_policy = ColSmartPlacement; else //if (s == "RowSmartPlacement") resource.placement_policy = RowSmartPlacement; } else resource.placement_policy = RowSmartPlacement; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "strftimeFormat", resource.strftime_format)) resource.strftime_format = "%I:%M %p"; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "placementIgnoreShaded", resource.ignore_shaded)) resource.ignore_shaded = true; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "placementIgnoreMaximized", resource.ignore_maximized)) resource.ignore_maximized = true; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "disableBindingsWithScrollLock", resource.allow_scroll_lock)) resource.allow_scroll_lock = false; if (! config->getValue(screenstr + "workspaceWarping", resource.workspace_warping)) resource.workspace_warping = false; resource.root_scroll = NormalScroll; if (config->getValue(screenstr + "rootScrollDirection", s)) { if (s == "None") resource.root_scroll = NoScroll; else if (s == "Reverse") resource.root_scroll = ReverseScroll; } } void BScreen::changeWorkspaceCount(unsigned int new_count) { assert(new_count > 0); if (new_count < workspacesList.size()) { // shrink for (unsigned int i = workspacesList.size(); i > new_count; --i) removeLastWorkspace(); // removeLast already sets the current workspace to the // last available one. } else if (new_count > workspacesList.size()) { // grow for(unsigned int i = workspacesList.size(); i < new_count; ++i) addWorkspace(); } } void BScreen::reconfigure(void) { // don't reconfigure while saving the initial rc file, it's a waste and it // breaks somethings (workspace names) if (blackbox->state() == Openbox::State_Starting) return; load_rc(); LoadStyle(); // we need to do this explicitly, because just loading this value from the rc // does nothing changeWorkspaceCount(resource.workspaces); XGCValues gcv; gcv.foreground = WhitePixel(otk::OBDisplay::display, getScreenNumber()); gcv.function = GXinvert; gcv.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors; XChangeGC(otk::OBDisplay::display, opGC, GCForeground | GCFunction | GCSubwindowMode, &gcv); const char *s = "0: 0000 x 0: 0000"; geom_w = resource.wstyle.font->measureString(s) + resource.bevel_width * 2; geom_h = resource.wstyle.font->height() + resource.bevel_width * 2; otk::BTexture* texture = &(resource.wstyle.l_focus); geom_pixmap = texture->render(geom_w, geom_h, geom_pixmap); if (geom_pixmap == ParentRelative) { texture = &(resource.wstyle.t_focus); geom_pixmap = texture->render(geom_w, geom_h, geom_pixmap); } if (! geom_pixmap) XSetWindowBackground(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window, texture->color().pixel()); else XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window, geom_pixmap); XSetWindowBorderWidth(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window, resource.border_width); XSetWindowBorder(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window, resource.border_color.pixel()); typedef std::vector SubList; SubList remember_subs; raiseWindows(0, 0); std::for_each(workspacesList.begin(), workspacesList.end(), std::mem_fun(&Workspace::reconfigure)); BlackboxWindowList::iterator iit = iconList.begin(); for (; iit != iconList.end(); ++iit) { BlackboxWindow *bw = *iit; if (bw->validateClient()) bw->reconfigure(); } otk::BImageControl::timeout(image_control); } void BScreen::LoadStyle(void) { Configuration style(False); const char *sfile = blackbox->getStyleFilename(); if (sfile != NULL) { style.setFile(sfile); if (! style.load()) { style.setFile(DEFAULTSTYLE); if (! style.load()) style.create(); // hardcoded default values will be used. } } // merge in the rc file style.merge(config->file(), True); string s; // load fonts/fontsets if (resource.wstyle.font) delete resource.wstyle.font; resource.wstyle.font = readDatabaseFont("window.", style); // load window config resource.wstyle.t_focus = readDatabaseTexture("window.title.focus", "white", style); resource.wstyle.t_unfocus = readDatabaseTexture("window.title.unfocus", "black", style); resource.wstyle.l_focus = readDatabaseTexture("window.label.focus", "white", style); resource.wstyle.l_unfocus = readDatabaseTexture("window.label.unfocus", "black", style); resource.wstyle.h_focus = readDatabaseTexture("window.handle.focus", "white", style); resource.wstyle.h_unfocus = readDatabaseTexture("window.handle.unfocus", "black", style); resource.wstyle.g_focus = readDatabaseTexture("window.grip.focus", "white", style); resource.wstyle.g_unfocus = readDatabaseTexture("window.grip.unfocus", "black", style); resource.wstyle.b_focus = readDatabaseTexture("window.button.focus", "white", style); resource.wstyle.b_unfocus = readDatabaseTexture("window.button.unfocus", "black", style); resource.wstyle.b_pressed = readDatabaseTexture("window.button.pressed", "black", style); //if neither of these can be found, we will use the previous resource resource.wstyle.b_pressed_focus = readDatabaseTexture("window.button.pressed.focus", "black", style, true); resource.wstyle.b_pressed_unfocus = readDatabaseTexture("window.button.pressed.unfocus", "black", style, true); if (resource.wstyle.close_button.mask != None) XFreePixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, resource.wstyle.close_button.mask); if (resource.wstyle.max_button.mask != None) XFreePixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, resource.wstyle.max_button.mask); if (resource.wstyle.icon_button.mask != None) XFreePixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, resource.wstyle.icon_button.mask); if (resource.wstyle.stick_button.mask != None) XFreePixmap(otk::OBDisplay::display, resource.wstyle.stick_button.mask); resource.wstyle.close_button.mask = resource.wstyle.max_button.mask = resource.wstyle.icon_button.mask = resource.wstyle.icon_button.mask = None; readDatabaseMask("window.button.close.mask", resource.wstyle.close_button, style); readDatabaseMask("window.button.max.mask", resource.wstyle.max_button, style); readDatabaseMask("window.button.icon.mask", resource.wstyle.icon_button, style); readDatabaseMask("window.button.stick.mask", resource.wstyle.stick_button, style); // we create the window.frame texture by hand because it exists only to // make the code cleaner and is not actually used for display otk::BColor color = readDatabaseColor("window.frame.focusColor", "white", style); resource.wstyle.f_focus = otk::BTexture("solid flat", getScreenNumber(), image_control); resource.wstyle.f_focus.setColor(color); color = readDatabaseColor("window.frame.unfocusColor", "white", style); resource.wstyle.f_unfocus = otk::BTexture("solid flat", getScreenNumber(), image_control); resource.wstyle.f_unfocus.setColor(color); resource.wstyle.l_text_focus = readDatabaseColor("window.label.focus.textColor", "black", style); resource.wstyle.l_text_unfocus = readDatabaseColor("window.label.unfocus.textColor", "white", style); resource.wstyle.b_pic_focus = readDatabaseColor("window.button.focus.picColor", "black", style); resource.wstyle.b_pic_unfocus = readDatabaseColor("window.button.unfocus.picColor", "white", style); resource.wstyle.justify = LeftJustify; if (style.getValue("window.justify", s)) { if (s == "right" || s == "Right") resource.wstyle.justify = RightJustify; else if (s == "center" || s == "Center") resource.wstyle.justify = CenterJustify; } // sanity checks if (resource.wstyle.t_focus.texture() == otk::BTexture::Parent_Relative) resource.wstyle.t_focus = resource.wstyle.f_focus; if (resource.wstyle.t_unfocus.texture() == otk::BTexture::Parent_Relative) resource.wstyle.t_unfocus = resource.wstyle.f_unfocus; if (resource.wstyle.h_focus.texture() == otk::BTexture::Parent_Relative) resource.wstyle.h_focus = resource.wstyle.f_focus; if (resource.wstyle.h_unfocus.texture() == otk::BTexture::Parent_Relative) resource.wstyle.h_unfocus = resource.wstyle.f_unfocus; resource.border_color = readDatabaseColor("borderColor", "black", style); // load bevel, border and handle widths if (! style.getValue("handleWidth", resource.handle_width) || resource.handle_width > (getWidth() / 2) || resource.handle_width == 0) resource.handle_width = 6; if (! style.getValue("borderWidth", resource.border_width)) resource.border_width = 1; if (! style.getValue("bevelWidth", resource.bevel_width) || resource.bevel_width > (getWidth() / 2) || resource.bevel_width == 0) resource.bevel_width = 3; if (! style.getValue("frameWidth", resource.frame_width) || resource.frame_width > (getWidth() / 2)) resource.frame_width = resource.bevel_width; if (style.getValue("rootCommand", s)) bexec(s, displayString()); } void BScreen::addIcon(BlackboxWindow *w) { if (! w) return; w->setWorkspace(BSENTINEL); w->setWindowNumber(iconList.size()); iconList.push_back(w); } void BScreen::removeIcon(BlackboxWindow *w) { if (! w) return; iconList.remove(w); BlackboxWindowList::iterator it = iconList.begin(), end = iconList.end(); for (int i = 0; it != end; ++it) (*it)->setWindowNumber(i++); } BlackboxWindow *BScreen::getIcon(unsigned int index) { if (index < iconList.size()) { BlackboxWindowList::iterator it = iconList.begin(); while (index-- > 0) // increment to index ++it; return *it; } return (BlackboxWindow *) 0; } unsigned int BScreen::addWorkspace(void) { Workspace *wkspc = new Workspace(this, workspacesList.size()); workspacesList.push_back(wkspc); saveWorkspaces(getWorkspaceCount()); saveWorkspaceNames(); return workspacesList.size(); } unsigned int BScreen::removeLastWorkspace(void) { if (workspacesList.size() == 1) return 1; Workspace *wkspc = workspacesList.back(); if (current_workspace->getID() == wkspc->getID()) changeWorkspaceID(current_workspace->getID() - 1); wkspc->removeAll(); workspacesList.pop_back(); delete wkspc; saveWorkspaces(getWorkspaceCount()); saveWorkspaceNames(); updateNetizenWorkspaceCount(); return workspacesList.size(); } void BScreen::changeWorkspaceID(unsigned int id) { if (! current_workspace || id == current_workspace->getID()) return; BlackboxWindow *focused = blackbox->getFocusedWindow(); if (focused && focused->getScreen() == this) { assert(focused->isStuck() || focused->getWorkspaceNumber() == current_workspace->getID()); current_workspace->setLastFocusedWindow(focused); } else { // if no window had focus, no need to store a last focus current_workspace->setLastFocusedWindow((BlackboxWindow *) 0); } // when we switch workspaces, unfocus whatever was focused if it is going // to be unmapped if (focused && ! focused->isStuck()) blackbox->setFocusedWindow((BlackboxWindow *) 0); current_workspace->hideAll(); current_workspace = getWorkspace(id); xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_current_desktop, XAtom::cardinal, id); current_workspace->showAll(); int x, y, rx, ry; Window c, r; unsigned int m; BlackboxWindow *win = (BlackboxWindow *) 0; bool f = False; XSync(otk::OBDisplay::display, False); // If sloppy focus and we can find the client window under the pointer, // try to focus it. if (resource.sloppy_focus && XQueryPointer(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), &r, &c, &rx, &ry, &x, &y, &m) && c != None) { if ( (win = blackbox->searchWindow(c)) ) f = win->setInputFocus(); } // If that fails, and we're doing focus_last, try to focus the last window. if (! f && resource.focus_last && (win = current_workspace->getLastFocusedWindow())) f = win->setInputFocus(); /* if we found a focus target, then we set the focused window explicitly because it is possible to switch off this workspace before the x server generates the FocusIn event for the window. if that happens, openbox would lose track of what window was the 'LastFocused' window on the workspace. if we did not find a focus target, then set the current focused window to nothing. */ if (f) blackbox->setFocusedWindow(win); else blackbox->setFocusedWindow((BlackboxWindow *) 0); } /* * Set the _NET_CLIENT_LIST root window property. */ void BScreen::updateClientList(void) { if (windowList.size() > 0) { Window *windows = new Window[windowList.size()]; Window *win_it = windows; BlackboxWindowList::iterator it = windowList.begin(); const BlackboxWindowList::iterator end = windowList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it, ++win_it) *win_it = (*it)->getClientWindow(); xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_client_list, XAtom::window, windows, windowList.size()); delete [] windows; } else xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_client_list, XAtom::window, 0, 0); updateStackingList(); } /* * Set the _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING root window property. */ void BScreen::updateStackingList(void) { BlackboxWindowList stack_order; /* * Get the stacking order from all of the workspaces. * We start with the current workspace so that the sticky windows will be * in the right order on the current workspace. * XXX: Do we need to have sticky windows in the list once for each workspace? */ getCurrentWorkspace()->appendStackOrder(stack_order); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getWorkspaceCount(); ++i) if (i != getCurrentWorkspaceID()) getWorkspace(i)->appendStackOrder(stack_order); if (stack_order.size() > 0) { // set the client list atoms Window *windows = new Window[stack_order.size()]; Window *win_it = windows; BlackboxWindowList::iterator it = stack_order.begin(), end = stack_order.end(); for (; it != end; ++it, ++win_it) *win_it = (*it)->getClientWindow(); xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_client_list_stacking, XAtom::window, windows, stack_order.size()); delete [] windows; } else xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_client_list_stacking, XAtom::window, 0, 0); } void BScreen::addSystrayWindow(Window window) { XGrabServer(otk::OBDisplay::display); XSelectInput(otk::OBDisplay::display, window, StructureNotifyMask); systrayWindowList.push_back(window); xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::kde_net_system_tray_windows, XAtom::window, &systrayWindowList[0], systrayWindowList.size()); blackbox->saveSystrayWindowSearch(window, this); XUngrabServer(otk::OBDisplay::display); } void BScreen::removeSystrayWindow(Window window) { XGrabServer(otk::OBDisplay::display); WindowList::iterator it = systrayWindowList.begin(); const WindowList::iterator end = systrayWindowList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) if (*it == window) { systrayWindowList.erase(it); xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::kde_net_system_tray_windows, XAtom::window, &systrayWindowList[0], systrayWindowList.size()); blackbox->removeSystrayWindowSearch(window); XSelectInput(otk::OBDisplay::display, window, NoEventMask); break; } assert(it != end); // not a systray window XUngrabServer(otk::OBDisplay::display); } void BScreen::manageWindow(Window w) { // is the window a KDE systray window? Window systray; if (xatom->getValue(w, XAtom::kde_net_wm_system_tray_window_for, XAtom::window, systray) && systray != None) { addSystrayWindow(w); return; } // is the window a docking app XWMHints *wmhint = XGetWMHints(otk::OBDisplay::display, w); if (wmhint && (wmhint->flags & StateHint) && wmhint->initial_state == WithdrawnState) { //slit->addClient(w); return; } new BlackboxWindow(blackbox, w, this); BlackboxWindow *win = blackbox->searchWindow(w); if (! win) return; if (win->isDesktop()) { desktopWindowList.push_back(win->getFrameWindow()); } else { // if (win->isNormal()) { // don't list desktop windows as managed windows windowList.push_back(win); updateClientList(); if (win->isTopmost()) specialWindowList.push_back(win->getFrameWindow()); } XMapRequestEvent mre; mre.window = w; if (blackbox->state() == Openbox::State_Starting && win->isNormal()) win->restoreAttributes(); win->mapRequestEvent(&mre); } void