#include #include #include #include "render.h" #include "gradient.h" #include "font.h" #include "mask.h" #include "color.h" #include "../kernel/openbox.h" int render_depth; Visual *render_visual; Colormap render_colormap; int render_red_offset = 0, render_green_offset = 0, render_blue_offset = 0; int render_red_shift, render_green_shift, render_blue_shift; void render_startup(void) { paint = x_paint; render_depth = DefaultDepth(ob_display, ob_screen); render_visual = DefaultVisual(ob_display, ob_screen); render_colormap = DefaultColormap(ob_display, ob_screen); if (render_depth < 8) { XVisualInfo vinfo_template, *vinfo_return; /* search for a TrueColor Visual... if we can't find one... we will use the default visual for the screen */ int vinfo_nitems; int best = -1; vinfo_template.screen = ob_screen; vinfo_template.class = TrueColor; vinfo_return = XGetVisualInfo(ob_display, VisualScreenMask | VisualClassMask, &vinfo_template, &vinfo_nitems); if (vinfo_return) { int i; int max_depth = 1; for (i = 0; i < vinfo_nitems; ++i) { if (vinfo_return[i].depth > max_depth) { if (max_depth == 24 && vinfo_return[i].depth > 24) break; /* prefer 24 bit over 32 */ max_depth = vinfo_return[i].depth; best = i; } } if (max_depth < render_depth) best = -1; } if (best != -1) { render_depth = vinfo_return[best].depth; render_visual = vinfo_return[best].visual; render_colormap = XCreateColormap(ob_display, ob_root, render_visual, AllocNone); } XFree(vinfo_return); } truecolor_startup(); } void truecolor_startup(void) { unsigned long red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask; XImage *timage = NULL; timage = XCreateImage(ob_display, render_visual, render_depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 32, 0); g_assert(timage != NULL); /* find the offsets for each color in the visual's masks */ red_mask = timage->red_mask; green_mask = timage->green_mask; blue_mask = timage->blue_mask; render_red_offset = 0; render_green_offset = 0; render_blue_offset = 0; while (! (red_mask & 1)) { render_red_offset++; red_mask >>= 1; } while (! (green_mask & 1)) { render_green_offset++; green_mask >>= 1; } while (! (blue_mask & 1)) { render_blue_offset++; blue_mask >>= 1; } render_red_shift = render_green_shift = render_blue_shift = 8; while (red_mask) { red_mask >>= 1; render_red_shift--; } while (green_mask) { green_mask >>= 1; render_green_shift--; } while (blue_mask) { blue_mask >>= 1; render_blue_shift--; } XFree(timage); } void x_paint(Window win, Appearance *l, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int i; XImage *im = NULL; Pixmap oldp; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return; g_assert(l->surface.type == Surface_Planar); oldp = l->pixmap; /* save to free after changing the visible pixmap */ l->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(ob_display, ob_root, x+w, y+h, render_depth); g_assert(l->pixmap != None); if (l->xftdraw != NULL) XftDrawDestroy(l->xftdraw); l->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(ob_display, l->pixmap, render_visual, render_colormap); g_assert(l->xftdraw != NULL); if (l->surface.data.planar.pixel_data != NULL) g_free(l->surface.data.planar.pixel_data); l->surface.data.planar.pixel_data = g_new(pixel32, w * h); if (l->surface.data.planar.grad == Background_Solid) gradient_solid(l, x, y, w, h); else gradient_render(&l->surface, w, h); /*this is not the right place for this code, it's only here so text rendering shows up for now. */ if (l->surface.data.planar.grad != Background_Solid) { im = XCreateImage(ob_display, render_visual, render_depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, w, h, 32, 0); g_assert(im != NULL); im->byte_order = endian; im->data = (char *)l->surface.data.planar.pixel_data; reduce_depth((pixel32*)im->data, im); XPutImage(ob_display, l->pixmap, DefaultGC(ob_display, ob_screen), im, 0, 0, x, y, w, h); im->data = NULL; XDestroyImage(im); } for (i = 0; i < l->textures; i++) { switch (l->texture[i].type) { case Text: if (l->xftdraw == NULL) { l->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(ob_display, l->pixmap, render_visual, render_colormap); } font_draw(l->xftdraw, &l->texture[i].data.text, x, y, w, h); break; case Bitmask: if (l->texture[i].data.mask.color->gc == None) color_allocate_gc(l->texture[i].data.mask.color); mask_draw(l->pixmap, &l->texture[i].data.mask, w, h); break; } } XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(ob_display, win, l->pixmap); XClearWindow(ob_display, win); if (oldp != None) XFreePixmap(ob_display, oldp); } /* void gl_paint(Window win, Appearance *l) { glXMakeCurrent(ob_display, win, gl_context); } */ void render_shutdown(void) { } Appearance *appearance_new(SurfaceType type, int numtex) { PlanarSurface *p; Appearance *out; out = g_new(Appearance, 1); out->surface.type = type; out->textures = numtex; out->xftdraw = NULL; if (numtex) out->texture = g_new(Texture, numtex); else out->texture = NULL; out->pixmap = None; switch (type) { case Surface_Planar: p = &out->surface.data.planar; p->primary = NULL; p->secondary = NULL; p->border_color = NULL; p->pixel_data = NULL; break; } return out; } Appearance *appearance_copy(Appearance *orig) { PlanarSurface *spo, *spc; Appearance *copy = g_new(Appearance, 1); copy->surface.type = orig->surface.type; switch (orig->surface.type) { case Surface_Planar: spo = &(orig->surface.data.planar); spc = &(copy->surface.data.planar); spc->grad = spo->grad; spc->relief = spo->relief; spc->bevel = spo->bevel; if (spo->primary != NULL) spc->primary = color_new(spo->primary->r, spo->primary->g, spo->primary->b); else spc->primary = NULL; if (spo->secondary != NULL) spc->secondary = color_new(spo->secondary->r, spo->secondary->g, spo->secondary->b); else spc->secondary = NULL; if (spo->border_color != NULL) spc->border_color = color_new(spo->border_color->r, spo->border_color->g, spo->border_color->b); else spc->border_color = NULL; spc->interlaced = spo->interlaced; spc->border = spo->border; spc->pixel_data = NULL; break; } copy->textures = orig->textures; copy->texture = g_memdup(orig->texture, orig->textures * sizeof(Texture)); copy->pixmap = None; copy->xftdraw = NULL; return copy; } void appearance_free(Appearance *a) { PlanarSurface *p; if (a->pixmap != None) XFreePixmap(ob_display, a->pixmap); if (a->xftdraw != NULL) XftDrawDestroy(a->xftdraw); if (a->textures) g_free(a->texture); if (a->surface.type == Surface_Planar) { p = &a->surface.data.planar; if (p->primary != NULL) color_free(p->primary); if (p->secondary != NULL) color_free(p->secondary); if (p->border_color != NULL) color_free(p->border_color); if (p->pixel_data != NULL) g_free(p->pixel_data); } g_free(a); }