/* This session code is largely inspired by metacity code. */ #ifndef USE_SM void session_load(char *path) {} void session_startup(int argc, char **argv) {} void session_shutdown() {} #else #include "debug.h" #include "openbox.h" #include "session.h" #include "client.h" #include "prop.h" #include "parser/parse.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include # include #endif #include static SmcConn sm_conn; static gchar *save_file; static gint sm_argc; static gchar **sm_argv; static void sm_save_yourself(SmcConn conn, SmPointer data, int save_type, Bool shutdown, int interact_style, Bool fast); static void sm_die(SmcConn conn, SmPointer data); static void sm_save_complete(SmcConn conn, SmPointer data); static void sm_shutdown_cancelled(SmcConn conn, SmPointer data); static void save_commands() { SmProp *props[2]; SmProp prop_cmd = { SmCloneCommand, SmLISTofARRAY8, 1, }; SmProp prop_res = { SmRestartCommand, SmLISTofARRAY8, }; gchar *file_path; gint i, j, n; gboolean has_id = FALSE, has_file = FALSE; for (i = 1; !has_id && !has_file && i < sm_argc - 1; ++i) { if (!has_id && strcmp(sm_argv[i], "--sm-client-id") == 0) has_id = TRUE; if (!has_file && strcmp(sm_argv[i], "--sm-save-file") == 0) has_file = TRUE; } n = (has_file ? sm_argc-2 : sm_argc); n = (has_id ? n-2 : n); prop_cmd.vals = g_new(SmPropValue, n); prop_cmd.num_vals = n; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < sm_argc; ++i, ++j) { if (strcmp (sm_argv[i], "--sm-client-id") == 0 || strcmp (sm_argv[i], "--sm-save-file") == 0) { ++i, --j; /* skip the next as well, keep j where it is */ } else { prop_cmd.vals[j].value = sm_argv[i]; prop_cmd.vals[j].length = strlen(sm_argv[i]); } } n = (has_file ? sm_argc : sm_argc+2); n = (has_id ? n-2 : n); prop_res.vals = g_new(SmPropValue, n); prop_res.num_vals = n; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < sm_argc; ++i, ++j) { if (strcmp (sm_argv[i], "--sm-client-id") == 0 || strcmp (sm_argv[i], "--sm-save-file") == 0) { ++i, --j; /* skip the next as well, keep j where it is */ } else { prop_res.vals[j].value = sm_argv[i]; prop_res.vals[j].length = strlen(sm_argv[i]); } } file_path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".openbox", "sessions", ob_sm_id, NULL); prop_res.vals[j].value = "--sm-save-file"; prop_res.vals[j++].length = strlen("--sm-save-file"); prop_res.vals[j].value = file_path; prop_res.vals[j++].length = strlen(file_path); props[0] = &prop_res; props[1] = &prop_cmd; SmcSetProperties(sm_conn, 1, props); g_free(file_path); g_free(prop_res.vals); g_free(prop_cmd.vals); } void session_startup(int argc, char **argv) { #define SM_ERR_LEN 1024 SmcCallbacks cb; char sm_err[SM_ERR_LEN]; sm_argc = argc; sm_argv = argv; cb.save_yourself.callback = sm_save_yourself; cb.save_yourself.client_data = NULL; cb.die.callback = sm_die; cb.die.client_data = NULL; cb.save_complete.callback = sm_save_complete; cb.save_complete.client_data = NULL; cb.shutdown_cancelled.callback = sm_shutdown_cancelled; cb.shutdown_cancelled.client_data = NULL; sm_conn = SmcOpenConnection(NULL, NULL, 1, 0, SmcSaveYourselfProcMask | SmcDieProcMask | SmcSaveCompleteProcMask | SmcShutdownCancelledProcMask, &cb, ob_sm_id, &ob_sm_id, SM_ERR_LEN, sm_err); if (sm_conn == NULL) g_warning("Failed to connect to session manager: %s", sm_err); else { SmPropValue val_prog; SmPropValue val_uid; SmPropValue val_hint; SmPropValue val_pri; SmPropValue val_pid; SmProp prop_prog = { SmProgram, SmARRAY8, 1, }; SmProp prop_uid = { SmUserID, SmARRAY8, 1, }; SmProp prop_hint = { SmRestartStyleHint, SmCARD8, 1, }; SmProp prop_pid = { SmProcessID, SmARRAY8, 1, }; SmProp prop_pri = { "_GSM_Priority", SmCARD8, 1, }; SmProp *props[6]; gulong hint, pri; gchar pid[32]; val_prog.value = argv[0]; val_prog.length = strlen(argv[0]); val_uid.value = g_strdup(g_get_user_name()); val_uid.length = strlen(val_uid.value); hint = SmRestartImmediately; val_hint.value = &hint; val_hint.length = 1; sprintf(pid, "%ld", (long)getpid()); val_pid.value = pid; val_pid.length = strlen(pid); /* priority with gnome-session-manager, low to run before other apps */ pri = 20; val_pri.value = &pri; val_pri.length = 1; prop_prog.vals = &val_prog; prop_uid.vals = &val_uid; prop_hint.vals = &val_hint; prop_pid.vals = &val_pid; prop_pri.vals = &val_pri; props[0] = &prop_prog; props[1] = &prop_uid; props[2] = &prop_hint; props[3] = &prop_pid; props[4] = &prop_pri; SmcSetProperties(sm_conn, 5, props); g_free(val_uid.value); ob_debug("Connected to session manager with id %s\n", ob_sm_id); } } void session_shutdown() { g_free(save_file); if (sm_conn) { SmPropValue val_hint; SmProp prop_hint = { SmRestartStyleHint, SmCARD8, 1, }; SmProp *props[1]; gulong hint; /* when we exit, we want to reset this to a more friendly state */ hint = SmRestartIfRunning; val_hint.value = &hint; val_hint.length = 1; prop_hint.vals = &val_hint; props[0] = &prop_hint; SmcSetProperties(sm_conn, 1, props); SmcCloseConnection(sm_conn, 0, NULL); } } static void sm_save_yourself(SmcConn conn, SmPointer data, int save_type, Bool shutdown, int