BScreen::unmanageWindow(BlackboxWindow *w, bool remap) { // is the window a KDE systray window? Window systray; if (xatom->getValue(w->getClientWindow(), XAtom::kde_net_wm_system_tray_window_for, XAtom::window, systray) && systray != None) { removeSystrayWindow(w->getClientWindow()); return; } w->restore(remap); // Remove the modality so that its parent won't try to re-focus the window if (w->isModal()) w->setModal(False); if (w->getWorkspaceNumber() != BSENTINEL && w->getWindowNumber() != BSENTINEL) { getWorkspace(w->getWorkspaceNumber())->removeWindow(w); if (w->isStuck()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getNumberOfWorkspaces(); ++i) if (i != w->getWorkspaceNumber()) getWorkspace(i)->removeWindow(w, True); } } else if (w->isIconic()) removeIcon(w); if (w->isDesktop()) { WindowList::iterator it = desktopWindowList.begin(); const WindowList::iterator end = desktopWindowList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) if (*it == w->getFrameWindow()) { desktopWindowList.erase(it); break; } assert(it != end); // the window wasnt a desktop window? } else { // if (w->isNormal()) { // we don't list desktop windows as managed windows windowList.remove(w); updateClientList(); if (w->isTopmost()) { WindowList::iterator it = specialWindowList.begin(); const WindowList::iterator end = specialWindowList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) if (*it == w->getFrameWindow()) { specialWindowList.erase(it); break; } assert(it != end); // the window wasnt a special window? } } if (blackbox->getFocusedWindow() == w) blackbox->setFocusedWindow((BlackboxWindow *) 0); /* some managed windows can also be window group controllers. when unmanaging such windows, we should also delete the window group. */ BWindowGroup *group = blackbox->searchGroup(w->getClientWindow()); delete group; delete w; } void BScreen::updateWorkArea(void) { if (workspacesList.size() > 0) { unsigned long *dims = new unsigned long[4 * workspacesList.size()]; for (unsigned int i = 0, m = workspacesList.size(); i < m; ++i) { // XXX: this could be different for each workspace const otk::Rect &area = availableArea(); dims[(i * 4) + 0] = area.x(); dims[(i * 4) + 1] = area.y(); dims[(i * 4) + 2] = area.width(); dims[(i * 4) + 3] = area.height(); } xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_workarea, XAtom::cardinal, dims, 4 * workspacesList.size()); delete [] dims; } else xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_workarea, XAtom::cardinal, 0, 0); } void BScreen::updateNetizenWorkspaceCount(void) { xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_number_of_desktops, XAtom::cardinal, workspacesList.size()); updateWorkArea(); } void BScreen::updateNetizenWindowFocus(void) { Window f = ((blackbox->getFocusedWindow()) ? blackbox->getFocusedWindow()->getClientWindow() : None); xatom->setValue(getRootWindow(), XAtom::net_active_window, XAtom::window, f); } void BScreen::raiseWindows(Window *workspace_stack, unsigned int num) { // the 13 represents the number of blackbox windows such as menus int bbwins = 15; #ifdef XINERAMA ++bbwins; #endif // XINERAMA Window *session_stack = new Window[(num + specialWindowList.size() + bbwins)]; unsigned int i = 0, k = num; WindowList::iterator sit, send = specialWindowList.end(); for (sit = specialWindowList.begin(); sit != send; ++sit) *(session_stack + i++) = *sit; while (k--) *(session_stack + i++) = *(workspace_stack + k); XRestackWindows(otk::OBDisplay::display, session_stack, i); delete [] session_stack; updateStackingList(); } void BScreen::lowerWindows(Window *workspace_stack, unsigned int num) { assert(num > 0); // this would cause trouble in the XRaiseWindow call Window *session_stack = new Window[(num + desktopWindowList.size())]; unsigned int i = 0, k = num; XLowerWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, workspace_stack[0]); while (k--) *(session_stack + i++) = *(workspace_stack + k); WindowList::iterator