#include "openbox.h" #include "dock.h" #include "xerror.h" #include "prop.h" #include "startup.h" #include "timer.h" #include "config.h" #include "screen.h" #include "client.h" #include "frame.h" #include "focus.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "extensions.h" #include "render/render.h" #ifdef USE_LIBSN # define SN_API_NOT_YET_FROZEN # include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include # include #endif /*! The event mask to grab on the root window */ #define ROOT_EVENTMASK (StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask | \ EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | \ SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | \ ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask) guint screen_num_desktops = 0; guint screen_num_monitors = 0; guint screen_desktop = 0; Size screen_physical_size; gboolean screen_showing_desktop; DesktopLayout screen_desktop_layout; char **screen_desktop_names = NULL; static Rect **area = NULL; /* array of desktop holding array of xinerama areas */ static Rect *monitor_area = NULL; static Window support_window = None; #ifdef USE_LIBSN static SnMonitorContext *sn_context; static int sn_busy_cnt; static Timer *sn_timer = NULL; static void sn_event_func(SnMonitorEvent *event, void *data); #endif static void set_root_cursor(); static gboolean running; static int another_running(Display *d, XErrorEvent *e) { (void)d;(void)e; g_message("A window manager is already running on screen %d", ob_screen); running = TRUE; return -1; } gboolean screen_annex() { XErrorHandler old; pid_t pid; int i, num_support; guint32 *supported; running = FALSE; old = XSetErrorHandler(another_running); XSelectInput(ob_display, ob_root, ROOT_EVENTMASK); XSync(ob_display, FALSE); XSetErrorHandler(old); if (running) return FALSE; g_message("Managing screen %d", ob_screen); set_root_cursor(); /* set the OPENBOX_PID hint */ pid = getpid(); PROP_SET32(ob_root, openbox_pid, cardinal, pid); /* create the netwm support window */ support_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(ob_display, ob_root, 0,0,1,1,0,0,0); /* set supporting window */ PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_supporting_wm_check, window, support_window); /* set properties on the supporting window */ PROP_SETS(support_window, net_wm_name, "Openbox"); PROP_SET32(support_window, net_supporting_wm_check, window,support_window); /* set the _NET_SUPPORTED_ATOMS hint */ num_support = 61; i = 0; supported = g_new(guint32, num_support); supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_current_desktop; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_number_of_desktops; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_desktop_geometry; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_desktop_viewport; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_active_window; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_workarea; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_client_list; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_client_list_stacking; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_desktop_names; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_close_window; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_desktop_layout; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_showing_desktop; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_name; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_visible_name; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_icon_name; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_visible_icon_name; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_desktop; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_strut; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_desktop; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_dock; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_toolbar; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_menu; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_utility; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_splash; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_dialog; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_normal; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