// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #include "config.h" #include "widget.hh" #include "display.hh" #include "surface.hh" #include "rendertexture.hh" #include "rendercolor.hh" #include "eventdispatcher.hh" #include "screeninfo.hh" #include #include #include namespace otk { Widget::Widget(int screen, EventDispatcher *ed, Direction direction, int bevel, bool overrideredir) : _texture(0), _screen(screen), _parent(0), _window(0), _surface(0), _event_mask(ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask), _alignment(RenderStyle::CenterJustify), _direction(direction), _max_size(INT_MAX, INT_MAX), _visible(false), _bordercolor(0), _borderwidth(0), _bevel(bevel), _dirty(true), _dispatcher(ed), _ignore_config(0) { createWindow(overrideredir); _dispatcher->registerHandler(_window, this); styleChanged(*RenderStyle::style(_screen)); } Widget::Widget(Widget *parent, Direction direction, int bevel) : _texture(0), _screen(parent->_screen), _parent(parent), _window(0), _surface(0), _event_mask(ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask), _alignment(RenderStyle::CenterJustify), _direction(direction), _max_size(INT_MAX, INT_MAX), _visible(false), _bordercolor(0), _borderwidth(0), _bevel(bevel), _dirty(true), _dispatcher(parent->_dispatcher), _ignore_config(0) { assert(parent); createWindow(false); parent->addChild(this); if (parent->visible()) parent->layout(); _dispatcher->registerHandler(_window, this); styleChanged(*RenderStyle::style(_screen)); } Widget::~Widget() { assert(_children.empty()); // this would be bad. theyd have a hanging _parent if (_surface) delete _surface; if (_parent) _parent->removeChild(this); _dispatcher->clearHandler(_window); XDestroyWindow(**display, _window); } void Widget::show(bool children) { if (children) { std::list::iterator it , end = _children.end(); for (it = _children.begin(); it != end; ++it) { (*it)->show(true); } } if (!_visible) { _visible = true; if (_parent) _parent->calcDefaultSizes(); else { resize(_min_size); } XMapWindow(**display, _window); update(); } } void Widget::hide() { if (_visible) { _visible = false; XUnmapWindow(**display, _window); if (_parent) { _parent->calcDefaultSizes(); _parent->layout(); } } } void Widget::setEventMask(long e) { XSelectInput(**display, _window, e); _event_mask = e; } void Widget::update() { if (!_visible) return; _dirty = true; if (_parent) { _parent->calcDefaultSizes(); _parent->layout(); // relay-out us and our siblings } else { render(); layout(); } } void Widget::moveresize(const Rect &r) { int w, h; w = std::max(std::min(r.width(), maxSize().width()), minSize().width()); h = std::max(std::min(r.height(), maxSize().height()), minSize().height()); if (r.x() == area().x() && r.y() == area().y() && w == area().width() && h == area().height()) { return; // no change, don't cause a big layout chain to occur! } internal_moveresize(r.x(), r.y(), w, h); update(); } void Widget::internal_moveresize(int x, int y, int w, int h) { assert(w > 0); assert(h > 0); assert(_borderwidth >= 0); _dirty = true; if (!(x == _area.x() && y == _area.y())) { if (!(w == _area.width() && h == _area.height())) XMoveResizeWindow(**display, _window, x, y, w - _borderwidth * 2, h - _borderwidth * 2); else XMoveWindow(**display, _window, x, y); } else XResizeWindow(**display, _window, w - _borderwidth*2, h - _borderwidth*2); _ignore_config++; _area = Rect(x, y, w, h); } void Widget::setAlignment(RenderStyle::Justify a) { _alignment = a; layout(); } void Widget::createWindow(bool overrideredir) { const ScreenInfo *info = display->screenInfo(_screen); XSetWindowAttributes attrib; unsigned long mask = CWEventMask | CWBorderPixel; attrib.event_mask = _event_mask; attrib.border_pixel = (_bordercolor ? _bordercolor->pixel(): BlackPixel(**display, _screen)); if (overrideredir) { mask |= CWOverrideRedirect; attrib.override_redirect = true; } _window = XCreateWindow(**display, (_parent ? _parent->_window : RootWindow(**display, _screen)), _area.x(), _area.y(), _area.width(), _area.height(), _borderwidth, info->depth(), InputOutput, info->visual(), mask, &attrib); assert(_window != None); ++_ignore_config; } void Widget::calcDefaultSizes() { std::list::const_iterator it, end = _children.end(); int min_biggest = 0, max_biggest = 0; int min_sum = _bevel + _borderwidth * 2; int max_sum = _bevel + _borderwidth * 2; bool fullmax = false; for (it = _children.begin(); it != end; ++it) { const otk::Size &min = (*it)->minSize(); const otk::Size &max = (*it)->maxSize(); if (_direction == Horizontal) { if (min.height() > min_biggest) min_biggest = min.height(); if (max.height() > max_biggest) max_biggest = max.height(); min_sum += _bevel + min.width(); if (max.width() == INT_MAX) fullmax = true; else if (!fullmax) max_sum += _bevel + max.width(); } else { if (min.width() > min_biggest) min_biggest = min.width(); if (max.width() > max_biggest) max_biggest = max.width(); min_sum += _bevel + min.height(); if (max.height() == INT_MAX) fullmax = true; else if (!fullmax) max_sum += _bevel + max.height(); } } if (_direction == Horizontal) { _min_size = otk::Size(min_sum, min_biggest + (_bevel + _borderwidth) * 2); _max_size = otk::Size((fullmax ? INT_MAX : max_sum + (_bevel + _borderwidth) * 2), max_biggest); } else { _min_size = otk::Size(min_biggest, min_sum + (_bevel + _borderwidth) * 2); _max_size = otk::Size(max_biggest, (fullmax ? INT_MAX : max_sum + (_bevel + _borderwidth) * 2)); } update(); } void Widget::setBorderWidth(int w) { assert(w >= 0); if (!parent()) return; // top-level windows cannot have borders if (w == borderWidth()) return; // no change _borderwidth = w; XSetWindowBorderWidth(**display, _window, _borderwidth); calcDefaultSizes(); update(); } void Widget::setMinSize(const Size &s) { _min_size = s; update(); } void Widget::setMaxSize(const Size &s) { _max_size = s; update(); } void Widget::setBorderColor(const RenderColor *c) { _bordercolor = c; XSetWindowBorder(**otk::display, _window, c ? c->pixel() : BlackPixel(**otk::display, _screen)); } void Widget::setBevel(int b) { _bevel = b; calcDefaultSizes(); layout(); } void Widget::layout() { if (_children.empty() || !_visible) return; if (_direction == Horizontal) layoutHorz(); else layoutVert(); } void Widget::layoutHorz() { std::list::iterator it, end; // work with just the visible children std::list visible = _children; for (it = visible.begin(), end = visible.end(); it != end;) { std::list::iterator next = it; ++next; if (!(*it)->visible()) visible.erase(it); it = next; } if (visible.empty()) return; int x, y, w, h; // working area x = y = _bevel; w = _area.width() - _borderwidth * 2 - _bevel * 2; h = _area.height() - _borderwidth * 2 - _bevel * 2; if (w < 0 || h < 0) return; // not worth laying anything out! int free = w - (visible.size() - 1) * _bevel; if (free < 0) free = 0; int each; std::list adjustable = visible; // find the 'free' space, and how many children will be using it for (it = adjustable.begin(), end = adjustable.end(); it != end;) { std::list::iterator next = it; ++next; free -= (*it)->minSize().width(); if (free < 0) free = 0; if ((*it)->maxSize().width() - (*it)->minSize().width() <= 0) adjustable.erase(it); it = next; } // some widgets may have max widths that restrict them, find the 'true' // amount of free space after these widgets are not included if (!adjustable.empty()) { do { each = free / adjustable.size(); for (it = adjustable.begin(), end = adjustable.end(); it != end;) { std::list::iterator next = it; ++next; int m = (*it)->maxSize().width() - (*it)->minSize().width(); if (m > 0 && m < each) { free -= m; if (free < 0) free = 0; adjustable.erase(it); break; // if one is found to be fixed, then the free space needs to // change, and the rest need to be reexamined } it = next; } } while (it != end && !adjustable.empty()); } // place/size the widgets if (!adjustable.empty()) each = free / adjustable.size(); else each = 0; for (it = visible.begin(), end = visible.end(); it != end; ++it) { int w; // is the widget adjustable? std::list::const_iterator found = std::find(adjustable.begin(), adjustable.end(), *it); if (found != adjustable.end()) { // adjustable w = (*it)->minSize().width() + each; } else { // fixed w = (*it)->minSize().width(); } // align it vertically int yy = y; int hh = std::max(std::min(h, (*it)->_max_size.height()), (*it)->_min_size.height()); if (hh < h) { switch(_alignment) { case RenderStyle::RightBottomJustify: yy += h - hh; break; case RenderStyle::CenterJustify: yy += (h - hh) / 2; break; case RenderStyle::LeftTopJustify: break; } } (*it)->internal_moveresize(x, yy, w, hh); (*it)->render(); (*it)->layout(); x += w + _bevel; } } void Widget::layoutVert() { std::list::iterator it, end; // work with just the visible children std::list visible = _children; for (it = visible.begin(), end = visible.end(); it != end;) { std::list::iterator next = it; ++next; if (!