// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #include "config.h" extern "C" { #ifdef SHAPE #include #endif // SHAPE } #include "frame.hh" #include "client.hh" #include "openbox.hh" #include "otk/display.hh" #include "otk/surface.hh" #include #include namespace ob { const long Frame::event_mask; Window createWindow(const otk::ScreenInfo *info, Window parent, unsigned long mask, XSetWindowAttributes *attrib) { return XCreateWindow(**otk::display, parent, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, info->depth(), InputOutput, info->visual(), mask, attrib); } Frame::Frame(Client *client) : _client(client), _visible(false), _plate(0), _title(0), _label(0), _handle(0), _lgrip(0), _rgrip(0), _max(0), _desk(0), _iconify(0), _icon(0), _close(0), _frame_sur(0), _title_sur(0), _label_sur(0), _handle_sur(0), _grip_sur(0), _max_sur(0), _desk_sur(0), _iconify_sur(0), _icon_sur(0), _close_sur(0), _max_press(false), _desk_press(false), _iconify_press(false), _icon_press(false), _close_press(false), _press_button(0) { assert(client); XSetWindowAttributes attrib; unsigned long mask; const otk::ScreenInfo *info = otk::display->screenInfo(client->screen()); // create all of the decor windows (except title bar buttons) mask = CWOverrideRedirect | CWEventMask; attrib.event_mask = Frame::event_mask; attrib.override_redirect = true; _frame = createWindow(info, info->rootWindow(), mask, &attrib); mask = 0; _plate = createWindow(info, _frame, mask, &attrib); mask = CWEventMask; attrib.event_mask = (ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | ExposureMask); _title = createWindow(info, _frame, mask, &attrib); _label = createWindow(info, _title, mask, &attrib); _max = createWindow(info, _title, mask, &attrib); _close = createWindow(info, _title, mask, &attrib); _desk = createWindow(info, _title, mask, &attrib); _icon = createWindow(info, _title, mask, &attrib); _iconify = createWindow(info, _title, mask, &attrib); _handle = createWindow(info, _frame, mask, &attrib); mask |= CWCursor; attrib.cursor = openbox->cursors().ll_angle; _lgrip = createWindow(info, _handle, mask, &attrib); attrib.cursor = openbox->cursors().lr_angle; _rgrip = createWindow(info, _handle, mask, &attrib); // the other stuff is shown based on decor settings XMapWindow(**otk::display, _plate); XMapWindow(**otk::display, _lgrip); XMapWindow(**otk::display, _rgrip); XMapWindow(**otk::display, _label); applyStyle(*otk::RenderStyle::style(_client->screen())); _layout = "NDITMC"; // register all of the windows with the event dispatcher Window *w = allWindows(); for (unsigned int i = 0; w[i]; ++i) openbox->registerHandler(w[i], this); delete [] w; } Frame::~Frame() { // unregister all of the windows with the event dispatcher Window *w = allWindows(); for (unsigned int i = 0; w[i]; ++i) openbox->clearHandler(w[i]); delete [] w; XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _rgrip); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _lgrip); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _handle); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _max); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _icon); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _iconify); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _desk); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _close); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _label); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _title); XDestroyWindow(**otk::display, _frame); if (_frame_sur) delete _frame_sur; if (_title_sur) delete _title_sur; if (_label_sur) delete _label_sur; if (_handle_sur) delete _handle_sur; if (_grip_sur) delete _grip_sur; if (_max_sur) delete _max_sur; if (_desk_sur) delete _desk_sur; if (_iconify_sur) delete _iconify_sur; if (_icon_sur) delete _icon_sur; if (_close_sur) delete _close_sur; } void Frame::show() { if (!