_allowed_actions; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_move; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_resize; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_minimize; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_shade; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_maximize_horz; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_maximize_vert; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_fullscreen; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_change_desktop; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_close; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_modal; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_vert; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_horz; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_shaded; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_taskbar; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_pager; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_hidden; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_fullscreen; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_above; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_below; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_moveresize_window; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_topleft; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_top; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_topright; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_right; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomright; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottom; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomleft; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_left; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_keyboard; supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move_keyboard; g_assert(i == num_support); /* supported[] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_stick; */ PROP_SETA32(ob_root, net_supported, atom, supported, num_support); g_free(supported); return TRUE; } void screen_startup() { GSList *it; guint i; /* get the initial size */ screen_resize(); /* set the names */ screen_desktop_names = g_new(char*, g_slist_length(config_desktops_names) + 1); for (i = 0, it = config_desktops_names; it; ++i, it = it->next) screen_desktop_names[i] = it->data; /* dont strdup */ screen_desktop_names[i] = NULL; PROP_SETSS(ob_root, net_desktop_names, screen_desktop_names); g_free(screen_desktop_names); /* dont free the individual strings */ screen_desktop_names = NULL; screen_num_desktops = 0; screen_set_num_desktops(config_desktops_num); if (startup_desktop >= screen_num_desktops) startup_desktop = 0; screen_desktop = startup_desktop; screen_set_desktop(startup_desktop); /* don't start in showing-desktop mode */ screen_showing_desktop = FALSE; PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_showing_desktop, cardinal, screen_showing_desktop); screen_update_layout(); #ifdef USE_LIBSN sn_context = sn_monitor_context_new(ob_sn_display, ob_screen, sn_event_func, NULL, NULL); sn_busy_cnt = 0; #endif } void screen_shutdown() { Rect **r; XSelectInput(ob_display, ob_root, NoEventMask); PROP_ERASE(ob_root, openbox_pid); /* we're not running here no more! */ PROP_ERASE(ob_root, net_supported); /* not without us */ PROP_ERASE(ob_root, net_showing_desktop); /* don't keep this mode */ XDestroyWindow(ob_display, support_window); g_strfreev(screen_desktop_names); for (r = area; *r; ++r) g_free(*r); g_free(area); } void screen_resize() { static int oldw = 0, oldh = 0; int w, h; GList *it; guint32 geometry[2]; w = WidthOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(ob_display, ob_screen)); h = HeightOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(ob_display, ob_screen)); if (w == oldw && h == oldh) return; oldw = w; oldh = h; /* Set the _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY hint */ screen_physical_size.width = geometry[0] = w; screen_physical_size.height = geometry[1] = h; PROP_SETA32(ob_root, net_desktop_geometry, cardinal, geometry, 2); if (ob_state == OB_STATE_STARTING) return; dock_configure(); screen_update_areas(); for (it = client_list; it; it = it->next) client_move_onscreen(it->data); } void screen_set_num_desktops(guint num) { guint i, old; guint32 *viewport; GList *it; g_assert(num > 0); old = screen_num_desktops; screen_num_desktops = num; PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_number_of_desktops, cardinal, num); /* set the viewport hint */ viewport = g_new0(guint32, num * 2); PROP_SETA32(ob_root, net_desktop_viewport, cardinal, viewport, num * 2); g_free(viewport); /* the number of rows/columns will differ */ screen_update_layout(); /* may be some unnamed desktops that we need to fill in with names */ screen_update_desktop_names(); /* update the focus lists */ /* free our lists for the desktops which have disappeared */ for (i = num; i < old; ++i) g_list_free(focus_order[i]); /* realloc the array */ focus_order = g_renew(GList*, focus_order, num); /* set the new lists to be empty */ for (i = old; i < num; ++i) focus_order[i] = NULL; /* move windows on desktops that will no longer exist! */ for (it = client_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) { ObClient *c = it->data; if (c->desktop >= num && c->desktop != DESKTOP_ALL) client_set_desktop(c, num - 1, FALSE); } /* change our struts/area to match (after moving windows) */ screen_update_areas(); dispatch_ob(Event_Ob_NumDesktops, num, old); /* change our desktop if we're on one that no longer exists! */ if (screen_desktop >= screen_num_desktops) screen_set_desktop(num - 1); } void screen_set_desktop(guint num) { GList *it; guint old; XEvent e; g_assert(num < screen_num_desktops); old = screen_desktop; screen_desktop = num; PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_current_desktop, cardinal, num); if (old == num) return; g_message("Moving to desktop %d", num+1); /* show windows before hiding the rest to lessen the enter/leave events */ /* show windows from top to bottom */ for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) { if (WINDOW_IS_CLIENT(it->data)) { ObClient *c = it->data; if (!c->frame->visible && client_should_show(c)) frame_show(c->frame); } } /* hide windows from bottom to top */ for (it = g_list_last(stacking_list); it != NULL; it = it->prev) { if (WINDOW_IS_CLIENT(it->data)) { ObClient *c = it->data; if (c->frame->visible && !client_should_show(c)) frame_hide(c->frame); } } /* focus the last focused window on the desktop, and ignore enter events from the switch so it doesnt mess with the focus */ while (XCheckTypedEvent(ob_display, EnterNotify, &e)); g_message("switch fallback"); focus_fallback(Fallback_Desktop); g_message("/switch fallback"); dispatch_ob(Event_Ob_Desktop, num, old); } void screen_update_layout() { ObOrientation orient; ObCorner corner; guint rows; guint cols; guint32 *data; guint num; gboolean valid = FALSE; if (PROP_GETA32(ob_root, net_desktop_layout, cardinal, &data, &num)) { if (num == 3 || num == 4) { if (data[0] == prop_atoms.net_wm_orientation_vert) orient = OB_ORIENTATION_VERT; else if (data[0] == prop_atoms.net_wm_orientation_horz) orient = OB_ORIENTATION_HORZ; else goto screen_update_layout_bail; if (num < 4) corner = OB_CORNER_TOPLEFT; else { if (data[3] == prop_atoms.net_wm_topright) corner = OB_CORNER_TOPRIGHT; else if (data[3] == prop_atoms.net_wm_bottomright) corner = OB_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT; else if (data[3] == prop_atoms.net_wm_bottomleft) corner = OB_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT; else goto screen_update_layout_bail; } /* fill in a zero rows/columns */ if ((data[1] == 0 && data[2] == 0) || /* both 0's is bad data.. */ (data[1] != 0 && data[2] != 0)) { /* no 0's is bad data.. */ goto screen_update_layout_bail; } else { if (data[1] == 0) { data[1] = (screen_num_desktops + screen_num_desktops % data[2]) / data[2]; } else if (data[2] == 0) { data[2] = (screen_num_desktops + screen_num_desktops % data[1]) / data[1]; } cols = data[1]; rows = data[2]; } /* bounds checking */ if (orient == OB_ORIENTATION_HORZ) { rows = MIN(rows, screen_num_desktops); cols = MIN(cols, ((screen_num_desktops + (screen_num_desktops % rows)) / rows)); } else { cols = MIN(cols, screen_num_desktops); rows = MIN(rows, ((screen_num_desktops + (screen_num_desktops % cols)) / cols)); } valid = TRUE; } screen_update_layout_bail: g_free(data); } if (!valid) { /* defaults */ orient = OB_ORIENTATION_HORZ; corner = OB_CORNER_TOPLEFT; rows = 1; cols = screen_num_desktops; } screen_desktop_layout.orientation = orient; screen_desktop_layout.start_corner = corner; screen_desktop_layout.rows = rows; screen_desktop_layout.columns = cols; } void screen_update_desktop_names() { guint i; /* empty the array */ g_strfreev(screen_desktop_names); screen_desktop_names = NULL; if (PROP_GETSS(ob_root, net_desktop_names, utf8, &screen_desktop_names)) for (i = 0; screen_desktop_names[i] && i <= screen_num_desktops; ++i); else i = 0; if (i <= screen_num_desktops) { screen_desktop_names = g_renew(char*, screen_desktop_names, screen_num_desktops + 1); screen_desktop_names[screen_num_desktops] = NULL; for (; i < screen_num_desktops; ++i) screen_desktop_names[i] = g_strdup("Unnamed Desktop"); } } void screen_show_desktop(gboolean show) { GList *it; if (show == screen_showing_desktop) return; /* no change */ screen_showing_desktop = show; if (show) { /* bottom to top */ for (it = g_list_last(stacking_list); it != NULL; it = it->prev) { if (WINDOW_IS_CLIENT(it->data)) { ObClient *client = it->data; if (client->frame->visible && !client_should_show(client)) frame_hide(client->frame); } } } else { /* top to bottom */ for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) { if (WINDOW_IS_CLIENT(it->data)) { ObClient *client = it->data; if (!client->frame->visible && client_should_show(client)) frame_show(client->frame); } } } if (show) { /* focus desktop */ for (it = focus_order[screen_desktop]; it; it = it->next) if (((ObClient*)it->data)->type == OB_CLIENT_TYPE_DESKTOP && client_focus(it->data)) break; } else { focus_fallback(Fallback_NoFocus); } show = !!show; /* make it boolean */ PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_showing_desktop, cardinal, show); dispatch_ob(Event_Ob_ShowDesktop, show, 0); } void screen_install_colormap(ObClient *client, gboolean install) { XWindowAttributes wa; if (client == NULL) { if (install) XInstallColormap(RrDisplay(ob_rr_inst), RrColormap(ob_rr_inst)); else XUninstallColormap(RrDisplay(ob_rr_inst), RrColormap(ob_rr_inst)); } else { if (XGetWindowAttributes(ob_display, client->window, &wa) && wa.colormap != None) { xerror_set_ignore(TRUE); if (install) XInstallColormap(RrDisplay(ob_rr_inst), wa.colormap); else XUninstallColormap(RrDisplay(ob_rr_inst), wa.colormap); xerror_set_ignore(FALSE); } } } void screen_update_areas() { guint i, x; guint32 *dims; Rect **old_area = area; Rect **rit; GList *it; g_free(monitor_area); extensions_xinerama_screens(&monitor_area, &screen_num_monitors); if (area) { for (i = 0; area[i]; ++i) g_free(area[i]); g_free(area); } area = g_new(Rect*, screen_num_desktops + 2); for (i = 0; i < screen_num_desktops + 1; ++i) area[i] = g_new(Rect, screen_num_monitors + 1); area[i] = NULL; dims = g_new(guint32, 4 * screen_num_desktops); rit = old_area; for (i = 0; i < screen_num_desktops + 1; ++i) { Strut s; int l, r, t, b; /* calc the xinerama areas */ for (x = 0; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) { area[i][x] = monitor_area[x]; if (x == 0) { l = monitor_area[x].x; t = monitor_area[x].y; r = monitor_area[x].x + monitor_area[x].width - 1; b = monitor_area[x].y + monitor_area[x].height - 1; } else { l = MIN(l, monitor_area[x].x); t = MIN(t, monitor_area[x].y); r = MAX(r, monitor_area[x].x + monitor_area[x].width - 1); b = MAX(b, monitor_area[x].y + monitor_area[x].height - 1); } } RECT_SET(area[i][x], l, t, r - l + 1, b - t + 1); /* apply struts */ STRUT_SET(s, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (it = client_list; it; it = it->next) STRUT_ADD(s, ((ObClient*)it->data)->strut); STRUT_ADD(s, dock_strut); if (s.left) { int o; /* find the left-most xin heads, i do this in 2 loops :| */ o = area[i][0].x; for (x = 1; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) o = MIN(o, area[i][x].x); for (x = 0; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) { int edge = o + s.left - area[i][x].x; if (edge > 0) { area[i][x].x += edge; area[i][x].width -= edge; } } area[i][screen_num_monitors].x += s.left; area[i][screen_num_monitors].width -= s.left; } if (s.top) { int o; /* find the left-most xin heads, i do this in 2 loops :| */ o = area[i][0].y; for (x = 1; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) o = MIN(o, area[i][x].y); for (x = 0; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) { int edge = o + s.top - area[i][x].y; if (edge > 0) { area[i][x].y += edge; area[i][x].height -= edge; } } area[i][screen_num_monitors].y += s.top; area[i][screen_num_monitors].height -= s.top; } if (s.right) { int o; /* find the bottom-most xin heads, i do this in 2 loops :| */ o = area[i][0].x + area[i][0].width - 1; for (x = 1; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) o = MAX(o, area[i][x].x + area[i][x].width - 1); for (x = 0; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) { int edge = (area[i][x].x + area[i][x].width - 1) - (o - s.right); if (edge > 0) area[i][x].width -= edge; } area[i][screen_num_monitors].width -= s.right; } if (s.bottom) { int o; /* find the bottom-most xin heads, i do this in 2 loops :| */ o = area[i][0].y + area[i][0].height - 1; for (x = 1; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) o = MAX(o, area[i][x].y + area[i][x].height - 1); for (x = 0; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) { int edge = (area[i][x].y + area[i][x].height - 1) - (o - s.bottom); if (edge > 0) area[i][x].height -= edge; } area[i][screen_num_monitors].height -= s.bottom; } /* XXX when dealing with partial struts, if its in a single xinerama area, then only subtract it from that area's space for (x = 0; x < screen_num_monitors; ++x) { GList *it; do something smart with it for the 'all xinerama areas' one... for (it = client_list; it; it = it->next) { XXX if gunna test this shit, then gotta worry about when the client moves between xinerama heads.. if (RECT_CONTAINS_RECT(((ObClient*)it->data)->frame->area, area[i][x])) { } } } */ /* XXX optimize when this is run? */ /* the area has changed, adjust all the maximized windows */ for (it = client_list; it; it = it->next) { ObClient *c = it->data; if (i < screen_num_desktops) { if (c->desktop == i) client_reconfigure(c); } else if (c->desktop == DESKTOP_ALL) client_reconfigure(c); } if (i < screen_num_desktops) { /* don't set these for the 'all desktops' area */ dims[(i * 4) + 0] = area[i][screen_num_monitors].x; dims[(i * 4) + 1] = area[i][screen_num_monitors].y; dims[(i * 4) + 2] = area[i][screen_num_monitors].width; dims[(i * 4) + 3] = area[i][screen_num_monitors].height; } } PROP_SETA32(ob_root, net_workarea, cardinal, dims, 4 * screen_num_desktops); g_free(dims); } Rect *screen_area(guint desktop) { return screen_area_monitor(desktop, screen_num_monitors); } Rect *screen_area_monitor(guint desktop, guint head) { if (head > screen_num_monitors) return NULL; if (desktop >= screen_num_desktops) { if (desktop == DESKTOP_ALL) return &area[screen_num_desktops][head]; return NULL; } return &area[desktop][head]; } Rect *screen_physical_area() { return screen_physical_area_monitor(screen_num_monitors); } Rect *screen_physical_area_monitor(guint head) { if (head > screen_num_monitors) return NULL; return &monitor_area[head]; } static void set_root_cursor() { #ifdef USE_LIBSN if (sn_busy_cnt) XDefineCursor(ob_display, ob_root, ob_cursor(OB_CURSOR_BUSY)); else #endif XDefineCursor(ob_display, ob_root, ob_cursor(OB_CURSOR_POINTER)); } #ifdef USE_LIBSN static void sn_timeout(void *data) { timer_stop(sn_timer); sn_timer = NULL; sn_busy_cnt = 0; set_root_cursor(); } static void sn_event_func(SnMonitorEvent *ev, void *data) { SnStartupSequence *seq; const char *seq_id, *bin_name; int cnt = sn_busy_cnt; if (!(seq = sn_monitor_event_get_startup_sequence(ev))) return; seq_id = sn_startup_sequence_get_id(seq); bin_name = sn_startup_sequence_get_binary_name(seq); if (!(seq_id && bin_name)) return; switch (sn_monitor_event_get_type(ev)) { case SN_MONITOR_EVENT_INITIATED: ++sn_busy_cnt; if (sn_timer) timer_stop(sn_timer); /* 30 second timeout for apps to start */ sn_timer = timer_start(30 * 1000000, sn_timeout, NULL); break; case SN_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED: break; case SN_MONITOR_EVENT_COMPLETED: if (sn_busy_cnt) --sn_busy_cnt; if (sn_timer) { timer_stop(sn_timer); sn_timer = NULL; } break; case SN_MONITOR_EVENT_CANCELED: if (sn_busy_cnt) --sn_busy_cnt; if (sn_timer) { timer_stop(sn_timer); sn_timer = NULL; } }; if (sn_busy_cnt != cnt) set_root_cursor(); } #endif