dit = desktopWindowList.begin(); const WindowList::iterator d_end = desktopWindowList.end(); for (; dit != d_end; ++dit) *(session_stack + i++) = *dit; XRestackWindows(otk::OBDisplay::display, session_stack, i); delete [] session_stack; updateStackingList(); } void BScreen::reassociateWindow(BlackboxWindow *w, unsigned int wkspc_id, bool ignore_sticky) { if (! w) return; if (wkspc_id == BSENTINEL) wkspc_id = current_workspace->getID(); if (w->getWorkspaceNumber() == wkspc_id) return; if (w->isIconic()) { removeIcon(w); getWorkspace(wkspc_id)->addWindow(w); if (w->isStuck()) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getNumberOfWorkspaces(); ++i) if (i != w->getWorkspaceNumber()) getWorkspace(i)->addWindow(w, True); } else if (ignore_sticky || ! w->isStuck()) { if (w->isStuck()) w->stick(); getWorkspace(w->getWorkspaceNumber())->removeWindow(w); getWorkspace(wkspc_id)->addWindow(w); } updateStackingList(); } void BScreen::propagateWindowName(const BlackboxWindow *bw) { if (bw->isIconic()) { } else { } } void BScreen::nextFocus(void) const { BlackboxWindow *focused = blackbox->getFocusedWindow(), *next = focused; if (focused && focused->getScreen()->getScreenNumber() == getScreenNumber() && current_workspace->getCount() > 1) { do { next = current_workspace->getNextWindowInList(next); } while (next != focused && ! next->setInputFocus()); if (next != focused) current_workspace->raiseWindow(next); } else if (current_workspace->getCount() > 0) { next = current_workspace->getTopWindowOnStack(); next->setInputFocus(); current_workspace->raiseWindow(next); } } void BScreen::prevFocus(void) const { BlackboxWindow *focused = blackbox->getFocusedWindow(), *next = focused; if (focused) { // if window is not on this screen, ignore it if (focused->getScreen()->getScreenNumber() != getScreenNumber()) focused = (BlackboxWindow*) 0; } if (focused && focused->getScreen()->getScreenNumber() == getScreenNumber() && current_workspace->getCount() > 1) { // next is the next window to receive focus, current is a place holder do { next = current_workspace->getPrevWindowInList(next); } while (next != focused && ! next->setInputFocus()); if (next != focused) current_workspace->raiseWindow(next); } else if (current_workspace->getCount() > 0) { next = current_workspace->getTopWindowOnStack(); next->setInputFocus(); current_workspace->raiseWindow(next); } } void BScreen::raiseFocus(void) const { BlackboxWindow *focused = blackbox->getFocusedWindow(); if (! focused) return; // if on this Screen, raise it if (focused->getScreen()->getScreenNumber() == getScreenNumber()) { Workspace *workspace = getWorkspace(focused->getWorkspaceNumber()); workspace->raiseWindow(focused); } } void BScreen::shutdown(void) { XSelectInput(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), NoEventMask); XSync(otk::OBDisplay::display, False); while(! windowList.empty()) unmanageWindow(windowList.front(), True); while(! desktopWindowList.empty()) { BlackboxWindow *win = blackbox->searchWindow(desktopWindowList.front()); assert(win); unmanageWindow(win, True); } } void BScreen::showPosition(int x, int y) { if (! geom_visible) { XMoveResizeWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window, (getWidth() - geom_w) / 2, (getHeight() - geom_h) / 2, geom_w, geom_h); XMapWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window); XRaiseWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window); geom_visible = True; } char label[1024]; sprintf(label, "X: %4d x Y: %4d", x, y); XClearWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window); resource.wstyle.font->drawString(geom_window, resource.bevel_width, resource.bevel_width, resource.wstyle.l_text_focus, label); } void BScreen::showGeometry(unsigned int gx, unsigned int gy) { if (! geom_visible) { XMoveResizeWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window, (getWidth() - geom_w) / 2, (getHeight() - geom_h) / 