_visible) { _visible = true; XMapWindow(**otk::display, _frame); } } void Frame::hide() { if (_visible) { _visible = false; XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _frame); } } void Frame::buttonPressHandler(const XButtonEvent &e) { if (_press_button) return; _press_button = e.button; if (e.window == _max) { _max_press = true; renderMax(); } if (e.window == _close) { _close_press = true; renderClose(); } if (e.window == _desk) { _desk_press = true; renderDesk(); } if (e.window == _iconify) { _iconify_press = true; renderIconify(); } if (e.window == _icon) { _icon_press = true; renderIcon(); } } void Frame::buttonReleaseHandler(const XButtonEvent &e) { if (e.button != _press_button) return; _press_button = 0; if (e.window == _max) { _max_press = false; renderMax(); } if (e.window == _close) { _close_press = false; renderClose(); } if (e.window == _desk) { _desk_press = false; renderDesk(); } if (e.window == _iconify) { _iconify_press = false; renderIconify(); } if (e.window == _icon) { _icon_press = false; renderIcon(); } } MouseContext::MC Frame::mouseContext(Window win) const { if (win == _frame) return MouseContext::Frame; if (win == _title || win == _label) return MouseContext::Titlebar; if (win == _handle) return MouseContext::Handle; if (win == _plate) return MouseContext::Window; if (win == _lgrip || win == _rgrip) return MouseContext::Grip; if (win == _max) return MouseContext::MaximizeButton; if (win == _close) return MouseContext::CloseButton; if (win == _desk) return MouseContext::AllDesktopsButton; if (win == _iconify)return MouseContext::IconifyButton; if (win == _icon) return MouseContext::IconButton; return (MouseContext::MC) -1; } Window *Frame::allWindows() const { Window *w = new Window[12 + 1]; unsigned int i = 0; w[i++] = _frame; w[i++] = _plate; w[i++] = _title; w[i++] = _label; w[i++] = _handle; w[i++] = _lgrip; w[i++] = _rgrip; w[i++] = _max; w[i++] = _desk; w[i++] = _close; w[i++] = _icon; w[i++] = _iconify; w[i] = 0; return w; } void Frame::applyStyle(const otk::RenderStyle &style) { // set static border colors XSetWindowBorder(**otk::display, _frame, style.frameBorderColor()->pixel()); XSetWindowBorder(**otk::display, _title, style.frameBorderColor()->pixel()); XSetWindowBorder(**otk::display, _handle, style.frameBorderColor()->pixel()); XSetWindowBorder(**otk::display, _lgrip, style.frameBorderColor()->pixel()); XSetWindowBorder(**otk::display, _rgrip, style.frameBorderColor()->pixel()); // size all the fixed-size elements geom.font_height = style.labelFont()->height(); if (geom.font_height < 1) geom.font_height = 1; geom.button_size = geom.font_height - 2; if (geom.button_size < 1) geom.button_size = 1; geom.handle_height = style.handleWidth(); if (geom.handle_height < 1) geom.handle_height = 1; geom.bevel = style.bevelWidth(); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _lgrip, geom.grip_width(), geom.handle_height); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _rgrip, geom.grip_width(), geom.handle_height); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _max, geom.button_size, geom.button_size); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _close, geom.button_size, geom.button_size); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _desk, geom.button_size, geom.button_size); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _iconify, geom.button_size, geom.button_size); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _icon, geom.button_size, geom.button_size); } void Frame::styleChanged(const otk::RenderStyle &style) { applyStyle(style); // size/position everything adjustSize(); adjustPosition(); } void Frame::adjustFocus() { // XXX optimizations later... adjustSize(); } void Frame::adjustTitle() { // XXX optimizations later... adjustSize(); } static void render(int screen, const otk::Size &size, Window win, otk::Surface **surface, const otk::RenderTexture &texture, bool freedata=true) { otk::Surface *s = new otk::Surface(screen, size); otk::display->renderControl(screen)->drawBackground(*s, texture); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(**otk::display, win, s->pixmap()); XClearWindow(**otk::display, win); if (*surface) delete *surface; if (freedata) s->freePixelData(); *surface = s; } void Frame::adjustSize() { Client::DecorationFlags decorations = _client->decorations(); const otk::RenderStyle *style = otk::RenderStyle::style(_client->screen()); if (decorations & Client::Decor_Border) { geom.bwidth = style->frameBorderWidth(); geom.cbwidth = style->clientBorderWidth(); } else { geom.bwidth = geom.cbwidth = 0; } _innersize.left = _innersize.top = _innersize.bottom = _innersize.right = geom.cbwidth; geom.width = _client->area().width() + geom.cbwidth * 2; assert(geom.width > 0); // set border widths XSetWindowBorderWidth(**otk::display, _plate, geom.cbwidth); XSetWindowBorderWidth(**otk::display, _frame, geom.bwidth); XSetWindowBorderWidth(**otk::display, _title, geom.bwidth); XSetWindowBorderWidth(**otk::display, _handle, geom.bwidth); XSetWindowBorderWidth(**otk::display, _lgrip, geom.bwidth); XSetWindowBorderWidth(**otk::display, _rgrip, geom.bwidth); // position/size