(*it)->visible()) visible.erase(it); it = next; } if (visible.empty()) return; int x, y, w, h; // working area x = y = _bevel; w = _area.width() - _borderwidth * 2 - _bevel * 2; h = _area.height() - _borderwidth * 2 - _bevel * 2; if (w < 0 || h < 0) return; // not worth laying anything out! int free = h - (visible.size() - 1) * _bevel; if (free < 0) free = 0; int each; std::list adjustable = visible; // find the 'free' space, and how many children will be using it for (it = adjustable.begin(), end = adjustable.end(); it != end;) { std::list::iterator next = it; ++next; free -= (*it)->minSize().height(); if (free < 0) free = 0; if ((*it)->maxSize().height() - (*it)->minSize().height() <= 0) adjustable.erase(it); it = next; } // some widgets may have max heights that restrict them, find the 'true' // amount of free space after these widgets are not included if (!adjustable.empty()) { do { each = free / adjustable.size(); for (it = adjustable.begin(), end = adjustable.end(); it != end;) { std::list::iterator next = it; ++next; int m = (*it)->maxSize().height() - (*it)->minSize().height(); if (m > 0 && m < each) { free -= m; if (free < 0) free = 0; adjustable.erase(it); break; // if one is found to be fixed, then the free space needs to // change, and the rest need to be reexamined } it = next; } } while (it != end && !adjustable.empty()); } // place/size the widgets if (!adjustable.empty()) each = free / adjustable.size(); else each = 0; for (it = visible.begin(), end = visible.end(); it != end; ++it) { int h; // is the widget adjustable? std::list::const_iterator found = std::find(adjustable.begin(), adjustable.end(), *it); if (found != adjustable.end()) { // adjustable h = (*it)->minSize().height() + each; } else { // fixed h = (*it)->minSize().height(); } // align it horizontally int xx = x; int ww = std::max(std::min(w, (*it)->_max_size.width()), (*it)->_min_size.width()); if (ww < w) { switch(_alignment) { case RenderStyle::RightBottomJustify: xx += w - ww; break; case RenderStyle::CenterJustify: xx += (w - ww) / 2; break; case RenderStyle::LeftTopJustify: break; } } (*it)->internal_moveresize(xx, y, ww, h); (*it)->render(); (*it)->layout(); y += h + _bevel; } } void Widget::render() { if (!_texture || !_dirty) return; if (_borderwidth * 2 > _area.width() || _borderwidth * 2 > _area.height()) return; // no surface to draw on Surface *s = new Surface(_screen, Size(_area.width() - _borderwidth * 2, _area.height() - _borderwidth * 2)); display->renderControl(_screen)->drawBackground(*s, *_texture); renderForeground(*s); // for inherited types to render onto the _surface XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(**display, _window, s->pixmap()); XClearWindow(**display, _window); // delete the old surface *after* its pixmap isn't in use anymore if (_surface) delete _surface; _surface = s; _dirty = false; } void Widget::renderChildren() { std::list::iterator it, end = _children.end(); for (it = _children.begin(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->render(); } void Widget::styleChanged(const RenderStyle &style) { _texture = style.titlebarUnfocusBackground(); } void Widget::exposeHandler(const XExposeEvent &e) { EventHandler::exposeHandler(e); XClearArea(**display, _window, e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height, false); } void Widget::configureHandler(const XConfigureEvent &e) { if (_ignore_config) { _ignore_config--; } else { // only interested in these for top level windows if (_parent) return; XEvent ev; ev.xconfigure.width = e.width; ev.xconfigure.height = e.height; while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(**display, window(), ConfigureNotify, &ev)); if (!(ev.xconfigure.width == area().width() && ev.xconfigure.height == area().height())) { _area = Rect(_area.position(), Size(e.width, e.height)); update(); } } } }