// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- // Font.cc for Blackbox - an X11 Window manager // Copyright (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry // Copyright (c) 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes (bhughes@tcac.net) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "../config.h" #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H extern "C" { #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H # include #endif // HAVE_STDLIB_H } #include #include using std::string; using std::cerr; using std::endl; #include "i18n.hh" #include "Font.hh" #include "Util.hh" #include "GCCache.hh" #include "Color.hh" string BFont::_fallback_font = "fixed"; #ifdef XFT BFont::BFont(Display *d, BScreen *screen, const string &family, int size, bool bold, bool italic, bool shadow, unsigned char offset, unsigned char tint, bool antialias) : _display(d), _screen(screen), _family(family), _simplename(False), _size(size), _bold(bold), _italic(italic), _antialias(antialias), _shadow(shadow), _offset(offset), _tint(tint), _xftfont(0), _font(0), _fontset(0), _fontset_extents(0) { _valid = False; _xftfont = XftFontOpen(_display, _screen->getScreenNumber(), XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, _family.c_str(), XFT_SIZE, XftTypeInteger, _size, XFT_WEIGHT, XftTypeInteger, (_bold ? XFT_WEIGHT_BOLD : XFT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM), XFT_SLANT, XftTypeInteger, (_italic ? XFT_SLANT_ITALIC : XFT_SLANT_ROMAN), XFT_ANTIALIAS, XftTypeBool, _antialias, 0); if (! _xftfont) return; // failure _font = XLoadQueryFont(_display, buildXlfd().c_str()); if (! _font) return; // failure _valid = True; } #endif BFont::BFont(Display *d, BScreen *screen, const string &xlfd) : _display(d), _screen(screen), #ifdef XFT _antialias(False), _shadow(False), _xftfont(0), #endif // XFT _font(0), _fontset(0), _fontset_extents(0) { string int_xlfd; if (xlfd.empty()) int_xlfd = _fallback_font; else int_xlfd = xlfd; if ((_valid = createXFont(int_xlfd))) return; // success if (int_xlfd != _fallback_font) { // try the fallback cerr << "BFont::BFont(): couldn't load font '" << _family << "'" << endl << "Falling back to default '" << _fallback_font << "'" << endl; if ((_valid = createXFont(_fallback_font))) return; // success } cerr << "BFont::BFont(): couldn't load font '" << _family << "'" << endl << "Giving up!" << endl; return; // failure } bool BFont::createXFont(const std::string &xlfd) { /* Even though this is only used for font sets (multibyte), it is still parsed out so that the bold/italic/etc information is still available from the class when using non-multibyte. This is where _simplename, _bold, _italic, and _size are initialized, since they are not initialized in the constructor. This needs to occur before calling any Xlfd-building functions. */ if (! parseXlfd(xlfd)) return False; if (i18n.multibyte()) { char **missing, *def = "-"; int nmissing; _fontset = XCreateFontSet(_display, buildMultibyteXlfd().c_str(), &missing, &nmissing, &def); if (nmissing) XFreeStringList(missing); if (_fontset) _fontset_extents = XExtentsOfFontSet(_fontset); else return False; assert(_fontset_extents); } _font = XLoadQueryFont(_display, xlfd.c_str()); if (! _font) return False; return True; } BFont::~BFont(void) { #ifdef XFT if (_xftfont) XftFontClose(_display, _xftfont); #endif // XFT if (i18n.multibyte() && _fontset) XFreeFontSet(_display, _fontset); if (_font) XFreeFont(_display, _font); } /* * Takes _family, _size, _bold, _italic, etc and builds them into a full XLFD. */ string BFont::buildXlfd(void) const { if (_simplename) return _family; string weight = _bold ? "bold" : "medium"; string slant = _italic ? "i" : "r"; string sizestr= _size ? itostring(_size * 10) : "*"; return "-*-" + _family + "-" + weight + "-" + slant + "-*-*-*-" + sizestr + "-*-*-*-*-*-*"; } /* * Takes _family, _size, _bold, _italic, etc and builds them into a full XLFD. */ string