// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "../config.h" #endif #include "../version.h" #include "openbox.hh" #include "screen.hh" #include "otk/property.hh" #include "otk/display.hh" #include "otk/assassin.hh" #include "otk/util.hh" // TEMPORARY extern "C" { #include #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H # include #endif // HAVE_STDIO_H #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H # include #endif // HAVE_STDLIB_H #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H # include #endif // HAVE_SIGNAL_H #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H # include #endif // HAVE_FCNTL_H #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include # include #endif // HAVE_UNISTD_H #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H # include #endif // HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include "gettext.h" #define _(str) gettext(str) } #include namespace ob { Openbox *Openbox::instance = (Openbox *) 0; void Openbox::signalHandler(int signal) { switch (signal) { case SIGHUP: // XXX: Do something with HUP? Really shouldn't, we get this when X shuts // down and hangs-up on us. case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: case SIGPIPE: printf("Caught signal %d. Exiting.\n", signal); instance->shutdown(); break; case SIGFPE: case SIGSEGV: printf("Caught signal %d. Aborting and dumping core.\n", signal); abort(); } } Openbox::Openbox(int argc, char **argv) { struct sigaction action; _state = State_Starting; // initializing everything Openbox::instance = this; _displayreq = (char*) 0; _argv0 = argv[0]; _doshutdown = false; _rcfilepath = otk::expandTilde("~/.openbox/rc3"); parseCommandLine(argc, argv); // TEMPORARY: using the xrdb rc3 _config.setFile(_rcfilepath); if (!_config.load()) { printf("failed to load rc file %s\n", _config.file().c_str()); ::exit(2); } std::string s; _config.getValue("session.styleFile", s); _config.setFile(s); if (!_config.load()) { printf("failed to load style %s\n", _config.file().c_str()); ::exit(2); } // open the X display (and gets some info about it, and its screens) otk::OBDisplay::initialize(_displayreq); assert(otk::OBDisplay::display); // set up the signal handler action.sa_handler = Openbox::signalHandler; action.sa_mask = sigset_t(); action.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_NODEFER; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, (struct sigaction *) 0); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, (struct sigaction *) 0); sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, (struct sigaction *) 0); sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, (struct sigaction *) 0); sigaction(SIGINT, &action, (struct sigaction *) 0); sigaction(SIGHUP, &action, (struct sigaction *) 0); _property = new otk::OBProperty(); // create the mouse cursors we'll use _cursors.session = XCreateFontCursor(otk::OBDisplay::display, XC_left_ptr); _cursors.move = XCreateFontCursor(otk::OBDisplay::display, XC_fleur); _cursors.ll_angle = XCreateFontCursor(otk::OBDisplay::display, XC_ll_angle); _cursors.lr_angle = XCreateFontCursor(otk::OBDisplay::display, XC_lr_angle); _cursors.ul_angle = XCreateFontCursor(otk::OBDisplay::display, XC_ul_angle); _cursors.ur_angle = XCreateFontCursor(otk::OBDisplay::display, XC_ur_angle); // initialize all the screens _screens.push_back(new OBScreen(0, _config)); _screens[0]->manageExisting(); // XXX: "change to" the first workspace on the screen to initialize stuff _state = State_Normal; // done starting } Openbox::~Openbox() { _state = State_Exiting; // time to kill everything std::for_each(_screens.begin(), _screens.end(), otk::PointerAssassin()); // close the X display otk::OBDisplay::destroy(); } void Openbox::parseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv) { bool err = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string arg(argv[i]); if (arg == "-display") { if (++i >= argc) err = true; else _displayreq = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "-rc") { if (++i >= argc) err = true; else _rcfilepath = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "-menu") { if (++i >= argc) err = true; else _menufilepath = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "-version") { showVersion(); ::exit(0); } else if (arg == "-help") { showHelp(); ::exit(0); } else err = true; if (err) { showHelp(); exit(1); } } } void Openbox::showVersion() { printf(_("Openbox - version %s\n"), OPENBOX_VERSION); printf(" (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\n"); } void Openbox::showHelp() { showVersion(); // show the version string and copyright // print program usage and command line options printf(_("Usage: %s [OPTIONS...]\n\ Options:\n\ -display use display connection.\n\ -rc use alternate resource file.\n\ -menu use alternate menu file.\n\ -version display version and exit.\n\ -help display this help text and exit.\n\n"), _argv0); printf(_("Compile time options:\n\ Debugging: %s\n\ Shape: %s\n\ Xinerama: %s\n"), #ifdef DEBUG _("yes"), #else // !DEBUG _("no"), #endif // DEBUG #ifdef SHAPE _("yes"), #else // !SHAPE _("no"), #endif // SHAPE #ifdef XINERAMA _("yes") #else // !XINERAMA _("no") #endif // XINERAMA ); } void Openbox::eventLoop() { while (!_doshutdown) { if (XPending(otk::OBDisplay::display)) { XEvent e; XNextEvent(otk::OBDisplay::display, &e); //process_event(&e); _xeventhandler.handle(e); } else { _timermanager.fire(); } } } void Openbox::addClient(Window window, OBClient *client) { _clients[window] = client; } void Openbox::removeClient(Window window) { ClientMap::iterator it = _clients.find(window); if (it != _clients.end()) _clients.erase(it); } OBClient *Openbox::findClient(Window window) { /* NOTE: we dont use _clients[] to find the value because that will insert a new null into the hash, which really sucks when we want to clean up the hash at shutdown! */ ClientMap::iterator it = _clients.find(window); if (it != _clients.end()) return it->second; else return (OBClient*) 0; } }