interact_style, Bool fast) { gchar *filename; FILE *f; GList *it; gboolean success = TRUE; ob_debug("got SAVE YOURSELF from session manager\n"); /* this algo is from metacity */ filename = g_strdup_printf("%d-%d-%u.obs", (int) time(NULL), (int) getpid(), g_random_int()); save_file = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".openbox", "sessions", filename, NULL); g_free(filename); f = fopen(save_file, "w"); if (!f) { success = FALSE; g_warning("unable to save the session to %s: %s", save_file, strerror(errno)); } else { fprintf(f, "\n\n"); fprintf(f, "\n\n", ob_sm_id); for (it = client_list; it; it = g_list_next(it)) { guint num; gint32 *dimensions; gint prex, prey, prew, preh; ObClient *c = it->data; if (!client_normal(c)) continue; prex = c->area.x; prey = c->area.y; prew = c->area.width; preh = c->area.height; if (PROP_GETA32(c->window, openbox_premax, cardinal, (guint32**)&dimensions, &num)) { if (num == 4) { prex = dimensions[0]; prey = dimensions[1]; prew = dimensions[2]; preh = dimensions[3]; } g_free(dimensions); } fprintf(f, "\t\n", g_markup_escape_text("XXX", -1)); fprintf(f, "\t\t%s\n", g_markup_escape_text(c->name, -1)); fprintf(f, "\t\t%s\n", g_markup_escape_text(c->class, -1)); fprintf(f, "\t\t%s\n", g_markup_escape_text(c->role, -1)); fprintf(f, "\t\t%d\n", c->desktop); fprintf(f, "\t\t%d\n", prex); fprintf(f, "\t\t%d\n", prey); fprintf(f, "\t\t%d\n", prew); fprintf(f, "\t\t%d\n", preh); if (c->shaded) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); if (c->iconic) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); if (c->skip_pager) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); if (c->skip_taskbar) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); if (c->fullscreen) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); if (c->above) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); if (c->below) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); if (c->max_horz) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); if (c->max_vert) fprintf(f, "\t\t\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\n\n"); } fprintf(f, "\n"); if (fflush(f)) { success = FALSE; g_warning("error while saving the session to %s: %s", save_file, strerror(errno)); } fclose(f); } save_commands(); SmcSaveYourselfDone(conn, success); } static void sm_die(SmcConn conn, SmPointer data) { ob_exit(); ob_debug("got DIE from session manager\n"); } static void sm_save_complete(SmcConn conn, SmPointer data) { ob_debug("got SAVE COMPLETE from session manager\n"); } static void sm_shutdown_cancelled(SmcConn conn, SmPointer data) { ob_debug("got SHUTDOWN CANCELLED from session manager\n"); } void session_load(char *path) { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr node, n; gchar *sm_id; if (!parse_load(path, "openbox_session", &doc, &node)) return; if (!parse_attr_string("id", node, &sm_id)) return; ob_sm_id = g_strdup(sm_id); node = parse_find_node("window", node->xmlChildrenNode); while (node) { gchar *id, *name, *class, *role; guint desktop; gint x, y, w, h; gboolean shaded, iconic, skip_pager, skip_taskbar, fullscreen; gboolean above, below, max_horz, max_vert; if (!parse_attr_string("id", node, &id)) goto session_load_bail; if (!(n = parse_find_node("name", node->xmlChildrenNode))) goto session_load_bail; name = parse_string(doc, n); if (!(n = parse_find_node("class", node->xmlChildrenNode))) goto session_load_bail; class = parse_string(doc, n); if (!(n = parse_find_node("role", node->xmlChildrenNode))) goto session_load_bail; role = parse_string(doc, n); if (!(n = parse_find_node("desktop", node->xmlChildrenNode))) goto session_load_bail; desktop = parse_int(doc, n); if (!(n = parse_find_node("x", node->xmlChildrenNode))) goto session_load_bail; x = parse_int(doc, n); if (!(n = parse_find_node("y", node->xmlChildrenNode))) goto session_load_bail; y = parse_int(doc, n); if (!(n = parse_find_node("width", node->xmlChildrenNode))) goto session_load_bail; w = parse_int(doc, n); if (!(n = parse_find_node("height", node->xmlChildrenNode))) goto session_load_bail; h = parse_int(doc, n); shaded = parse_find_node("shaded", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; iconic = parse_find_node("iconic", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; skip_pager = parse_find_node("skip_pager", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; skip_taskbar = parse_find_node("skip_taskbar", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; fullscreen = parse_find_node("fullscreen", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; above = parse_find_node("above", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; below = parse_find_node("below", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; max_horz = parse_find_node("max_horz", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; max_vert = parse_find_node("max_vert", node->xmlChildrenNode) != NULL; g_message("read session window %s", name); /* XXX save this */ session_load_bail: node = parse_find_node("window", node->next); } xmlFreeDoc(doc); unlink(path); } #endif