BFont::buildMultibyteXlfd(void) const { string weight = _bold ? "bold" : "medium"; string slant = _italic ? "i" : "r"; string sizestr= _size ? itostring(_size) : "*"; return _family + ',' + "-*-*-" + weight + "-" + slant + "-*-*-*-" + sizestr + "-*-*-*-*-*-*" + ',' + "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" + sizestr + "-*-*-*-*-*-*" + ',' + + "*"; } /* * Takes a full X font name and parses it out so we know if we're bold, our * size, etc. */ bool BFont::parseXlfd(const string &xlfd) { if (xlfd.empty() || xlfd[0] != '-') { _family = xlfd; _simplename = True; _bold = False; _italic = False; _size = 0; } else { _simplename = False; string weight, slant, sizestr; int i = 0; string::const_iterator it = xlfd.begin(), end = xlfd.end(); while(1) { string::const_iterator tmp = it; // current string.begin() it = std::find(tmp, end, '-'); // look for comma between tmp and end if (i == 2) _family = string(tmp, it); // s[tmp:it] if (i == 3) weight = string(tmp, it); if (i == 4) slant = string(tmp, it); if (i == 7 && string(tmp, it) != "*") sizestr = string(tmp, it); if (sizestr.empty() && i == 8 && string(tmp, it) != "*") sizestr = string(tmp, it); if (it == end || i >= 8) break; ++it; ++i; } if (i < 3) // no name even! can't parse that return False; _bold = weight == "bold" || weight == "demibold"; _italic = slant == "i" || slant == "o"; _size = atoi(sizestr.c_str()) / 10; } // min/max size restrictions for sanity, but 0 is the font's "default size" if (_size && _size < 3) _size = 3; else if (_size > 97) _size = 97; return True; } void BFont::drawString(Drawable d, int x, int y, const BColor &color, const string &string) const { assert(_valid); #ifdef XFT if (_xftfont) { XftDraw *draw = XftDrawCreate(_display, d, _screen->getVisual(), _screen->getColormap()); assert(draw); if (_shadow) { XftColor c; c.color.red = 0; c.color.green = 0; c.color.blue = 0; c.color.alpha = _tint | _tint << 8; // transparent shadow c.pixel = BlackPixel(_display, _screen->getScreenNumber()); #ifdef XFT_UTF8 XftDrawStringUtf8( #else XftDrawString8( #endif draw, &c, _xftfont, x + _offset, _xftfont->ascent + y + _offset, (XftChar8 *) string.c_str(), string.size()); } XftColor c; c.color.red = color.red() | color.red() << 8; c.color.green = color.green() | color.green() << 8; c.color.blue = color.blue() | color.blue() << 8; c.pixel = color.pixel(); c.color.alpha = 0xff | 0xff << 8; // no transparency in BColor yet #ifdef XFT_UTF8 XftDrawStringUtf8( #else XftDrawString8( #endif draw, &c, _xftfont, x, _xftfont->ascent + y, (XftChar8 *) string.c_str(), string.size()); XftDrawDestroy(draw); return; } #endif // XFT BPen pen(color, _font); if (i18n.multibyte()) XmbDrawString(_display, d, _fontset, pen.gc(), x, y - _fontset_extents->max_ink_extent.y, string.c_str(), string.size()); else XDrawString(_display, d, pen.gc(), x, _font->ascent + y, string.c_str(), string.size()); } unsigned int BFont::measureString(const string &string) const { assert(_valid); #ifdef XFT if (_xftfont) { XGlyphInfo info; #ifdef XFT_UTF8 XftTextExtentsUtf8( #else XftTextExtents8( #endif _display, _xftfont, (XftChar8 *) string.c_str(), string.size(), &info); return info.xOff + (_shadow ? _offset : 0); } #endif // XFT if (i18n.multibyte()) { XRectangle ink, logical; XmbTextExtents(_fontset, string.c_str(), string.size(), &ink, &logical); return logical.width; } else { return XTextWidth(_font, string.c_str(), string.size()); } } unsigned int BFont::height(void) const { assert(_valid); #ifdef XFT if (_xftfont) return _xftfont->height + (_shadow ? _offset : 0); #endif // XFT if (i18n.multibyte()) return _fontset_extents->max_ink_extent.height; else return _font->ascent + _font->descent; } unsigned int BFont::maxCharWidth(void) const { assert(_valid); #ifdef XFT if (_xftfont) return _xftfont->max_advance_width; #endif // XFT if (i18n.multibyte()) return _fontset_extents->max_logical_extent.width; else return _font->max_bounds.rbearing - _font->min_bounds.lbearing; }