and map/unmap all the windows if (decorations & Client::Decor_Titlebar) { XMoveResizeWindow(**otk::display, _title, -geom.bwidth, -geom.bwidth, geom.width, geom.title_height()); _innersize.top += geom.title_height() + geom.bwidth; XMapWindow(**otk::display, _title); // layout the title bar elements layoutTitle(); } else XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _title); if (decorations & Client::Decor_Handle) { geom.handle_y = _innersize.top + _client->area().height() + geom.cbwidth; XMoveResizeWindow(**otk::display, _handle, -geom.bwidth, geom.handle_y, geom.width, geom.handle_height); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _lgrip, -geom.bwidth, -geom.bwidth); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _rgrip, -geom.bwidth + geom.width - geom.grip_width(), -geom.bwidth); _innersize.bottom += geom.handle_height + geom.bwidth; XMapWindow(**otk::display, _handle); } else XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _handle); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _frame, geom.width, (_client->shaded() ? geom.title_height() : _innersize.top + _innersize.bottom + _client->area().height())); // do this in two steps because clients whose gravity is set to // 'Static' don't end up getting moved at all with an XMoveResizeWindow XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _plate, _innersize.left - geom.cbwidth, _innersize.top - geom.cbwidth); XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _plate, _client->area().width(), _client->area().height()); _size.left = _innersize.left + geom.bwidth; _size.right = _innersize.right + geom.bwidth; _size.top = _innersize.top + geom.bwidth; _size.bottom = _innersize.bottom + geom.bwidth; _area = otk::Rect(_area.position(), otk::Size(_client->area().width() + _size.left + _size.right, _client->area().height() + _size.top + _size.bottom)); // render all the elements int screen = _client->screen(); bool focus = _client->focused(); if (decorations & Client::Decor_Titlebar) { render(screen, otk::Size(geom.width, geom.title_height()), _title, &_title_sur, *(focus ? style->titlebarFocusBackground() : style->titlebarUnfocusBackground()), false); renderLabel(); renderMax(); renderDesk(); renderIconify(); renderIcon(); renderClose(); } if (decorations & Client::Decor_Handle) { render(screen, otk::Size(geom.width, geom.handle_height), _handle, &_handle_sur, *(focus ? style->handleFocusBackground() : style->handleUnfocusBackground())); render(screen, otk::Size(geom.grip_width(), geom.handle_height), _lgrip, &_grip_sur, *(focus ? style->gripFocusBackground() : style->gripUnfocusBackground())); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(**otk::display, _rgrip, _grip_sur->pixmap()); XClearWindow(**otk::display, _rgrip); } XSetWindowBorder(**otk::display, _plate, focus ? style->clientBorderFocusColor()->pixel() : style->clientBorderUnfocusColor()->pixel()); adjustShape(); } void Frame::renderLabel() { const otk::RenderStyle *style = otk::RenderStyle::style(_client->screen()); const otk::RenderControl *control = otk::display->renderControl(_client->screen()); const otk::Font *font = style->labelFont(); otk::Surface *s = new otk::Surface(_client->screen(), otk::Size(geom.label_width, geom.label_height())); control->drawBackground(*s, *(_client->focused() ? style->labelFocusBackground() : style->labelUnfocusBackground())); otk::ustring t = _client->title(); // the actual text to draw int x = geom.bevel; // x coord for the text if (x * 2 > geom.label_width) return; // no room at all // find a string that will fit inside the area for text otk::ustring::size_type text_len = t.size(); int length; int maxsize = geom.label_width - geom.bevel * 2; do { t.resize(text_len); length = font->measureString(t); // this returns an unsigned, so check < 0 if (length < 0) length = maxsize; // if the string's that long just adjust } while (length > maxsize && text_len-- > 0); if (text_len <= 0) return; // won't fit anything // justify the text switch (style->labelTextJustify()) { case otk::RenderStyle::RightBottomJustify: x += maxsize - length; break; case otk::RenderStyle::CenterJustify: x += (maxsize - length) / 2; break; case otk::RenderStyle::LeftTopJustify: break; } control->drawString(*s, *font, x, 0, *(_client->focused() ? style->textFocusColor() : style->textUnfocusColor()), t); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(**otk::display, _label, s->pixmap()); XClearWindow(**otk::display, _label); if (_label_sur) delete _label_sur; s->freePixelData(); _label_sur = s; } static void renderButton(int screen, bool focus, bool press, Window win, otk::Surface **sur, int butsize, const otk::PixmapMask *mask) { const otk::RenderStyle *style = otk::RenderStyle::style(screen); const otk::RenderControl *control = otk::display->renderControl(screen); otk::Surface *s = new otk::Surface(screen, otk::Size(butsize, butsize)); const otk::RenderTexture *tx = (focus ? (press ? style->buttonPressFocusBackground() : style->buttonUnpressFocusBackground()) : (press ? style->buttonPressUnfocusBackground() : style->buttonUnpressUnfocusBackground())); const otk::RenderColor *maskcolor = (focus ? style->buttonFocusColor() : style->buttonUnfocusColor()); control->drawBackground(*s, *tx); control->drawMask(*s, *maskcolor, *mask); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(**otk::display, win, s->pixmap()); XClearWindow(**otk::display, win); if (*sur) delete *sur; *sur = s; } void Frame::renderMax() { bool press = _max_press || _client->maxVert() || _client->maxHorz(); renderButton(_client->screen(), _client->focused(), press, _max, &_max_sur, geom.button_size, otk::RenderStyle::style(_client->screen())->maximizeMask()); } void Frame::renderDesk() { bool press = _desk_press || _client->desktop() == 0xffffffff; renderButton(_client->screen(), _client->focused(), press, _desk, &_desk_sur, geom.button_size, otk::RenderStyle::style(_client->screen())->alldesktopsMask()); } void Frame::renderIconify() { renderButton(_client->screen(), _client->focused(), _iconify_press, _iconify, &_iconify_sur, geom.button_size, otk::RenderStyle::style(_client->screen())->iconifyMask()); } void Frame::renderClose() { renderButton(_client->screen(), _client->focused(), _close_press, _close, &_close_sur, geom.button_size, otk::RenderStyle::style(_client->screen())->closeMask()); } void Frame::renderIcon() { const int screen = _client->screen(); const otk::RenderControl *control = otk::display->renderControl(screen); otk::Surface *s = new otk::Surface(screen, otk::Size(geom.button_size, geom.button_size)); otk::pixel32 *dest = s->pixelData(), *src; int w = _title_sur->size().width(); src = _title_sur->pixelData() + w * (geom.bevel + 1) + geom.icon_x; // get the background under the icon button for (int y = 0; y < geom.button_size; ++y, src += w - geom.button_size) for (int x = 0; x < geom.button_size; ++x, ++dest, ++src) *dest = *src; control->drawImage(*s, 0, 0, 0); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(**otk::display, _icon, s->pixmap()); XClearWindow(**otk::display, _icon); if (_icon_sur) delete _icon_sur; _icon_sur = s; } void Frame::layoutTitle() { geom.label_width = geom.width - geom.bevel * 2 - (geom.button_size + geom.bevel) * (_layout.size() - 1); if (geom.label_width < 1) geom.label_width = 1; XResizeWindow(**otk::display, _label, geom.label_width, geom.font_height); int x = geom.bevel; bool n, d, i, l, m ,c; n = d = i = l = m = c = false; for (const char *lc = _layout.c_str(); *lc; ++lc) { switch (*lc) { case 'n': case 'N': geom.icon_x = x; XMapWindow(**otk::display, _icon); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _icon, x, geom.bevel + 1); n = true; x += geom.button_size; break; case 'd': case 'D': XMapWindow(**otk::display, _desk); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _desk, x, geom.bevel + 1); d = true; x += geom.button_size; break; case 'i': case 'I': XMapWindow(**otk::display, _iconify); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _iconify, x, geom.bevel + 1); i = true; x += geom.button_size; break; case 't': case 'T': XMapWindow(**otk::display, _label); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _label, x, geom.bevel); l = true; x += geom.label_width; break; case 'm': case 'M': XMapWindow(**otk::display, _max); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _max, x, geom.bevel + 1); m = true; x += geom.button_size; break; case 'c': case 'C': XMapWindow(**otk::display, _close); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _close, x, geom.bevel + 1); c = true; x += geom.button_size; break; } x += geom.bevel; } if (!n) XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _icon); if (!d) XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _desk); if (!i) XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _iconify); if (!l) XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _label); if (!m) XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _max); if (!c) XUnmapWindow(**otk::display, _close); } void Frame::adjustPosition() { int x, y; x = _client->area().x(); y = _client->area().y(); clientGravity(x, y); XMoveWindow(**otk::display, _frame, x, y); _area = otk::Rect(otk::Point(x, y), _area.size()); } void Frame::adjustShape() { #ifdef SHAPE Client::DecorationFlags decorations = _client->decorations(); if (!