2, geom_w, geom_h); XMapWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window); XRaiseWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window); geom_visible = True; } char label[1024]; sprintf(label, "W: %4d x H: %4d", gx, gy); XClearWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window); resource.wstyle.font->drawString(geom_window, resource.bevel_width, resource.bevel_width, resource.wstyle.l_text_focus, label); } void BScreen::hideGeometry(void) { if (geom_visible) { XUnmapWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, geom_window); geom_visible = False; } } void BScreen::addStrut(Strut *strut) { strutList.push_back(strut); } void BScreen::removeStrut(Strut *strut) { strutList.remove(strut); } const otk::Rect& BScreen::availableArea(void) const { if (doFullMax()) return getRect(); // return the full screen return usableArea; } #ifdef XINERAMA const RectList& BScreen::allAvailableAreas(void) const { assert(isXineramaActive()); assert(xineramaUsableArea.size() > 0); fprintf(stderr, "1found x %d y %d w %d h %d\n", xineramaUsableArea[0].x(), xineramaUsableArea[0].y(), xineramaUsableArea[0].width(), xineramaUsableArea[0].height()); return xineramaUsableArea; } #endif // XINERAMA void BScreen::updateAvailableArea(void) { otk::Rect old_area = usableArea; usableArea = getRect(); // reset to full screen #ifdef XINERAMA // reset to the full areas if (isXineramaActive()) xineramaUsableArea = getXineramaAreas(); #endif // XINERAMA /* these values represent offsets from the screen edge * we look for the biggest offset on each edge and then apply them * all at once * do not be confused by the similarity to the names of Rect's members */ unsigned int current_left = 0, current_right = 0, current_top = 0, current_bottom = 0; StrutList::const_iterator it = strutList.begin(), end = strutList.end(); for(; it != end; ++it) { Strut *strut = *it; if (strut->left > current_left) current_left = strut->left; if (strut->top > current_top) current_top = strut->top; if (strut->right > current_right) current_right = strut->right; if (strut->bottom > current_bottom) current_bottom = strut->bottom; } usableArea.setPos(current_left, current_top); usableArea.setSize(usableArea.width() - (current_left + current_right), usableArea.height() - (current_top + current_bottom)); #ifdef XINERAMA if (isXineramaActive()) { // keep each of the ximerama-defined areas inside the strut RectList::iterator xit, xend = xineramaUsableArea.end(); for (xit = xineramaUsableArea.begin(); xit != xend; ++xit) { if (xit->x() < usableArea.x()) { xit->setX(usableArea.x()); xit->setWidth(xit->width() - usableArea.x()); } if (xit->y() < usableArea.y()) { xit->setY(usableArea.y()); xit->setHeight(xit->height() - usableArea.y()); } if (xit->x() + xit->width() > usableArea.width()) xit->setWidth(usableArea.width() - xit->x()); if (xit->y() + xit->height() > usableArea.height()) xit->setHeight(usableArea.height() - xit->y()); } } #endif // XINERAMA if (old_area != usableArea) { BlackboxWindowList::iterator it = windowList.begin(), end = windowList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) if ((*it)->isMaximized()) (*it)->remaximize(); } updateWorkArea(); } Workspace* BScreen::getWorkspace(unsigned int index) const { assert(index < workspacesList.size()); return workspacesList[index]; } void BScreen::buttonPressEvent(const XButtonEvent *xbutton) { if (xbutton->button == 1) { if (! isRootColormapInstalled()) image_control->installRootColormap(); // mouse wheel up } else if ((xbutton->button == 4 && resource.root_scroll == NormalScroll) || (xbutton->button == 5 && resource.root_scroll == ReverseScroll)) { if (getCurrentWorkspaceID() >= getWorkspaceCount() - 1) changeWorkspaceID(0); else changeWorkspaceID(getCurrentWorkspaceID() + 1); // mouse wheel down } else if ((xbutton->button == 5 && resource.root_scroll == NormalScroll) || (xbutton->button == 4 && resource.root_scroll == ReverseScroll)) { if (getCurrentWorkspaceID() == 