// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #ifndef __frame_hh #define __frame_hh /*! @file frame.hh */ extern "C" { #include } #include "python.hh" #include "otk/strut.hh" #include "otk/rect.hh" #include "otk/renderstyle.hh" #include "otk/ustring.hh" #include "otk/surface.hh" #include "otk/eventhandler.hh" #include #include namespace ob { class Client; //! Varius geometry settings in the frame decorations struct FrameGeometry { int width; // title and handle int font_height; int title_height() { return font_height + bevel*2; } int label_width; int label_height() { return font_height; } int handle_height; // static, from the style int icon_x; // x-position of the window icon button int handle_y; int button_size; // static, from the style int grip_width() { return button_size * 2; } int bevel; // static, from the style int bwidth; // frame elements' border width int cbwidth; // client border width }; //! Holds and decorates a frame around an Client (client window) /*! The frame is responsible for calling XSelectInput on the client window's new parent with the SubstructureRedirectMask so that structure events for the client are sent to the window manager. */ class Frame : public otk::StyleNotify, public otk::EventHandler { public: //! The event mask to grab on frame windows static const long event_mask = EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask; private: Client *_client; //! The size of the frame on each side of the client window otk::Strut _size; //! The size of the frame on each side of the client window inside the border otk::Strut _innersize; //! The position and size of the entire frame (including borders) otk::Rect _area; bool _visible; // decoration windows Window _frame; // sits under everything Window _plate; // sits entirely under the client window Window _title; // the titlebar Window _label; // the section of the titlebar which shows the window name Window _handle; // bottom bar Window _lgrip; // lefthand resize grab on the handle Window _rgrip; // righthand resize grab on the handle Window _max; // maximize button Window _desk; // all-desktops button Window _iconify; // iconify button Window _icon; // window icon button Window _close; // close button // surfaces for each otk::Surface *_frame_sur; otk::Surface *_title_sur; otk::Surface *_label_sur; otk::Surface *_handle_sur; otk::Surface *_grip_sur; otk::Surface *_max_sur; otk::Surface *_desk_sur; otk::Surface *_iconify_sur; otk::Surface *_icon_sur; otk::Surface *_close_sur; std::string _layout; // layout of the titlebar bool _max_press; bool _desk_press; bool _iconify_press; bool _icon_press; bool _close_press; unsigned int _press_button; // mouse button that started the press FrameGeometry geom; void applyStyle(const otk::RenderStyle &style); void layoutTitle(); void renderLabel(); void renderMax(); void renderDesk(); void renderIconify(); void renderClose(); void renderIcon(); public: //! Constructs an Frame object for a client /*! @param client The client which will be decorated by the new Frame */ Frame(Client *client); //! Destroys the Frame object virtual ~Frame(); //! Returns the size of the frame on each side of the client const otk::Strut& size() const { return _size; } //! Set the style to decorate the frame with virtual void styleChanged(const otk::RenderStyle &style); //! Reparents the client window from the root window onto the frame void grabClient(); //! Reparents the client window back to the root window void releaseClient(); //! Update the frame's size to match the client void adjustSize(); //! Update the frame's position to match the client void adjustPosition(); //! Shape the frame window to the client window void adjustShape(); //! Update the frame to match the client's new state (for things like toggle //! buttons, focus, and the title) XXX break this up void adjustState(); void adjustFocus(); void adjustTitle(); //! Applies gravity to the client's position to find where the frame should //! be positioned. /*! @return The proper coordinates for the frame, based on the client. */ void clientGravity(int &x, int &y); //! Reversly applies gravity to the frame's position to find where the client //! should be positioned. /*! @return The proper coordinates for the client, based on the frame. */ void frameGravity(int &x, int &y); //! The position and size of the frame window inline const otk::Rect& area() const { return _area; } //! Returns if the frame is visible inline bool visible() const { return _visible; } //! Shows the frame void show(); //! Hides the frame void hide(); void buttonPressHandler(const XButtonEvent &e); void buttonReleaseHandler(const XButtonEvent &e); //! Returns the MouseContext for the given window id /*! Returns '-1' if no valid mouse context exists in the frame for the given id. */ ob::MouseContext::MC mouseContext(Window win) const; //! Gets the window id of the frame's base top-level parent inline Window window() const { return _frame; } //! Gets the window id of the client's parent window inline Window plate() const { return _plate; } //! Returns a null terminated array of the window ids that make up the //! frame's decorations. Window *allWindows() const; }; } #endif // __frame_hh