#ifndef __menu_h #define __menu_h #include "action.h" #include "render/render.h" #include extern GHashTable *menu_map; typedef struct Menu { char *label; char *name; GList *entries; /* GList *tail; */ /* ? */ gboolean shown; gboolean invalid; gpointer render_data; /* where the engine can store anything it likes */ struct Menu *parent; /* waste o' pointers */ void (*show)( /* some bummu */); void (*hide)( /* some bummu */); void (*update)( /* some bummu */); void (*mouseover)( /* some bummu */); void (*selected)( /* some bummu */); } Menu; typedef struct MenuRenderData { Window frame; Window title; Appearance *a_title; int title_min_w, title_h; Window items; Appearance *a_items; int item_h; } MenuRenderData; typedef enum MenuEntryRenderType { MenuEntryRenderType_None = 0, MenuEntryRenderType_Submenu = 1 << 0, MenuEntryRenderType_Boolean = 1 << 1, MenuEntryRenderType_Separator = 1 << 2, MenuEntryRenderType_Other = 1 << 7 } MenuEntryRenderType; typedef struct { char *label; Menu *parent; Action *action; MenuEntryRenderType render_type; gboolean enabled; gboolean boolean_value; gpointer render_data; /* where the engine can store anything it likes */ Menu *submenu; } MenuEntry; typedef struct MenuEntryRenderData { Window item; Appearance *a_item; int min_w; } MenuEntryRenderData; void menu_startup(); void menu_shutdown(); Menu *menu_new(char *label, char *name, Menu *parent); void menu_free(char *name); void menu_show(char *name, int x, int y, Client *client); MenuEntry *menu_entry_new_full(char *label, Action *action, MenuEntryRenderType render_type, gpointer submenu); #define menu_entry_new(label, action) \ menu_entry_new_full(label, action, MenuEntryRenderType_None, NULL) void menu_entry_free(MenuEntry *entry); void menu_entry_set_submenu(MenuEntry *entry, Menu *submenu); void menu_add_entry(Menu *menu, MenuEntry *entry); #endif