0) changeWorkspaceID(getWorkspaceCount() - 1); else changeWorkspaceID(getCurrentWorkspaceID() - 1); } } void BScreen::propertyNotifyEvent(const XPropertyEvent *pe) { if (pe->atom == xatom->getAtom(XAtom::net_desktop_names)) { // _NET_WM_DESKTOP_NAMES WorkspaceList::iterator it = workspacesList.begin(); const WorkspaceList::iterator end = workspacesList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { (*it)->readName(); // re-read its name from the window property //workspacemenu->changeWorkspaceLabel((*it)->getID(), (*it)->getName()); } //workspacemenu->update(); saveWorkspaceNames(); } } void BScreen::toggleFocusModel(FocusModel model) { std::for_each(windowList.begin(), windowList.end(), std::mem_fun(&BlackboxWindow::ungrabButtons)); if (model == SloppyFocus) { saveSloppyFocus(True); } else { // we're cheating here to save writing the config file 3 times resource.auto_raise = False; resource.click_raise = False; saveSloppyFocus(False); } std::for_each(windowList.begin(), windowList.end(), std::mem_fun(&BlackboxWindow::grabButtons)); } void BScreen::readDatabaseMask(const string &rname, PixmapMask &pixmapMask, const Configuration &style) { string s; int hx, hy; //ignored int ret = BitmapOpenFailed; //default to failure. if (style.getValue(rname, s)) { if (s[0] != '/' && s[0] != '~') { std::string xbmFile = std::string("~/.openbox/buttons/") + s; ret = XReadBitmapFile(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), expandTilde(xbmFile).c_str(), &pixmapMask.w, &pixmapMask.h, &pixmapMask.mask, &hx, &hy); } else ret = XReadBitmapFile(otk::OBDisplay::display, getRootWindow(), expandTilde(s).c_str(), &pixmapMask.w, &pixmapMask.h, &pixmapMask.mask, &hx, &hy); if (ret == BitmapSuccess) return; } pixmapMask.mask = None; pixmapMask.w = pixmapMask.h = 0; } otk::BTexture BScreen::readDatabaseTexture(const string &rname, const string &default_color, const Configuration &style, bool allowNoTexture) { otk::BTexture texture; string s; if (style.getValue(rname, s)) texture = otk::BTexture(s); else if (allowNoTexture) //no default texture.setTexture(otk::BTexture::NoTexture); else texture.setTexture(otk::BTexture::Solid | otk::BTexture::Flat); // associate this texture with this screen texture.setScreen(getScreenNumber()); texture.setImageControl(image_control); if (texture.texture() != otk::BTexture::NoTexture) { texture.setColor(readDatabaseColor(rname + ".color", default_color, style)); texture.setColorTo(readDatabaseColor(rname + ".colorTo", default_color, style)); texture.setBorderColor(readDatabaseColor(rname + ".borderColor", default_color, style)); } return texture; } otk::BColor BScreen::readDatabaseColor(const string &rname, const string &default_color, const Configuration &style) { otk::BColor color; string s; if (style.getValue(rname, s)) color = otk::BColor(s, getScreenNumber()); else color = otk::BColor(default_color, getScreenNumber()); return color; } otk::BFont *BScreen::readDatabaseFont(const string &rbasename, const Configuration &style) { string fontname; string s; int i; if (style.getValue(rbasename + "xft.font", s) && style.getValue(rbasename + "xft.size", i)) { string family = s; bool bold = False; bool italic = False; bool dropShadow = False; if (style.getValue(rbasename + "xft.flags", s)) { if (s.find("bold") != string::npos) bold = True; if (s.find("italic") != string::npos) italic = True; if (s.find("shadow") != string::npos) dropShadow = True; } unsigned char offset = 1; if (style.getValue(rbasename + "xft.shadow.offset", s)) { offset = atoi(s.c_str()); //doesn't detect errors if (offset > CHAR_MAX) offset = 1; } unsigned char tint = 0x40; if (style.getValue(rbasename + "xft.shadow.tint", s)) { tint = atoi(s.c_str()); } otk::BFont *b = new otk::BFont(getScreenNumber(), family, i, bold, italic, dropShadow && resource.shadow_fonts, offset, tint, resource.aa_fonts); if (b->valid()) return b; delete b; } exit(2); // can't continue without a font } }