_client->shaped()) { // clear the shape on the frame window XShapeCombineMask(**otk::display, _frame, ShapeBounding, _innersize.left, _innersize.top, None, ShapeSet); } else { // make the frame's shape match the clients XShapeCombineShape(**otk::display, _frame, ShapeBounding, _innersize.left, _innersize.top, _client->window(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSet); int num = 0; XRectangle xrect[2]; if (decorations & Client::Decor_Titlebar) { xrect[0].x = -geom.bevel; xrect[0].y = -geom.bevel; xrect[0].width = geom.width + geom.bwidth * 2; xrect[0].height = geom.title_height() + geom.bwidth * 2; ++num; } if (decorations & Client::Decor_Handle) { xrect[1].x = -geom.bevel; xrect[1].y = geom.handle_y; xrect[1].width = geom.width + geom.bwidth * 2; xrect[1].height = geom.handle_height + geom.bwidth * 2; ++num; } XShapeCombineRectangles(**otk::display, _frame, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, xrect, num, ShapeUnion, Unsorted); } #endif // SHAPE } void Frame::adjustState() { renderDesk(); renderMax(); } void Frame::grabClient() { // reparent the client to the frame XReparentWindow(**otk::display, _client->window(), _plate, 0, 0); /* When reparenting the client window, it is usually not mapped yet, since this occurs from a MapRequest. However, in the case where Openbox is starting up, the window is already mapped, so we'll see unmap events for it. There are 2 unmap events generated that we see, one with the 'event' member set the root window, and one set to the client, but both get handled and need to be ignored. */ if (openbox->state() == Openbox::State_Starting) _client->ignore_unmaps += 2; // select the event mask on the client's parent (to receive config/map req's) XSelectInput(**otk::display, _plate, SubstructureRedirectMask); // map the client so it maps when the frame does XMapWindow(**otk::display, _client->window()); adjustSize(); adjustPosition(); } void Frame::releaseClient() { XEvent ev; // check if the app has already reparented its window away if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(**otk::display, _client->window(), ReparentNotify, &ev)) { XPutBackEvent(**otk::display, &ev); // re-map the window since the unmanaging process unmaps it XMapWindow(**otk::display, _client->window()); } else { // according to the ICCCM - if the client doesn't reparent itself, then we // will reparent the window to root for them XReparentWindow(**otk::display, _client->window(), otk::display->screenInfo(_client->screen())->rootWindow(), _client->area().x(), _client->area().y()); } } void Frame::clientGravity(int &x, int &y) { // horizontal switch (_client->gravity()) { default: case NorthWestGravity: case SouthWestGravity: case WestGravity: break; case NorthGravity: case SouthGravity: case CenterGravity: x -= (_size.left + _size.right) / 2; break; case NorthEastGravity: case SouthEastGravity: case EastGravity: x -= _size.left + _size.right; break; case ForgetGravity: case StaticGravity: x -= _size.left; break; } // vertical switch (_client->gravity()) { default: case NorthWestGravity: case NorthEastGravity: case NorthGravity: break; case CenterGravity: case EastGravity: case WestGravity: y -= (_size.top + _size.bottom) / 2; break; case SouthWestGravity: case SouthEastGravity: case SouthGravity: y -= _size.top + _size.bottom; break; case ForgetGravity: case StaticGravity: y -= _size.top; break; } } void Frame::frameGravity(int &x, int &y) { // horizontal switch (_client->gravity()) { default: case NorthWestGravity: case WestGravity: case SouthWestGravity: break; case NorthGravity: case CenterGravity: case SouthGravity: x += (_size.left + _size.right) / 2; break; case NorthEastGravity: case EastGravity: case SouthEastGravity: x += _size.left + _size.right; break; case StaticGravity: case ForgetGravity: x += _size.left; break; } // vertical switch (_client->gravity()) { default: case NorthWestGravity: case WestGravity: case SouthWestGravity: break; case NorthGravity: case CenterGravity: case SouthGravity: y += (_size.top + _size.bottom) / 2; break; case NorthEastGravity: case EastGravity: case SouthEastGravity: y += _size.top + _size.bottom; break; case StaticGravity: case ForgetGravity: y += _size.top; break; } } }