// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #include "config.h" #include "rendercolor.hh" #include "display.hh" #include "screeninfo.hh" #include namespace otk { std::map *RenderColor::_cache = 0; void RenderColor::initialize() { _cache = new std::map[ScreenCount(**display)]; } void RenderColor::destroy() { delete [] _cache; } RenderColor::RenderColor(int screen, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) : _screen(screen), _red(red), _green(green), _blue(blue), _allocated(false) { } RenderColor::RenderColor(int screen, RGB rgb) : _screen(screen), _red(rgb.r), _green(rgb.g), _blue(rgb.b), _allocated(false) { } void RenderColor::create() const { unsigned long color = _blue | _green << 8 | _red << 16; // try get a gc from the cache CacheItem *item = _cache[_screen][color]; if (item) { _gc = item->gc; _pixel = item->pixel; ++item->count; } else { XGCValues gcv; // allocate a color and GC from the server const ScreenInfo *info = display->screenInfo(_screen); XColor xcol; // convert from 0-0xff to 0-0xffff xcol.red = (_red << 8) | _red; xcol.green = (_green << 8) | _green; xcol.blue = (_blue << 8) | _blue; xcol.pixel = 0; if (! XAllocColor(**display, info->colormap(), &xcol)) { fprintf(stderr, "RenderColor: color alloc error: rgb:%x/%x/%x\n", _red, _green, _blue); xcol.pixel = 0; } _pixel = xcol.pixel; gcv.foreground = _pixel; gcv.cap_style = CapProjecting; _gc = XCreateGC(**display, info->rootWindow(), GCForeground | GCCapStyle, &gcv); assert(_gc); // insert into the cache item = new CacheItem(_gc, _pixel); _cache[_screen][color] = item; ++item->count; } _allocated = true; } unsigned long RenderColor::pixel() const { if (!_allocated) create(); return _pixel; } GC RenderColor::gc() const { if (!_allocated) create(); return _gc; } RenderColor::~RenderColor() { unsigned long color = _blue | _green << 8 | _red << 16; CacheItem *item = _cache[_screen][color]; if (item) { if (--item->count <= 0) { // remove from the cache XFreeGC(**display, _gc); _cache[_screen][color] = 0; delete item; const ScreenInfo *info = display->screenInfo(_screen); XFreeColors(**display, info->colormap(), &_pixel, 1, 0); } } } }