// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #ifndef __rendertexture_hh #define __rendertexture_hh #include "rendercolor.hh" namespace otk { //! Superclass for all the Textures class RenderTexture { public: enum ReliefType { Flat, Raised, Sunken }; enum BevelType { Bevel1, Bevel2 }; enum GradientType { Solid, Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal, CrossDiagonal, PipeCross, Rectangle, Pyramid, Elliptic }; private: //! If true, the texture is not rendered at all, so all options are ignored bool _parent_relative; //! The relief type of the texture ReliefType _relief; //! The way the bevel should be drawn BevelType _bevel; //! If a flat border is drawn on the outside, ignored for all ReliefType //! values except ReliefType::Flat bool _border; //! The type of gradient to fill the texture with (if any) GradientType _gradient; //! If interlace lines should be drawn over the texture bool _interlaced; //! The base color for the texture, the only color when the texture is solid. //! This must always be defined const RenderColor *_color; //! The secondary color for a gradient texture. //! This is only defined for gradients const RenderColor *_secondary_color; //! The shadow color for the bevel. This must be defined if //! RenderTexture::_relief is not RenderTexture::ReliefType::Flat const RenderColor *_bevel_dark_color; //! The light color for the bevel. This must be defined if //! RenderTexture::_relief is not RenderTexture::ReliefType::Flat const RenderColor *_bevel_light_color; //! The color for the flat border if RenderTexture::_border is true. This //! must be defined if it is true const RenderColor *_border_color; //! The color for the interlace lines if RenderTexture. This must be defined //! if it is true const RenderColor *_interlace_color; public: RenderTexture(bool parent_relative, ReliefType relief, BevelType bevel, bool border, GradientType gradient, bool interlaced, const RenderColor::RGB &color, const RenderColor::RGB &secondary_color, const RenderColor::RGB &bevel_dark_color, const RenderColor::RGB &bevel_light_color, const RenderColor::RGB &border_color, const RenderColor::RGB &interlace_color) : _parent_relative(parent_relative), _relief(relief), _bevel(bevel), _border(border), _gradient(gradient), _interlaced(interlaced), _color(new RenderColor(color)), _secondary_color(new RenderColor(secondary_color)), _bevel_dark_color(new RenderColor(bevel_dark_color)), _bevel_light_color(new RenderColor(bevel_light_color)), _border_color(new RenderColor(border_color)), _interlace_color(new RenderColor(interlace_color)) { assert(_relief == Flat || (_bevel_dark_color && _bevel_light_color)); assert(!_border || _border_color); assert(!_interlaced || _interlace_color); assert(_color); } virtual ~RenderTexture() { delete _color; delete _secondary_color; delete _bevel_dark_color; delete _bevel_light_color; delete _border_color; delete _interlace_color; } //! If true, the texture is not rendered at all, so all options are ignored inline bool parentRelative() const { return _parent_relative; } //! The relief type of the texture inline ReliefType relief() const { return _relief; } //! The way the bevel should be drawn inline BevelType bevel() const { return _bevel; } //! If a flat border is drawn on the outside, ignored for all ReliefType //! values except ReliefType::Flat inline bool border() const { return _border; } //! The type of gradient to fill the texture with (if any) inline GradientType gradient() const { return _gradient; } //! If interlace lines should be drawn over the texture inline bool interlaced() const { return _interlaced; } //! The base color for the texture, the only color when the texture is solid. //! This must always be defined inline const RenderColor& color() const { return *_color; } //! The secondary color for gradient textures. //! This is only defined for gradients inline const RenderColor& secondary_color() const { return *_secondary_color; } //! The shadow color for the bevel. This must be defined if //! RenderTexture::_relief is not RenderTexture::ReliefType::Flat inline const RenderColor& bevelDarkColor() const { return *_bevel_dark_color; } //! The light color for the bevel. This must be defined if //! RenderTexture::)relief is not RenderTexture::ReliefType::Flat inline const RenderColor& bevelLightColor() const { return *_bevel_light_color; } //! The color for the flat border if RenderTexture::_border is true. This //! must be defined if it is true inline const RenderColor& borderColor() const { return *_border_color; } //! The color for the interlace lines if RenderTexture. This must be defined //! if it is true inline const RenderColor& interlaceColor() const { return *_interlace_color; } }; } #endif // __rendertexture_hh