// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #include "config.h" #include "messagedialog.hh" #include "assassin.hh" #include "button.hh" #include "label.hh" #include "display.hh" #include "property.hh" #include "eventdispatcher.hh" #include "timer.hh" #include namespace otk { DialogButton MessageDialog::_default_result("", false); class DialogButtonWidget : public Button { MessageDialog *_dia; const DialogButton &_res; public: DialogButtonWidget(Widget *parent, MessageDialog *dia, const DialogButton &b) : Button(parent), _dia(dia), _res(b) { assert(dia); setBevel(1); setMaxSize(Size(0,0)); setText(b.label()); setHighlighted(b.isDefault()); show(); } virtual void buttonPressHandler(const XButtonEvent &e) { // limit to the left button if (e.button == Button1) Button::buttonPressHandler(e); } virtual void clickHandler(unsigned int) { _dia->setResult(_res); _dia->hide(); } }; MessageDialog::MessageDialog(int screen, EventDispatcher *ed, ustring title, ustring caption) : Widget(screen, ed, Widget::Vertical) { init(title, caption); } MessageDialog::MessageDialog(EventDispatcher *ed, ustring title, ustring caption) : Widget(DefaultScreen(**display), ed, Widget::Vertical) { init(title, caption); } MessageDialog::MessageDialog(Widget *parent, ustring title, ustring caption) : Widget(parent, Widget::Vertical) { init(title, caption); } void MessageDialog::init(const ustring &title, const ustring &caption) { _label = new Label(this); _label->show(); _label->setHighlighted(true); _button_holder = new Widget(this, Widget::Horizontal); _button_holder->show(); _return = XKeysymToKeycode(**display, XStringToKeysym("Return")); _escape = XKeysymToKeycode(**display, XStringToKeysym("Escape")); _result = &_default_result; setEventMask(eventMask() | KeyPressMask); _label->setText(caption); if (title.utf8()) otk::Property::set(window(), otk::Property::atoms.net_wm_name, otk::Property::utf8, title); otk::Property::set(window(), otk::Property::atoms.wm_name, otk::Property::ascii, otk::ustring(title.c_str(), false)); // set WM Protocols on the window Atom protocols[2]; protocols[0] = Property::atoms.wm_protocols; protocols[1] = Property::atoms.wm_delete_window; XSetWMProtocols(**display, window(), protocols, 2); } MessageDialog::~MessageDialog() { if (visible()) hide(); delete _button_holder; delete _label; } const DialogButton& MessageDialog::run() { if (!visible()) show(); while (visible()) { dispatcher()->dispatchEvents(); if (visible()) Timer::dispatchTimers(); // fire pending events } return *_result; } void MessageDialog::focus() { if (visible()) XSetInputFocus(**display, window(), None, CurrentTime); } void MessageDialog::show() { std::vector::const_iterator it, end = _buttons.end(); for (it = _buttons.begin(); it != end; ++it) _button_widgets.push_back(new DialogButtonWidget(_button_holder, this, *it)); Rect r; if (parent()) r = parent()->area(); else r = Rect(Point(0, 0), display->screenInfo(screen())->size()); XSizeHints size; size.flags = PMinSize | PPosition | PWinGravity; size.min_width = minSize().width(); size.min_height = minSize().height(); size.win_gravity = CenterGravity; Size dest = minSize(); if (dest.width() < 200 || dest.height() < 100) { if (dest.width() < 200 && dest.height() < 100) dest = Size(200, 100); else if (dest.width() < 200) dest = Size(200, dest.height()); else dest = Size(dest.width(), 100); resize(dest); } // center it above its parent move(Point(r.x() + (r.width() - dest.width()) / 2, r.y() + (r.height() - dest.height()) / 2)); XSetWMNormalHints(**display, window(), &size); Widget::show(); } void MessageDialog::hide() { Widget::hide(); std::for_each(_button_widgets.begin(), _button_widgets.end(), PointerAssassin()); } void MessageDialog::keyPressHandler(const XKeyEvent &e) { if (e.keycode == _return) { std::vector::const_iterator it, end = _buttons.end(); for (it = _buttons.begin(); it != end; ++it) if (it->isDefault()) { _result = &(*it); hide(); break; } } else if (e.keycode == _escape) { hide(); } } void MessageDialog::clientMessageHandler(const XClientMessageEvent &e) { EventHandler::clientMessageHandler(e); if (e.message_type == Property::atoms.wm_protocols && static_cast(e.data.l[0]) == Property::atoms.wm_delete_window) hide(); } }