#include "focuslabel.hh" namespace otk { OtkFocusLabel::OtkFocusLabel(OtkWidget *parent) : OtkFocusWidget(parent), _text(""), _dirty(false) { setTexture(getStyle()->getLabelFocus()); setUnfocusTexture(getStyle()->getLabelUnfocus()); } OtkFocusLabel::~OtkFocusLabel() { } void OtkFocusLabel::update(void) { if (_dirty) { const BFont &ft = getStyle()->getFont(); BColor *text_color = (isFocused() ? getStyle()->getTextFocus() : getStyle()->getTextUnfocus()); unsigned int bevel = getStyle()->getBevelWidth(); std::string t = _text; // the actual text to draw int x = bevel; // x coord for the text // find a string that will fit inside the area for text int max_length = width() - getBevelWidth() * 2; if (max_length <= 0) { t = ""; // can't fit anything } else { size_t text_len = t.size(); int length; do { t.resize(text_len); length = ft.measureString(t); } while (length > max_length && text_len-- > 0); // justify the text switch (getStyle()->textJustify()) { case Style::RightJustify: x += max_length - length; break; case Style::CenterJustify: x += (max_length - length) / 2; break; case Style::LeftJustify: break; } } OtkFocusWidget::update(); ft.drawString(getWindow(), x, bevel, *text_color, t); } else OtkFocusWidget::update(); _dirty = false; } int OtkFocusLabel::exposeHandler(const XExposeEvent &e) { _dirty = true; return OtkFocusWidget::exposeHandler(e); } int OtkFocusLabel::configureHandler(const XConfigureEvent &e) { if (!(e.width == width() && e.height == height())) _dirty = true; return OtkFocusWidget::configureHandler(e); } }