// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #include "config.h" #include "config.hh" extern "C" { #include } namespace ob { static PyObject *obdict = NULL; bool python_get_long(const char *name, long *value) { PyObject *val = PyDict_GetItemString(obdict, const_cast(name)); if (!(val && PyInt_Check(val))) return false; *value = PyInt_AsLong(val); return true; } bool python_get_string(const char *name, otk::ustring *value) { PyObject *val = PyDict_GetItemString(obdict, const_cast(name)); if (!(val && PyString_Check(val))) return false; *value = PyString_AsString(val); return true; } bool python_get_stringlist(const char *name, std::vector *value) { PyObject *val = PyDict_GetItemString(obdict, const_cast(name)); if (!(val && PyList_Check(val))) return false; value->clear(); for (int i = 0, end = PyList_Size(val); i < end; ++i) { PyObject *str = PyList_GetItem(val, i); if (PyString_Check(str)) value->push_back(PyString_AsString(str)); } return true; } Config::Config() { PyRun_SimpleString("import config;"); // set up access to the python global variables PyObject *obmodule = PyImport_AddModule("config"); obdict = PyModule_GetDict(obmodule); std::vector names; python_get_stringlist("DESKTOP_NAMES", &names); python_get_string("THEME", &theme); if (!python_get_string("TITLEBAR_LAYOUT", &titlebar_layout)) titlebar_layout = "NTIMC"; if (!python_get_long("DOUBLE_CLICK_DELAY", &double_click_delay)) double_click_delay = 300; if (!python_get_long("DRAG_THRESHOLD", &drag_threshold)) drag_threshold = 3; if (!python_get_long("NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", (long*)&num_desktops)) num_desktops = 1; } }