#include "../kernel/dispatch.h" #include "../kernel/screen.h" #include "../kernel/client.h" #include "../kernel/frame.h" #include "../kernel/focus.h" #include "../kernel/stacking.h" #include "../kernel/openbox.h" /* config options */ static gboolean follow_mouse = TRUE; static gboolean warp_on_desk_switch = TRUE; static gboolean focus_new = FALSE; static int skip_enter = 0; static gboolean focus_under_pointer() { Window w; int i, x, y; guint u; GList *it; if (XQueryPointer(ob_display, ob_root, &w, &w, &x, &y, &i, &i, &u)) { for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) { Client *c = it->data; if (c->desktop == screen_desktop && RECT_CONTAINS(c->frame->area, x, y)) break; } if (it != NULL) { client_focus(it->data); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void focus_fallback(gboolean switching_desks) { GList *it; for (it = focus_order[screen_desktop]; it != NULL; it = it->next) if (client_normal(it->data) && client_focus(it->data)) { if (switching_desks && warp_on_desk_switch) { XEvent e; Client *c = it->data; /* skip the next enter event from the desktop switch so focus doesn't skip briefly to what was under the pointer */ while (XCheckTypedEvent(ob_display, EnterNotify, &e)); /* XPutBackEvent(ob_display, &e); /\* XXX WERE NOT SKIPPING THEM ALL@&*)! *\/ g_message("Skip"); ++skip_enter; } */ /* I have to do this warp twice! Otherwise windows dont get Enter/Leave events when i warp on a desktop switch! */ XWarpPointer(ob_display, None, c->window, 0, 0, 0, 0, c->area.width / 2, c->area.height / 2); XWarpPointer(ob_display, None, c->window, 0, 0, 0, 0, c->area.width / 2, c->area.height / 2); } break; } } static void events(ObEvent *e, void *foo) { switch (e->type) { case Event_Client_Mapped: if (focus_new && client_normal(e->data.c.client)) client_focus(e->data.c.client); break; case Event_Client_Unmapped: if (ob_state == State_Exiting) break; if (e->data.c.client->focused) if (!follow_mouse || !focus_under_pointer()) focus_fallback(FALSE); break; case Event_Client_Desktop: /* focus the next available target if moving from the current desktop. */ if ((unsigned)e->data.c.num[1] == screen_desktop) if (!follow_mouse || !focus_under_pointer()) focus_fallback(FALSE); case Event_Ob_Desktop: focus_fallback(TRUE); break; case Event_X_EnterNotify: if (skip_enter) --skip_enter; else if (e->data.x.client && client_normal(e->data.x.client)) client_focus(e->data.x.client); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } void plugin_startup() { dispatch_register(Event_Client_Mapped | Event_Ob_Desktop | Event_Client_Unmapped | Event_X_EnterNotify, (EventHandler)events, NULL); } void plugin_shutdown() { dispatch_register(0, (EventHandler)events, NULL); }